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1. Mention experiences and successes as they relate to the job STAR

- situation, task, action, and result
2. Consider how your current job relates to the job for which you're
3. Focus on strengths and abilities supported with examples
4. Highlight your personality
5. Format your response
• Present, past and future
• Past, present and future
Why do you want to become a police

Being a police is my biggest dream i wanted to fulfill in life.

It's not just a dream but it is my passion to work with
honesty and serve my country ,it may not easy but with
determination and hard work I know my dream is possible.

How do you feel about going to work eachday?

Everyday is always a different story, Meeting different

people everyday.
What is your greatest contribution in the organization?

Every great things begin from small thing, and being a law
abiding person who has the passion to work and serve the
country is my biggest contribution.

Why you choose PNP?

Aside from stable job, I wanted to become a police because

of my loyalty, honesty, dedication and love the work of being
A police, I love and enjoy of serving the public my heart
belongs to the this organization

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