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Title: Climate Change Impacts on the Current Heatwave in Nigeria: A Review


The current heatwave in Nigeria is emblematic of the profound impacts of climate change on vulnerable
regions. This abstract examines the intricate relationship between climate change and the escalating
frequency and intensity of heatwaves in Nigeria. The study draws on a synthesis of existing literature,
meteorological data, and expert analysis to elucidate the multifaceted implications of this phenomenon.

Nigeria, like many parts of the world, is experiencing more frequent and severe heatwaves as a result of
global warming. Rising temperatures, exacerbated by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, have led
to prolonged periods of extreme heat, posing significant challenges to public health, agriculture, and

The socio-economic consequences of the current heatwave are profound, disproportionately affecting
vulnerable communities with limited access to adaptive resources. High temperatures exacerbate heat-
related illnesses, strain energy systems, and jeopardize food security by disrupting agricultural
productivity. Furthermore, the urban heat island effect intensifies heat stress in densely populated
areas, exacerbating social inequalities.

Addressing the challenges posed by the current heatwave necessitates a multifaceted approach
encompassing mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building measures. Urgent action is required to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance adaptive capacities, and foster sustainable development
pathways. Concerted efforts at the local, national, and international levels are imperative to mitigate the
impacts of climate change and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable populations in Nigeria and

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