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Environmental issues affecting the retail

industry in Vietnam
Energy has huge environmental impacts on the retail industry, based on the Depletion of
some existing natural resources and extant shortages of others have had a major impact on
society, the economy, and general marketing practice. Additionally, many businesses have
faced such energy-related difficulties as forced closings, shortened hours of operations,
stalled deliveries, higher costs, and general customer and employee discomfort and
inconvenience (Mills, 1984). Energy efficiency and renewable energy can significantly reduce
these impacts and also help retailers save money. For retailers, energy can have a significant
impact on the environment. These are both direct impacts dealing with the level of energy
consumption and indirect impacts associated with the carbon footprints generated from
energy consumption. One of the biggest direct energy impacts is associated with lighting,
where switching from florescent to LED lighting can have a significant impact. By
understanding the importance of the energy issue and approach to a more sustainable way to
reduce the energy wastes.

Supply chain risk:

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has affected the global logistics market on every level. The
effects of the pandemic on warehouse capacity and container availability had just recently
started fading when the Russia-Ukraine war started impacting the retail industry. The surging
oil and gas prices coupled with the geopolitical risks arising from the conflict are bound to
cripple global supply chains, especially in the energy-intensive logistics sectors. Several
ports shut down due to the war, leading to rise in ocean shipping costs. Ships had to be
rerouted causing congestion and leading to delays in cargo flows which worsened the global
supply chain condition. In a nutshell, the Russo-Ukrainian war has struck a critical damage to
the global supply chain.

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