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In SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM), a Warehouse Number (WHN) is

indeed considered an organizational unit. Let's delve a bit deeper into how WHNs
function as organizational units within EWM:

1. Organizing Warehouses: One of the primary purposes of Warehouse

Numbers (WHNs) is to organize and categorize warehouses within the EWM
system. Each WHN represents a distinct physical warehouse or storage facility
where goods are stored, managed, and processed.
2. Specific Roles: WHNs can be assigned specific roles or functions based on
business requirements. For example, a WHN may be designated for inbound
operations (receiving goods), outbound operations (shipping goods), storage
of hazardous materials, high-security storage, etc.
3. Locations: WHNs also help in organizing warehouses based on their
geographical locations. This is particularly important in global supply chains
where warehouses may be spread across different regions or countries. Each
WHN can be associated with a specific address, helping to manage logistics
and shipping more efficiently.
4. Business Functions: Different WHNs can be used to represent different
business functions or divisions within a company. For instance, a company
may have separate WHNs for its retail distribution centers, manufacturing
warehouses, spare parts depots, and so on.
5. Access Control: The organizational structure based on WHNs allows for
granular access control and permissions within EWM. Users can be assigned
roles and authorizations specific to certain WHNs, ensuring that they only
have access to the warehouses and operations relevant to their
6. Reporting and Analysis: Organizing warehouses into distinct WHNs
facilitates reporting and analysis at the warehouse level. Key performance
indicators (KPIs), metrics, and operational data can be analyzed separately for
each WHN, providing insights into warehouse efficiency, inventory accuracy,
throughput, and other factors.
7. Integration with Other Modules: WHNs play a crucial role in integrating
EWM with other SAP modules such as Materials Management (MM), Sales and
Distribution (SD), and Production Planning (PP). The organizational structure
based on WHNs enables seamless data flow and process integration across
the supply chain.

Overall, Warehouse Numbers (WHNs) serve as essential organizational units in SAP

EWM, helping businesses effectively manage and control their warehouse operations,
resources, and logistics processes.

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