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A. Active Voice

Tells us what a person or thing does.

The subject performs the action (Verb) on the object.

Subject + Verb + Object


• Anna painted the house.

• The teacher always answers the student's questions.

• Ali posted the video online.

You sent

B. Passive Voice

Tells us what is done to someone or something.

The subject is being acted upon.

Object + Verb + Subject


• The house was painted by Anna.

• The student's questions are answered by the teacher.

• The video was posted online by


MISPLACED AND DANGLING MODIFIERS This is the most common way to photograph a subject.
After all, it is typically the way we regard most subjects in
Some of the sentences below could be corrected in our day-to-day lives, especially other people.
several different ways. Most just require a proper
subject to catch the modifier.

1. Looking up, the clouds turned dark.

- Looking up, I noticed the clouds turned dark.
2. Kurt found a golden man’s watch on the floor.
- Kurt found a man’s golden watch on the floor.
3. The shredded student’s book sat next to his dog.
- The student’s shredded book sat next to his dog. WORM’S-EYE VIEW
4. Having helped clean, the car headed home.
Photographing from below is sometimes referred to as a
- Having helped clean, the man headed home in his
“worm’s-eye view” as if you were a worm looking up at
the world around you. As you can imagine, this makes all
5. To check his writing, each sentence was
subjects look very large, even if they are very small in
- To check his writing, he spellchecked each sentence.
6. To satisfy her parents, the violin was to be practiced
- To satisfy her parents, she practiced her violin daily.
7. I saw two bears on the way to the store.
- On my way to the store, I saw two bears.
8. Chester bought a car from a vehicle salesperson with
a loud engine.
- Chester bought a car with a loud engine from a
vehicle salesperson.


Bird’s-eye View

When photographing a subject from above, it is known

as a “bird’s-eye view”. This could be taken from up in the
sky, such as when flying in a plane, or could simply be
taken by standing on a ladder, slightly above your subject.

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