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Having a good friend is incredibly valuable, and there are many qualities that make a
friend truly special. I guess that all people who want to have friends should have these

For me, Understanding is crucial in a friend cuz it means they can relate to and
understand your feelings, experiences etc., and share helpful thoughts with you.

The next quality is also major is

Honesty is necessary in a friend because it helps you trust each other and have a
genuine relationship. Honest friends give you straight-up advice and opinions.

Supportive friends cheer you on when things go well, they are always there for you,
giving you support and help when you need it.

A loyal friend stays with you no matter what. In my view loyalty is so important in a
friend the reason for it shows that they are dedicated and trustworthy.
A trustworthy friend is reliable and keeps things private, which is really necessary.

It is essential that a person is a good listener. Is someone who pays close attention to
what you say and understands your thoughts and worries without being critical.
Feedback from a friend is really paramount.

Openness is important in a friend as it means they can be honest and share their
thoughts and feelings, which helps create a stronger bond.

For me, friends are people who spent a lot of time with me and went through a lot with
Therefore, I'm sure that my closest friends have these qualities. I consider that I have
this qualities, I am ready to do everything for a friend, so that the person feels
comfortable with me.

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