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Lay the Foundation:

1. Learn Proper Hand Placement: This is the cornerstone of touch typing.

Familiarize yourself with the home row (the middle row of keys where your
fingers rest) and practice placing your fingers correctly. Many online resources
and keyboard apps offer hand placement exercises.

2. Practice Touch Typing: Don't rely on looking at the keyboard. Muscle memory
is key. Many websites and apps offer free typing lessons and exercises that
progressively increase difficulty.

Improve Technique:

1. Maintain Good Posture: Sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed and wrists
straight. This helps avoid fatigue and potential strain injuries.

2. Focus on Accuracy First: While speed is desirable, prioritize accuracy initially.

Building a solid foundation of correct keystrokes will lead to faster typing in the
long run.

3. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, typing fluency improves with consistent
practice. Dedicate even 15-20 minutes a day to typing exercises or drills.

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