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Starter listening test

A. Pre A1 Starter (Sample 1, vol 1)

1)Who is the boy with the cat?
A. Pat
B. Lucy
C. Nick
2)How many cats does Pat hold?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
3)Does Pat love animals?
A. Yes
B. No
4)Who is behind a pear tree? (pear tree:Cây lê)
B. Jill
C. Lucy
D. Amy
5)What Jill has in her hand?
A. Pencil
B. Bread
C. Book
6) Is Jill giving bread to the duck?
A. Yes
B. No
7)Is Jill love ducks?
A. Yes
B. No
8)Who is wearing red T-shirt?
A. Dan
B. John
C. Jack
9)Who is reading?
A. Ann
B. Jenny
C. Amy
10) Who is on the bike?
A. John
B. Nick
C. Ken
A: Here is a photo of me and my friend in the
park, Miss Box
B: Oh yes, who is that (who’s that)? The boy
with the cats
A: His name’s Pat. He is holding one cat in his
arms. Pat loves animals
B: That’s good.
B:There is a girl here too. She is behind the
pear tree
A: Yes. She is funny. Her name is Lucy
B: And what is Lucy doing behind that tree?
A: Sorry, I don’t know. Playing a game?
A: And there is Jill. She got some bread in her
B: Is she giving it to the ducks
A: Yes. Jill loves ducks
B: Me too
B: That is a great kite
A: Yes. That is Dan’s kite
B: Is Dan the boy with a red T-shirt?
A: Yes, that’s right.
B: One person is reading. What is her name?
A: The girl with the book?
B: Yes
A: That is my friend Ann. Reading is Ann
favourite hobbie
B: And what that boy name? The boy on the
A: That is Nick. Nick on my class at school
B: Oh, he got a nice bike
A: I know. It’s new, he loves it
BÀI – 3
My flower garden
My name is Anne. I love flowers. I have a flower
garden. My garden is in front of my house. My
neighbor has a garden too. My garden has different
type of flowers. I have roses in my garden. I have tulips
in my garden. I have Petunias in my garden. My garden
has different colors. I plant red flowers. I plant orange
flowers. I plant blue flowers. I plant purple flowers. I
take care of my garden. I water my garden everyday. I
kill the weeds in my garden. I kill insect that eat my
flowers. I love my beautiful garden.

Bài 5 – My house
I live in a house. My house is small. My house has 2
bedrooms. My mom and dad sleep in 1 bedroom. My
sister and I share the other bedroom. My house has a
kitchen. My mom and dad cook dinner there every
night. My house has a living room. My family watches
television there every night. My house has a big
bathroom. My house has a lot of closets. My house has
a basement. My dad has a workshop in the basement.
My dad makes wood furniture. My house does not
have a second floor. My house has a garage. My house
has a big backyard. My backyard has a maple tree. My
backyard has a swimming pool. My backyard has a
vegetable garden. My family likes our house.
Bài 6: My first pet
My name is Sarah. I’m 14 years old. I have a pet cat.
My cat’s name is Milo. My cat is black and white. Milo’s
paws are white. Milo’s body is black. She is very cute.
Milo’s fur is very soft. Milo was a very small kitten. Milo
is a very big cat. Milo can not have kitten. She is fixed.
Milo likes to eat. Milo likes to play outside. Milo likes to
hunt for birds. Milo likes to hunt for mice. She likes her
ear scratched. Milo likes to sit in my lap. Milo likes to
sleep on my bed. Milo is a good pet.
Lesson 28: International students
We have many international students at my school. Some of the students come from England. They speak
English, but they have an accent that is different from a Canadian accent. Many students are from Japan.
They are learning our language and our customs. We have students from Germany, Italy, China, Korea and
Iran. We try to make those students feel welcome here. The students like to see what is here. They go
sightseeing. They visit all the places that the tourists like to go to. Niagara Falls and Toronto are interesting
places to visit. The students practice their English by talking to Canadians. When they first get here, we
show them around. They do many exercises to learn the language. They listen to English songs. They read
story books that are written in English. They listen to English language tapes. The best way to learn the
language is to talk to other people. It is good to ask questions in English. Canadians try to be helpful to
international students. Some of the international students live with host families. The host families have the
students living in their homes. It is a good way for the host families and the students to make friends.
Many of the international students stay in contact with their friends and host families even after they have
gone back to their homelands. The international students learn a lot from their host families because they
eat Canadian foods, and they learn what it is like to live in a Canadian household.

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