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Digital Detox Apps:

Develop smartphone applications that encourage users to take scheduled breaks from their
devices. These apps can provide reminders to step away from screens, engage in physical
activities, or spend quality time with others.

2. Screen Time Tracking and Limiting Features:

Enhance existing screen time tracking features on devices to include customizable limits. Users
can set daily or weekly limits for specific apps, and once reached, the app could prompt users to
take a break or switch to offline activities.

3. Mindful Notifications:

Create a notification system that prioritizes essential alerts and delays non-urgent notifications
during designated focus periods. This ensures that users receive critical information without
being constantly interrupted.

4. Digital Well-being Workshops:

Implement educational programs or workshops in schools and workplaces to raise awareness

about the impact of excessive screen time. Provide practical tips and strategies for maintaining a
healthy balance between digital and offline activities.

5. Offline Challenge Apps:

Develop apps that encourage users to participate in offline challenges, such as spending a
certain amount of time without using social media or engaging in outdoor activities. Users can
track their progress and receive rewards for completing challenges.
6. Smartphone-Free Zones:

Advocate for the creation of smartphone-free zones in public spaces, such as parks, cafes, or
community centres. This encourages individuals to disconnect from their devices and engage in
face-to-face interactions.

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