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Justin: Good day, Everyone! Most Especially to our beloved professor, Ms. Ruby Castro.

Today our
group will present to you about the Global Warming. What are the cause and effects? Why is it
significant to talk about this and how can we contribute to reduce this. But before that let me
introduce our group. I am Justin Jayron Lacsinto, This is Jumil Balsamo, Jefflyn Dana, David Paet,
Jeremy Aguilando and John Michael Delos Ama.

Here are the objectives today. First is the Background or context of the issue, Relevance of the issue
to the youth, Presentation of the Editorial Cartooning, Explanation about the cartoon and Synthesis of
the group.

Aguilando: First and foremost,let us discuss first what is global warming? Global warming is the
prolonged increase in Earth's average surface temperature caused by human activities, mainly the
release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The Earth's temperature is regulated by a natural
greenhouse effect, where certain gases trap heat. However, human actions like burning fossil fuels,
deforestation, and industrial processes have significantly raised the levels of these gases, intensifying
the greenhouse effect and leading to planetary warming. The repercussions of global warming
encompass rising sea levels, more frequent and intense heatwaves, alterations in precipitation
patterns, extreme weather events, and disturbances to ecosystems. These effects can profoundly
impact the environment, biodiversity, human health, agriculture, and global economies. Efforts to
combat global warming center around reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable
energy sources, and adopting sustainable practices. International agreements, exemplified by the
Paris Agreement, seek global collaboration to limit temperature increases and adapt to the evolving

Dana: Now let us move on to the cause and effects. Let’s start with the cause. Global warming is
primarily caused by human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The major
contributors include the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, livestock farming,
and the use of synthetic chemicals. These activities elevate the concentration of greenhouse gases,
leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and trapping more heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This
results in rising average surface temperatures, climate changes, and various environmental impacts.
Driven by human activities, leads to a multitude of significant effects. These include rising sea levels
due to melting ice, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, ocean acidification
from absorbed carbon dioxide, shifts in ecosystems and biodiversity, threats to agriculture and food
security, impacts on human health, social and economic disparities, disruption of water resources,
and loss of biodiversity.

Jayron: The importance of global warming for the younger generation stems from its direct impact on
their future. As the cohort that will experience the enduring effects of climate change, young people
are increasingly acknowledging the urgency of addressing global warming. This recognition has
sparked a surge in youth-led climate activism, with movements like Fridays for Future and influential
young advocates, such as Greta Thunberg, advocating for decisive action. Furthermore, global
warming serves as a focal point for youth engagement in environmental education and awareness
initiatives. Many young individuals actively seek knowledge about the scientific aspects of climate
change, its extensive impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and human societies, as well as potential
solutions. Youth also play a vital role in fostering innovation and promoting sustainable practices.
From developing renewable energy technologies to embracing eco-friendly lifestyles, young
entrepreneurs and activists are contributing fresh perspectives and practical solutions to mitigate the
impacts of global warming. In summary, the significance of global warming for the youth extends
beyond environmental concerns; it involves their active participation in shaping policies, influencing
public opinion, and driving concrete changes toward a more sustainable and resilient future.

Paet: Here’s the editorial cartooning that we think the generation should now see. As we all know,
global warming concerns every generation, and each has a distinctive role in fostering a sustainable
and resilient planet. It requires a multi-generational approach, with each age group contributing its
unique strengths and perspectives to create a world that prioritizes environmental
stewardship.However, we could see inside of the earth those things that prohibits this action.
Balsamo: These are the three words that we think we should focusing right now. First is the
inequality. Inequality when it comes to distribution of right amount of care to our plants and trees
that makes food for us and lessen the green house gases. Second is the Poverty, as we look into the
outside there are still people who are in this line and it is because there are wealthy people who
manage some of their lands for example the farmers. They have been in this position because of this
wealthy people who don’t care with their lives, they build home onto that land and because of this
the amount of trees that will help us to mitigate this problem will reduce. Last is the injustice. One
injustice of global warming is that vulnerable communities, often least responsible for greenhouse gas
emissions, bear the brunt of its impacts, facing disproportionate challenges in adapting to and
recovering from climate-related disasters.

DELOS AMA: To address global warming, individuals and communities have several options. These
include minimizing carbon footprints through energy-efficient habits, endorsing sustainable
transportation, advocating for renewable energy, adopting eco-friendly consumption practices,
participating in afforestation and conservation endeavors, supporting climate policies, educating
others about climate change, conserving water and resources, implementing climate-friendly
practices in agriculture, and engaging in community-based initiatives. Collaborative efforts, both on an
individual and societal scale, are essential for alleviating the effects of global warming and building a
more sustainable future.

Jayron: and keeps in our minds that we are the steward of this earth and we should do what is the
best for our mother earth. Let’s involve so everthing can be resolved. Thank you for listening.

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