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Johana Jakubíková

Lenka Dominová
American Literature, 2D


Segregation means the separation of people according to certain traits, e.g., race. Racial
segregation can be also connected with one superior race, as it was happening in the USA the previous
century - white people were considered as first-class while colored people as inferior. Although they
lived in the same localities, the public places, such as schools, hospitals, buses, theaters, restaurants,
and churches were separated. They were also prohibited from voting and contracting interracial
marriages. Although slavery was not legal anymore, white people did not see the colored as equal and
expected their obedience. They had more freedom than before, but it still was limited and regulated by
the white.

“Separate but equal” is a doctrine which was implemented to legalize the segregation, so the
citizens would be separated while the basic rights were not violated.

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