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1. I am happy. - I'm ecstatic.

2. It's hot outside. - It's scorching.

3. I am tired. - I'm exhausted.
4. I have to go. - I must depart.
5. It's cold in here. - It's freezing.
6. I am sorry. - I apologize.
7. I am afraid. - I'm terrified.
8. Can I have some water? - Could I have a glass of water, please?
9. I don't understand. - I'm not comprehending.
10. Thank you. - I'm grateful.
11. I am bored. - I'm utterly bored.
12. How are you? - How are you faring?
13. Where is the bathroom? - Where's the restroom located?
14. I am lost. - I'm disoriented.
15. Can you help me? - Could you lend me a hand?
16. I am sick. - I'm feeling unwell.
17. What's your name? - May I inquire about your name?
18. I am busy. - I'm swamped.
19. I am late. - I'm running behind schedule.
20. I'm scared. - I'm petrified.

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