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Test 1: Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good headline?

A) Clarity

B) Lengthiness

C) Attractiveness

D) Accuracy

2. What is the purpose of a subheadline?

A) To summarize the main point of the article

B) To provide background information

C) To introduce the writer

D) To give a catchy title

3. Which of the following is a common guideline for writing headlines?

A) Use long, complex words

B) Avoid using numbers

C) Be specific and clear

D) Use excessive punctuation

4. What should you do if a headline uses an acronym?

A) Explain the acronym in the article body

B) Assume readers know the acronym

C) Avoid using acronyms in headlines

D) Use the acronym without explanation

5. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of copyediting?

A) Checking for grammar and spelling errors

B) Ensuring consistency in style and formatting

C) Rewriting the entire article

D) Improving readability

6. What is the purpose of a deck in an article?

A) To provide a list of sources

B) To introduce the main idea of the article

C) To give a brief summary of the article

D) To list the main points of the article

7. When copyediting, what does it mean to "kill your darlings"?

A) Remove unnecessary or overly fancy words

B) Remove all adjectives and adverbs

C) Rewrite the entire article

D) Add more personal anecdotes

8. What should a copyeditor do if they find a factual error in an article?

A) Ignore it, as long as the error is small

B) Correct it and inform the writer

C) Change the entire focus of the article

D) Add more errors to balance it out

9. Which of the following is a common practice for headline capitalization?

A) Capitalize all words except articles and prepositions

B) Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns

C) Capitalize every word in the headline

D) Do not use any capitalization in headlines

10. What should a copyeditor check for when reviewing a headline?

A) Spelling errors
B) Clarity and accuracy

C) Length

D) All of the above

Test 2: True or False

1. A headline should always be written in the present tense.

2. The main headline is usually larger and more prominent than the subheadline.
3. It is acceptable to use jargon and technical terms in a headline without explanation.
4. A good headline is often a complete sentence.
5. The purpose of a subheadline is to provide additional information beyond the main headline.
6. Copyediting involves fact-checking and correcting any inaccuracies.
7. Headlines should be written in passive voice to sound more authoritative.
8. It is important to consider SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when crafting online headlines.
9. When writing a headline, it's crucial to avoid sensationalizing or exaggerating the content of the
10. The headline should always reflect the main point or most interesting aspect of the article.


Multiple Choice:

B) Lengthiness

A) To summarize the main point of the article

C) Be specific and clear

A) Explain the acronym in the article body

C) Rewriting the entire article

C) To give a brief summary of the article

A) Remove unnecessary or overly fancy words

B) Correct it and inform the writer

A) Capitalize all words except articles and prepositions

D) All of the above

True or False:










Prepared by:

Meguel B. Eco

Hazel Alvarez

Marchee Luca

Jessel Perez

Jhon Paul Zamora

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