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Michael is a transfer student at IHS (International High School). He needs to

attend school tomorrow to submit his card to the main office. The next day, Michael
entered his new school, filled with fear and nervousness, as he didn't know anyone
in his class. After submitting his card, he went to his assigned room to start his
new journey. He introduced himself to all his classmates and was seated beside a
girl named Nicole. Nicole informed him that there was a vacant seat at the back,
but the teacher didn't allow it. Michael tried talking to Nicole, but she ignored
him. Weeks passed, and Michael continued his attempts to converse with Nicole, but
she still paid no attention to him.

After a week, their teacher assigned a partner project, and Michael and Nicole were
paired up. Nicole complained, but Michael was overjoyed. Nicole told Michael to
come to her place later to work on the project. After class, Michael went to
Nicole's house, and after working for an hour, Nicole fell asleep. Michael carried
her to bed and continued working on the project. When Nicole woke up, the project
was finished, and Michael went home to rest. The next day, Nicole asked Michael
what time he went home, and Michael replied at 8 PM, commenting on how well she
slept. Nicole blushed, and Michael laughed.

As the weeks passed, Michael and Nicole became close friends. Amidst various
assignments and projects, they always went home and ate together during recess.
Their final report was approaching, and Michael asked Nicole when they would work
on it. Nicole told him to come to her place, and after two hours of working on the
report and reviewing, they playfully talked about their love life's. Michael
jokingly confessed his crush on Nicole, and she responded with a playful comment.
Michael went home after an hour.

Days later, on the day of their final report, Nicole was nervously waiting in the
room while Michael was preparing their report. When Michael arrived with their
adviser, they started their presentation and passed the first year. At their
graduation, Michael confessed his feelings to Nicole, but she walked away as if she
hadn't heard anything. After a week, Michael tried to chat with Nicole, but she was
marked as not available. A month later, there was still no news from Nicole.

In their first-year journey, Michael studied at IAC (International Arch College),

while Nicole attended the American National College, and they lost contact with
each other. After two years, Michael went to America for a school basketball match
against ANC, where Nicole was cheering. During the game, Michael noticed a girl but
wasn't sure who she was. Michael played in the second half, leading their team to
victory. He walked around the campus, and Nicole tried to call him, but he seemed
not to hear. Michael, thinking it was a passerby, kept walking.

Feeling guilty, Michael went home, while Nicole figured out a way for them to talk
again. Nicole talked to Michael's coach, and a plan was set in motion. The coach
asked Michael to go to the second-floor room 1 the next day, leaving Michael
puzzled. The next day, the match began, and while Michael was busy playing, Nicole
was thinking about what to say after the game. After the game, Michael went to the
second floor, where Nicole was waiting. They hugged, and Michael apologized for the
previous day. Nicole also apologized for leaving, and Michael said it was okay,
expressing a desire to spend time together. Michael invited Nicole to hang out, and
they made the most of their time, as Michael was leaving for China the next day to
continue his studies.

The next day, Nicole accompanied Michael to the airport, and unexpectedly, Michael
kissed her. Nicole was speechless, and Michael said goodbye until they meet again.

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