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Coverage List: English Grammar and Punctuation Practice Tests Year 5

Content Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6

Converting nouns or adjectives into
verbs using suffixes –ate, -ify, -ise
Q1 Q8 Q6, Q10 Q8 Q2, Q10 Q6

Verb prefixes dis- de- mis- over- re- Q5 Q7 Q2, Q10 Q5 Q1, Q10 Q5
Relative clauses beginning with who,
which, where, when, whose, that, or an Q3, Q4 Q5, Q6 Q5, Q7 Q4, Q7 Q6 Q1, Q4
omitted relative pronoun
Indicating degrees of possibility using Q3, Q10,
adverbs or modal verbs
Q2, Q10 Q2 Q4 Q4, Q8 Q7
Devices to build cohesion eg: then,
Q6 Q9 Q8 Q1 Q7 Q8
Year 5

after that, this, firstly

Linking ideas across paragraphs using
adverbials of time, place and number
Q8 Q3, Q10 Q8 Q2 Q2, Q8
Brackets, dashes or commas to indi-
cate parenthesis
Q7 Q1 Q1, Q3 Q9 Q3, Q9 Q3, Q10
Use of commas to clarify meaning or
avoid ambiguity
Q9 Q4 Q9 Q6 Q5 Q9
rela- parenthesis modal verb cohesion parenthesis cohesion
Terminology for pupils tive pronoun modal verb rela- ambiguity dash relative clause
modal verb, relative pronoun, relative cohension relative clause tive pronoun modal verb rela- parenthesis
parenthesis ambiguity relative clause relative clause tive pronoun rela-
clause, parenthesis, bracket, dash, rela- bracket parenthesis cohesion tive pronoun
cohesion, ambiguity tive pronoun dash modal verb modal verb
parenthesis bracket ambiguous


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