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Gizhelle Ojeda Mora


What should a business plan contain?

A good business plan guides you through every stage of starting and running a
business, this will help as a roadmap for structuring, operating, and growing your
business. It also can help you with financing or attract new partners. However,
investors want confidence that their investment will pay off. (U.S. Small Business
Administration, 2021)

Basic Structure of a Business Plan:

❖ Executive Summary: brief explanation of what your company is. How far is it
going to reach and why is it going to be successful. The capital that is
requested should be concise and clear.
❖ Business Description: An in-deep overview of the proposed venture. The final
aim is to make potential investors quickly grasp the concept of the business
and its value proposition.
❖ Competitive Analysis: Look at current and prospective rivals or competitors.
❖ Market Analysis: focus on your potential customers, their needs, what they
like and disgust.
❖ Operations Plan: keep focus on the daily business activities and the strategies
that would support them.
❖ Marketing Plan: how are you going to sell your product or service.
❖ Financial Plan: the current and future projections of your business financial
performance. In short, every financial plan should focus on the following key
components. The capital requirements should reflect on how much money
you need to raise, how you are going to use the money or how much you
need from investors. (Gomez, 2019)

A business plan can take many forms, depending on the venture. A four-person
management consulting firm may produce a leaner plan focused on service
expertise and industry experience compared to a 20-employee widget maker, which
would also have to describe products, manufacturing techniques, competitive forces
and marketing needs, among other details. (The Hartford, 2021)
Gizhelle Ojeda Mora


Gomez, P. C. (2019, July 24). Basic Structure Of A Business Plan For Beginners.



The Hartford. (2021). Main Components of a Business Plan. Business Owner



U.S. Small Business Administration. (2021). Write your business plan.


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