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Oral Health Care in the 21st Century: Implications for

Dental and Medical Education
William D. Hendricson, MS, and Peter A. Cohen, PhD


The past decade has been turbulent for dental education, new dentist as an encroachment on territory or as a re-
marked by debate about the future directions of the cur- source to enhance patient care? Within dentistry, the
riculum and the profession itself. The bulk of the dental traditions of tooth restoration and prosthodontics shape
school curriculum is still devoted to tooth restoration or the profession’s culture. Are dental educators ready to re-
replacement techniques, although the need for these pro- configure a curriculum that is deeply intertwined with the
cedures has declined. Some dental educators now advo- professional identity of 150,000 U.S. dentists practicing
cate an oral physician model as the desired direction for today?
the profession, with expanded training in systemic disease To stimulate thinking about these issues, the authors
pathophysiology and a practice scope that extends beyond analyze the responses of dental education to changes in
exclusive focus on the teeth and supporting structures. the public’s oral health and to calls for curricular reform,
Proponents of this model contend for curriculum time propose strategies for modifying the way dentists are pre-
with faculty who desire to maintain a technical focus. pared for their professional responsibilities, and explore
The outcome of this curricular tug-of-war has implica- the sociology of change in academic institutions, because
tions for medical education, because many oral health elements of dental education targeted for reform are re-
problems now fall into the overlapping educational and vered components of school culture.
patient care environments of physicians, dentists, and Acad. Med. 2001;76:1181–1206.
other health care providers. Will physicians perceive the

n 1971–1972, a World Health Organization commis- has been unleashed in the United States about the way med-
sion assessed health professions education throughout ical care is provided for the public, leading to a still-evolving
the world, including the United States. The commis- reconfiguration of the health care landscape and, as pre-
sion concluded that education is inextricably interwo- dicted, scrutiny of the way health care providers are prepared
ven with the health service system, and when questions arise for their professional roles in society.2–5 In this article, we
about the delivery of service, questions about the training of focus on dentistry, a profession that has similar public service
health care providers follow soon after.1 And, indeed, in the roles and shares a common biomedical science foundation
30 years since that prophetic report, a torrent of questions with medicine, but which has been differentiated into dif-
ferent pathways for education, licensure, and scope of prac-
tice for a variety of complex historical, economic, political,
and philosophical reasons. (For more about our goals for this
Mr. Hendricson is director, Division of Educational Research and Devel-
opment, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, article, see the later section entitled ‘‘Purpose of This Arti-
San Antonio, Texas, and is associate editor, Journal of Dental Education. cle.’’)
Dr. Cohen is dean, College of the Health Professions, Wichita State Uni-
versity, Wichita, Kansas.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Mr. Hen- WINDS OF CHANGE
dricson, Division of Educational Research and Development, The University
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive,
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900; telephone: (210) 567-2813; e-mail: Winston Churchill said that ‘‘the winds of change are
具hendricson@uthscsa.edu典. blowing and we lean into them with equal measures of an-



ticipation and dread’’ to capture the conflicting emotions sion within dental schools as proponents of an expanded
that arise when established institutions and methods are biomedical emphasis and a broader concept of the dentist’s
questioned.6 The winds of change have been blowing since health care role aggressively contend for curriculum time
the 1980s in U.S. health professions education. The 1984 with faculty who desire to maintain the traditional technical
report of the Association of American Medical Colleges focus (e.g., the traditional tooth-doctor role). Efforts to ac-
(AAMC) panel on the general professional education of the commodate both components of this duality have produced
physician (the ‘‘GPEP report’’) and the reports of the Pew excessively dense curricula at most dental schools.
Health Professions Commission a decade later were catalysts
for curricular introspection in medical schools and other
health professions schools.7–9
The dental education community embarked on an analysis A preliminary version of this article was developed by in-
of its own curricular health approximately ten years ago. vitation for the 75th Anniversary Leadership Summit Con-
This introspection led to the 1995 Institute of Medicine ference of the American Association of Dental Schools
(IOM) report entitled Dental Education at the Crossroads: (AADS), conducted in October 1998. Fifty dental school
Challenges and Change, which proposed reform of curriculum deans participated in that meeting and were accompanied
content and modernization of teaching and learning meth- by the chancellors of their parent academic health science
ods.10 Both before and after that IOM study, there was agi- centers. The purposes of the conference were to stimulate
tation for change among elements of the dental school fac- thinking about the future directions of dental education
ulty and administration. Catalysts for change in dental within the broader purview of health professions education
education include projections of faculty shortages counter- and to assess the role of the dental school within the aca-
balanced by projections of increased public need for oral demic health center. The early version of the present article
health providers and services, particularly in large under- was read by the summit conference participants and debated
served populations; desire at the administrative level and in small-group sessions. Based on encouragement and feed-
among some faculty to play a more proactive public health back from conference participants, a revised manuscript was
role by extending student education and patient care services made available to the dental education community through
into the community; advances in genetics and molecular bi- the AADS Web site in December 1998. A further modified
ology with implications for patient care and thus for curric- version, incorporating feedback from individuals who had
ulum content; faculty desire to upgrade the scientific basis read the on-line version, was published in the conference
of the clinical curriculum; and resource-driven evaluation of proceedings, Leadership for the Future: The Dental School in
long-standing educational and patient care practices in the the University, in the summer of 1999.14 Additional feedback
dental school clinic that may no longer be educationally or from a variety of individuals and the authors’ own critical
economically viable. reflections led to the present version. The authors are edu-
At the core of the debate over future directions is what cation specialists who are not dentists but who have more
has been called the ‘‘surreal duality’’ of dental education and than 50 years of combined experience as consultants for two
the profession.11 At one end of the spectrum, a large portion thirds of the dental schools in North America. We also have
of the curriculum is devoted to mechanical techniques worked for more than 100 medical, pharmacy, nursing, and
taught and evaluated in fine-grain detail, for example, plac- allied health schools, residency programs, and medical spe-
ing a class II amalgam restoration or constructing a remov- cialty associations.
able partial denture. At the other end, dentists are expected Our goal for this article is to stimulate dialog among med-
to be accomplished diagnosticians capable of assessing and ical and dental educators about the scope, structure, and
managing a multitude of oral pathologies (i.e., oral physi- content of the training provided for dentists as we enter the
cians, with expanded focus beyond the teeth and supporting 21st century. To accomplish this goal, we first review the
structures) and knowledgeable about sophisticated biomedi- publics’ evolving oral health status since World War II as an
cal science concepts—for example, the roles of carcinogens indicator of curriculum priority and content. In the second
such as benz-pyrene and tobacco-specific nitrosamines in the section, we consider the extent to which dental schools re-
production of DNA adducts such as 06 methyl guanine, sponded to the changes in oral health over the past 50 years
which interfere with DNA replication; or the genotypes of and to calls for curricular reform. In the third section, we
interleukin-1 that are associated with adult periodontal dis- examine three institutional strategies we believe can make
ease. The biomedical science component of this duality has a difference in the way dentists are prepared for their pro-
been brought into sharp focus by two recent events: the Hu- fessional responsibilities: (1) developing a curriculum based
man Genome Project12 and the Surgeon General’s report on on competency-based techniques, (2) blending the educa-
the oral health of America.13 This duality has created ten- tion of oral health specialists into the broader system of



Table 1

Comparison of Characteristics of U.S. Dental and Medical School Education Programs, Late 1990s

Characteristic Dental Medical

Duration Four years (53 of 54) Almost all are four years
Curriculum flexibility Almost totally lock-step Primarily lock-step until 3rd year
Philosophy Competency-based assessment Movement toward competency-based assessment
Focus Primary emphasis on the dentition until recently General review of human structure, function, and
Outcome Prepare student to function as unsupervised entry- Prepare student to enter residency training; expose
level general practitioner on the day of graduation student to medical specialties; develop student’s
foundation patient care skills
Curriculum structure Primarily departmentally-based courses throughout; Eclectic—two thirds have some multidisciplinary
less than 20% have multi-disciplinary basic science courses in 1st and 2nd years; Primarily specialty-
courses; limited cross-disciplinary learning in pre- based in 3rd and 4th years, although many
clinical/clinical curricula schools have multidisciplinary primary care rota-
Nature of courses Most schools have 60–80 distinct courses; many 1– Most schools have 15–20 total courses in years 1
2-credit courses with less than 40 clock hours; nu- and 2, each with substantial clock hours/course
merous lecture courses in clinical years; students credits; 3rd year: 6–8 multi-week rotations; 4th
do not have clerkship-type rotations in 3rd year; year: several multi-week rotations and substantial
instead, work on skills in several areas simultane- electives; very few lecture courses in years 3 and 4
ously; more schools are devoting 4th year to pri-
mary care
Biomedical sciences Typically 800–1,000 clock hours Typically 1,500–1,800 clock hours
Preclinical preparation Major curriculum focus; lab technique courses oc- Limited to physical assessment (H & P) courses; less
cupy much of 1st and 2nd years; limited lab in- than 10% of curriculum; procedural skills mostly
struction for patient interview and exam skills, but learned during clerkships or later in residency
extensive ‘‘learn by doing’’ in 3rd and 4th years; training; in many schools procedural skills beyond
detailed assessment of techniques used for tooth H and P are not defined or systematically assessed
restoration/replacement in a school-wide program
Clinical education Historically, based on completion of in-mouth proce- Still based on the team-ladder model with students
dural requirements (technique repetitions); exten- on lowest rung of ladder; much observation of res-
sive hands-on learning; patients assigned directly idents and attendings; students exposed to wide
to students, not faculty; faculty serve as coaches spectrum of disease, do work-ups and practice ar-
and graders ticulating diagnoses during case presentations
Location of clinical educa- In most schools, primarily occurs in school’s on- Students receive experiences in many patient care fa-
tion campus clinic; recent recognition of value of com- cilities as they move among rotations; most
munity-based experience schools now have rotations in community clinics
and practitioners’ offices

health professions education, and (3) expanding public I: ORAL HEALTH IN AMERICA —1945 TO 2000:
health and prevention training for dental school graduates. IMPLICATIONS FOR CURRICULUM PRIORITIES
We used these three strategies to create a description of a
prototype 21st-century dental school curriculum, which ap- It is often stated that oral disease is the most common dis-
pears in the appendices. We hope this prototype will stim- ease of mankind and quite possibly the one disease that all
ulate the discussion and establishment of alternative models humans have in common, yet the parameters of what con-
for the oral health component of health professions educa- stitutes oral health, and conversely oral disease, are often
tion. In the fourth section, we explore the sociology of vaguely defined. What is oral health? Mouradian defines oral
change in medical and dental schools. To orient medical health as ‘‘encompassing all the immunologic, sensory,
educators to the dental school environment, Table 1 pro- neuromuscular and structural functions of the mouth and
vides a synopsis of some of the principal similarities and dif- craniofacial complex. Oral health influences and is related
ferences between educational programs leading to the MD to nutrition and growth, pulmonary health, speech produc-
and DDS/DMD degrees. tion, communication, self-image and societal functioning.’’ 15



Mouradian also proposes that oral health is intertwined with Three other factors will strongly influence dental care and
‘‘all aspects of a child’s developmental processes, genetic po- dental education in the 21st century: (1) research exploring
tential and environmental circumstances.’’ potential interrelationships among oral disease and disorders
In the years immediately following World War II in the classically defined as medical problems, including diabetes,
United States, dental caries and periodontal disease were perinatal problems, and cardiovascular disease; (2) the in-
widespread, with high percentages of patients experiencing creasingly multicultural fabric of our society; and (3) access-
rampant caries, periapical abscesses, and advanced periodon- to-care issues, particularly for the young, the elderly, and the
titis, all of which produced a high degree of endentulism. economically disadvantaged. Of course, there are many other
Because physical removal of caries and tooth extraction were oral health problems—including oral candidiasis, particu-
the primary treatments available, the primary foci of the larly as an early sign of HIV infection; herpesvirus infections,
dental school curriculum were teaching students to extract as related to bidirectional genital–oral herpes and associated
teeth, physically remove decay, replace the excavated tooth sexually transmitted diseases; numerous anomalies of cranial
structure with various materials, including gold, stainless bones and teeth, and Sjögren’s syndrome—but they are not
steel, and amalgam, and create prosthetic devices to replace discussed here because they are less frequently observed by
missing teeth. the dental practitioner.
However, several decades of research into the biologic Chronic facial pain and impaired jaw-joint function.
causes and mechanisms of dental infection, leading to en- More than 20% of adults experience chronic facial pain, the
hanced preventive and therapeutic regimens; the widespread effects of which can profoundly effect quality of life. Facial
use of fluoride as a prophylactic mechanism; and aggressive pain may emanate from tooth-related infections or mucosal
patient education have substantially reduced tooth loss and sores and irritations, and also includes burning sensations in
the incidence of caries in child, adult, and geriatric age the mouth, temporomandibular joint pain, and generalized
groups.16 Further progress in prevention and therapy is an- pain across the face or cheek. More than ten million Amer-
ticipated as we expand our understanding of the genetic basis icans experience pain and dysfunction related to the tem-
of oral diseases and from advances in cell and molecular poromandibular joint, including musculature pain and diffi-
biology, immunology, and pharmacology. As we enter the culty opening the mouth, with accompanying problems in
21st century, oral health is better than ever for the majority chewing, headaches, and pain emanating from the ear.
of Americans. The remarkable reduction in oral disease and Women report both generalized facial pain and temporo-
accompanying sequelae is one of the more dramatic success
mandibular joint pain at substantially higher rates than men
stories in U.S. public health and one that should be a source
do.17,18 A number of research centers around the world are
of considerable pride for the dental profession. However, sig-
now investigating the frequently-observed co-existence of
nificant challenges remain, especially at opposite ends of the
temporomandibular pain disorders, fibromyalgia, and chronic
age spectrum—for children and the elderly—and in a large
fatigue syndrome, and dentists are involved on many of these
and still-growing underserved population composed primar-
research teams.19
ily of ethnic minority groups and the economically disad-
Craniofacial birth defects. More than 150,000 infants are
born each year in the United States with congenital mal-
Oral Health Problems in 2001 formations, and these conditions can affect facial appear-
ance, speech, and various quality-of-life indices, including
A curriculum for health care professionals-in-training should self-esteem. Defects affecting the orofacial complex, includ-
prepare entry-level practitioners to provide prevention, as- ing cleft lip and palate, are the most common, resulting in
sessment, and treatment services for the most pressing cur- more than one billion dollars of expenditures annually for
rent and predictable future health care problems of society. the extensive surgical, medical, and rehabilitative interven-
What does the oral health of Americans in 2001 tell us tions needed to repair these defects, and for prosthetic de-
about curricular directions for dental school? Large segments vices.20 Maternal cigarette smoking has been identified as a
of the public still have significant oral health care needs in significant risk factor for oral clefts.21
a variety of areas (discussed in more detail in later para- Craniofacial trauma. There are more than 20 million vis-
graphs): chronic facial pain and impaired jaw-joint function, its per year to emergency departments for craniofacial trauma
craniofacial birth defects, craniofacial trauma including involving injuries to the jaw, dentition, or soft tissues of the
physical violence inflicted on children, dental caries and as- oral cavity. An additional six million head and neck injuries
sociated health problems—particularly among children, annually are treated by dentists in their offices.22 Overall,
head and neck cancers, periodontitis, tobacco-related dis- 25% of all children and adults will experience a traumatic
ease, and the evolving oral health needs of our rapidly ex- injury to one or more anterior teeth.23 In the National
panded elderly population. Health Care Survey of Emergency Rooms, violence (physical



assaults) and falls each accounted for 31% of visits related by year over the past 25 years.33,35 Tobacco use, heavy al-
to head and face injuries. Two thirds of the physical abuse cohol consumption, and poor diet are the primary etiologic
experienced by children is head and neck trauma.24,25 factors for more than 90% of head and neck cancers, with
Dental caries and associated health problems. In spite of tobacco use alone representing 80% of the risk factors.36,37
the dramatic reduction in caries in the overall population Periodontal disease. Sixty percent of adults in the United
since World War II, the most common chronic childhood States will have periodontal disease in their lifetimes, and it
disease is still dental caries, which afflicts 57 million of our is a significant contributing factor to the loss of more than
children, making it five times more common than asthma 12 teeth that the average American experiences by the age
and one of the most common causes of missed school days. of 50. Aside from caries, periodontal infection is the most
The incidence of caries, 50% in mid-childhood, has re- common reason for dental visits, and in advanced forms can
mained the same for a number of years despite the avail- require extended, unpleasant, and costly therapy, including
ability of recognized preventive measures.26 One in four chil- surgical interventions.
dren in the United States live in conditions of poverty There is a strong association between smoking and peri-
normally associated with an impoverished developing nation odontal disease. Approximately 50% of periodontitis cases
rather than an industrial power; not surprisingly, the inci- are caused by smoking, and the outcomes of periodontal
dence of oral disease is disproportionately represented among therapy are adversely affected by smoking.36 A recent lon-
children from low-income households.27 Seventy-five per- gitudinal study of 900 male and female teenagers found that
cent of all childhood dental problems occur in 25% of chil- smokers are nearly three times as likely as their nonsmoking
dren, primarily those of low-income and minority status.28 peers to have periodontitis in their mid-20s and resulting
One third of all Head Start preschoolers and 50% of Native loss of periodontal attachment, which is the bony and soft-
American children have early childhood caries (ECC), tissue support for the teeth.38 In addition, the preponderance
which is clinically correlated with compromised oral func- of research has established an association between diabetes,
tion, poor nutrition, and diminished height and weight at- either type 1 or type 2, and periodontal diseases to the ex-
tainment.29 In all children, regardless of ethnicity and eco- tent that periodontitis has been called the ‘‘sixth compli-
nomic situation, dental caries is typically a comorbid cation of diabetes.’’ 39 People with diabetes experience gin-
condition with other indicators of poor health status, and in gival inflammation, loss of periodontal ligament attachment,
particular is strongly associated with nutritional deficiencies abscesses, alveolar bone loss, and tooth loss more frequently
that underlie a number of childhood health problems.15 Oral and with greater severity than do those in non-diabetic pop-
health is also intertwined with childhood diseases, including ulations. Sixteen million people in the United States have
asthma and cystic fibrosis. Asthmatic children have more type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and the medical complications of
decay affecting permanent teeth, poorer periodontal status, this disease represent the seventh leading cause of death.40,41
and more loss of tooth surface than do their non-asthmatic There has been considerable research to determine whether
peers.30,31 The higher incidence of caries in children with periodontal infection effects glycemic control. The results
restricted airway disease is thought to be associated with suggest a relationship, but are not conclusive.
their use of beta-2 agonists, which contribute to reduced Tobacco-related diseases. Tobacco use is the single most
salivary flow, as well as to mouth breathing and esophageal preventable source of death and disability in modern society.
reflux, which are common in this population. The poor oral Fifty percent of regular cigarette smokers will die from a to-
health of children with chronic respiratory and gastrointes- bacco-related disease, and one third of these smokers will die
tinal infections has also been associated with long-term use early, losing on average 20 years of life. Worldwide, there
of liquid medications containing carbohydrates and sugar.32 are now four million tobacco-related deaths annually, and
Head and neck cancers. One American per hour dies such deaths are projected to increase to more than eight
from oral, pharyngeal, or nasopharyngeal cancer, which is million by 2020, when tobacco-related deaths will account
now the sixth most common form of cancer, behind lung, for one in six deaths from all causes. In the United States,
stomach, breast, colon, and rectum/cervix cancers.33 In 1997 there are 500,000 deaths associated with tobacco use each
in the United States, there were 21,000 new cases of oral year. Thirty percent of all cancer is linked to tobacco use.42,43
cancer among men, with 5,600 deaths, and approximately Tobacco is also a significant risk factor for other diseases of
10,000 new cases and 2,800 deaths among women. The the mouth: ulcers, periodontal disease, cleft lip and palate,
overall five-year survival rate for people with oral and pha- and caries, and tobacco use delays healing of wounds.36,43
ryngeal cancers is only 52%, which is worse than the rates Odor, tooth staining, poor hygiene, and telltale oral dis-
associated with cancers of the prostate, rectum, uterus, co- ease make tobacco use obvious to dentists and dental hy-
lon, breast, bladder, and larynx in both black and whites.34 gienists. The typical dental appointment is considerably
The number of deaths from oral cancer has increased year longer than modern medical appointments, affording oppor-



tunity for dentist–patient discussion of tobacco use and its giene.51,52 Nurses and nursing auxiliaries in long-term care
consequences. However, Tomar reported that only 24% of facilities are not trained to provide oral hygiene care or to
current smokers received advice from their dentists to quit recognize problems, which is complicated by the fact that
using tobacco.44 Dolan found that just 30% of dentists of- oral hygiene for the elderly is considered an unpleasant task
fered tobacco-use cessation services to patients, and fewer and thus may be neglected.
than one in five felt they were adequately trained to help
their patients stop smoking.45 Dentists do not provide to-
Oral Disease–Systemic Disease Relationships
bacco-use cessation services for three reasons: they do not
perceive such services to be part of their responsibility, they
The mouth is a productive incubator for bacteria, viruses,
fear that they may alienate patients, and they lack confi-
parasites, and fungi. More than 500 bacterial strains have
dence in their ability to provide such assistance to their pa- been identified in the oral cavity, and 150 strains have been
tients. In contrast, dental patients now expect their dentists identified from infections of tooth pulp.53 In spite of im-
to help them stop smoking, and the dental or dental hygiene munologic mechanisms, pathogens from the mouth can en-
appointment may provide a powerful opportunity for cessa- ter the bloodstream or the lymphatic system. Researchers are
tion education, particularly when precancerous lesions and now exploring possible relationships between oral infections
other undesirable sequelae of smoking are evident in the and other medical disorders. In addition to the periodontal
patient’s mouth.46 Yet, in 1999, only 11 U.S. dental schools infection–diabetes relationship, the two potential oral–sys-
provided instruction in tobacco-use cessation or prevention temic relationships that have received the most attention
techniques.47 are those in perinatal morbidity and cardiovascular disease.
Changing oral health of the elderly population. Ameri- Perinatal morbidity. Infant mortality has decreased over
cans 65 years old and older are the fastest-growing segment the past 20 years, but the incidence of low-birth-weight in-
of our population. In 1900, the median age in the United fants has not declined despite emphasis on prenatal care.
States was 23 years, and only 4% of Americans were 65 years Approximately four million low-birth-weight infants are
of age or older. By 1995, 13% of the population were aged born annually, both preterm and full-term, resulting in a sig-
65 or older, and by 2050, more than 20% of the population nificant level of perinatal morbidity, untold emotional dis-
will be 65 years old or older.48 Further, by the year 2020, it tress among family members, and resource expenditures in
is projected that 60% of hospital admissions and one third the billions of dollars. Preterm birth and/or low birth weight
of all medical outpatient practice will be devoted to geriatric is the principal factor in 60% of infant mortality.54 Oral in-
patients. fection has been proposed as a potential cause of prematurity
Estimates of geriatric patients currently in dental practices or low birth weight, perhaps as a sequela of toxins form oral
range from 25% to 30%. Because of technologic advances pathogens that reach the placenta and disrupt fetal growth
in diagnosis and treatment, many people who in the past and development. Several case–control investigations indi-
would have succumbed at earlier ages to cancer, cardiopul- cate that pregnant women who have severe periodontal dis-
monary disease, immunologic disorders, and trauma are liv- ease are at higher risk to deliver preterm and/or low-birth-
ing longer, but with an array of chronic medical problems weight newborns. In one of the few studies to control for
complicated by physical limitations, mental disabilities, and causal factors such as smoking, alcohol use, nutrition, age,
polypharmacy. Because senior citizens are losing fewer teeth ethnicity, and gastrointestinal tract infection, Offenbacher
prematurely, they conversely will be more at risk for caries found a sevenfold increase in risk for mothers with perio-
and periodontal disease later in life, leading to less reliance dontal disease.55,56 However, more controlled studies are
on the full denture and greater need for other forms of oral needed before definitive conclusions can be developed.
health care to address the needs of the partially edentulous Cardiovascular disease. For years, evidence from uncon-
patient.49 As the over-65 population grows, there will be a trolled studies, retrospective reviews of national health da-
concurrent growth in the number of home-bound frail el- tabases, case reports, and anecdotal evidence have indicated
derly and those living in long-term care facilities. More than that the risks of heart disease may be substantially higher for
40% of the elderly already reside in long-term facilities at persons who have periodontal disease.57 Research interest
some point in their lives.50 These individuals will pose a new has increased in the past decade; for example, the National
challenge for dentists and other health care professionals. Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes
A number of studies have documented a high incidence of Health is sponsoring studies of the role played by biofilm-
of oral disease among home-bound, nursing home, and hos- forming bacteria (which colonize the mouth) in the release
pice patients, with almost 20% requiring emergency dental of pro-inflammatory mediators by white blood cells, which
care.13 Kiyak and McIntyre found that 70% of patients in may, in turn, trigger stroke and heart disease. In studies that
long-term care facilities had unacceptably poor oral hy- adjusted for risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, obe-



sity, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and family history, there and Native American populations and between the econom-
have been consistent findings that patients with periodontal ically advantaged and disadvantaged, without regard to eth-
disease are 1.5 to 2.0 times more likely to develop cardio- nicity, parallel the disparities evident in other areas of med-
vascular disease or experience a stroke.58–60 However, a study ical care.13
that monitored 8,032 subjects in the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiological Follow-up Access to Dental Care
Study for 20 years did not identify an independent relation-
ship between periodontal disease and coronary heart dis- Overall, in the early 1990s, 9% of the U.S. population,
ease.61 A number of investigations of the relationship of oral or 22 million people, reported unmet dental care needs in a
infection to heart disease are in progress around the world, study by the Project Hope Center for Health Affairs, based
and understanding of that relationship should improve in on the 1994 National Access to Care Survey by The Robert
the next few years. Wood Johnson Foundation.68 Eight million more people re-
ported unmet oral health needs than reported medical care
needs that were not met. Seventy-four percent of the indi-
Multicultural Environment for Oral Health Care viduals reporting unmet dental care needs considered their
problems to be serious. Ethnicity and socioeconomic status
Dentists in the 21st century will serve the oral health needs were strongly associated with the lack of dental care. Twice
of an increasingly multicultural public as the percentages of as many African Americans (15%) reported unmet oral
Hispanic, African-American, Asian, and other patients con- health needs as did Caucasians (7.4%). Among those who
tinue to grow in relation to the Anglo (i.e., non-Hispanic wanted dental care but did not get it, 72% reported it was
Caucasian) population. Overall, the growth rate of the U.S. because they could not afford it, had no insurance, or could
population had slowed to an all-time low of 10% growth per not find a dentist who would accept their insurance.
decade in the 1990s, compared with 19% in the baby In the United States, utilization of oral health care ser-
boomer period of 1946–1966, 15% from 1900 to 1940; and vices and the incidence of oral disease are strongly linked to
30% per decade in the 1800s. The net increase in the U.S. dental insurance coverage, particularly for children. Sixty
population since 1990 was 19 million, and 67% of this percent of children have medical insurance coverage
growth was accounted for by minority populations.48 By through their parents’ workplace health plans, but only 30%
2020, if current birth and mortality rates continue, 40% of have dental insurance through their parents’ employers.69,70
the children and adolescents in the United States will be Only 20% of Medicaid-eligible children receive any type of
members of minority groups, versus approximately 25% in dental care, and only a handful of oral health care services
1980.62,63 that might benefit children are eligible for Medicare reim-
Accordingly, many patients will enter the dental office bursement.28 Parents report that dental needs are the most
with different health care beliefs, motivations, and expec- common of all unmet health care needs for their children.71
tations than those held by previous generations of patients, For adults, dental plans are available from about 60% of
and providers will experience differences in disease preva- employers, and the majority of these plans are fee-for service.
lences as the patient pool diversifies. For example, African About 30% of employees receive dental benefits from pre-
Americans experience nearly twice the morbidity and mor- ferred provider or health maintenance organizations. The el-
tality from oral cancer that Anglos do.16,64 A variety of stud- derly typically lose dental insurance benefits when they re-
ies have revealed that members of minority populations ex- tire; thus dental care is primarily an out-of-pocket expense
perience greater risk for overall health morbidity, including for senior citizens, which may become a significant public
oral disease, due to language barriers, lack of geographic health issue as more and more of our elderly live into their
proximity to health care facilities, lack of reliable transpor- 80s and beyond with their dentition largely intact. Finally,
tation, lack of health insurance, and particular culturally- a critical oral health access issue is availability of a fluori-
based beliefs about health and illness.65–67 The economic dated public water supply. Approximately 60% of Americans
status of U.S. families is also projected to decline over the live in communities that provide fluoridated drinking water,
next 50 years. Murdock estimates that the average household but over 100 million Americans live in communities that
income in 2050 will be $2,000 less than that in 1990 (mea- do not, including several large metropolitan areas with sub-
sured in 1990 constant dollars). Further, the current income stantial Hispanic and African-American populations and
differences between Anglo, African-American, and Hispanic many rural communities with low-income families that are
households (Anglo = $39,000; African-American = $23,500; underserved by dentists and physicians. The disease-preven-
Hispanic = $25,000) will continue to spread over the next tion objectives of Healthy People 2010 include increasing
50 years.48 Disparities in dental health between the Anglo the percentage of Americans with access to fluoridated pub-
population and elements of the Hispanic, African-American, lic water supplies to 75% by the end of this decade.72



Oral Health: Summing Up sively, in part because of concerns about scope of practice,
infringement on physicians’ responsibilities, and lack of
In summary, the oral health of Americans has improved dra- training.
matically in the past 50 years thanks to the impressive efforts 䡲 The evolving perception of oral health as an integrated
of the dental profession and fluoridated water supplies. Yet, component of overall wellness will exacerbate the dental
in 2001, substantial dental problems exist in a sizable group profession’s surreal-duality dilemma and fuel the current
of children, living primarily but not exclusively in low-in- debate over curricular emphasis. Should the profession
come communities. We say ‘‘not exclusively’’ because dental fully commit to an oral-physician concept or continue to
services still account for 25% of all health care expenditures promote the traditional tooth-doctor role? The bloated
for children aged 6–18.73 At the opposite end of the spec- dental school curriculum indicates that both ends of the
trum, a rapidly growing cohort of elderly patients is con- duality cannot be accommodated equally. The oral-physi-
fronting dentists and physicians with intertwined dental and cian concept implies an expanded scope of practice beyond
medical problems. Many of the elderly will have no dental tooth restoration and replacement that may test the
insurance and will reside in extended care facilities that his- boundaries of professional turf in the head and neck region
torically have not provided good oral health care services. with several medical specialties. Will medical professionals
For all age groups, child/adolescent, adult, and elderly, dis- and educators view the oral-physician role as an infringe-
parities in dental status and utilization of oral health care ment on practice or as a resource that can enhance patient
services are profound between the economic haves and have- care? On the dental education side of the fence, the tech-
nots of our society. nical and aesthetic traditions underlying restorative den-
tistry and prosthodontics are for many dentists the heart
Education Implications of Contemporary Oral Health and soul of the profession and shape the culture of den-
tistry as a unique enterprise. Are dental educators ready to
From our perspective as educators, contemporary oral health reconfigure aspects of the curriculum that are deeply in-
in America has four implications for the medical education tertwined with both the professional identity and the per-
and dental education communities: sonal identities of hundreds of thousands of dentists
trained in the United States since the 1950s?
䡲 The most pressing oral health problems and issues in 2001 II. DENTAL EDUCATION’S RESPONSE
are no longer purely dental in nature; they fall into the TO CHANGES IN ORAL HEALTH AND
overlapping educational and patient care environments of CURRICULAR-REFORM RECOMMENDATIONS
physicians, dentists, and other health care providers.
䡲 In the 21st century, providing high-quality dental care and How has the dental education community responded to the
improving the oral health for all segments of society will evolution of oral health over the past 50 years? Tedesco75
be intertwined with public health policy, resource alloca- documented dental education’s response based on a chrono-
tion, and care delivery/access issues. The dental profession logic review on numerous reports of curricular reforms, be-
will need to decide whether it wants to become a more ginning with the pivotal 1926 Gies Report, which proposed
integrated component of the overall health care system recommendations similar to those of the Flexner Report. Te-
versus continuing the ‘‘splendid isolation’’ tradition of desco’s conclusion? The dental education community has re-
dental practitioners functioning in relative isolation from sponded to the winds of change with ‘‘some growth, and
physicians and other health care providers. The dental little change.’’ The typical dental school curriculum in
profession will also need to decide whether a better foun- 1997–98 primarily emphasized caries removal, restoration of
dation in public health policy will provide practitioners excavated tooth structure, and creation of prosthetic devices
with a broader societal perspective on health care and to replace missing or defective teeth in adults, just as it did
more firmly establish prevention as a key role. In one of in 1950.76
the very few office-based observational studies of activities But there is a well-developed agenda of reform. In addi-
and services in dental practices, only 2% of the dentists’ tion to competency-based assessment, which is now man-
time and 6% of the hygienists’ time was devoted to pre- dated by the accreditation standards of the Commission on
vention counseling.74 Dental Accreditation, the dental school reform agenda con-
䡲 Tobacco use plays a profound role in many oral health sists of ten recommendations similar to those advocated for
problems and is the primary contributor to other high- medical schools:
morbidity diseases. Dentists and dental hygienists are in an
ideal position to play an important role in tobacco-use 䡲 Decompress the curriculum by eliminating outdated and
prevention and cessation, but have not done so aggres- peripherally relevant material.



䡲 Increase educational collaboration between dentistry and worked knowledge (i.e., information that has meaning, utility,
the other health professions, featuring more curricular em- priority, and interconnections to other data) that experts
phasis on the interaction of dental and medical problems. access to solve problems (see Figure 1).77,78
䡲 Redirect basic science course work toward disease patho- Advances in PET (positron emission tomography) scan
physiology taught by problem-based techniques. studies, fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), and
䡲 Expose students to patients and their oral health and sys- SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)
temic medical problems from the first days of the curric- have provided neurophysiologists with technology capable of
ulum to the last. mapping how the brain functions during complex cognitive,
䡲 Revitalize the science underlying clinical decision making perceptual, and psychomotor tasks.79 These studies indicate
via evidence-based approaches. that expert practitioners (whose knowledge structure is rep-
䡲 Organize group-practice teams in the clinical years to pro- resented in the bottom panel of Figure 1) have integrated
mote more continuity in faculty–student relationships and neural networks that facilitate instantaneous retrieval of
expand peer teaching by students working together in clin- chains of knowledge relevant to task performance or problem
ical teams. assessment. The novice (whose knowledge structure is rep-
䡲 Increase the use of community-based clinics as training resented in the top panel of Figure 1), confronted with the
sites for students. same task or problem, struggles in a trial-and-error manner
䡲 Include in the final year of the curriculum, or in a post- to assemble isolated bits of information (represented by the
graduate internship year, a clinical experience that repli- various symbols within the columns) because he or she lacks
cates the comprehensive care environment of the general
dental practitioner.
䡲 Utilize computer-based and Web-based information tech-
nology to enrich students’ learning.
䡲 Rededicate dental school clinics to serving the oral health
needs of the public rather than primarily viewing patients
as educational material for students.

For the most part, these reforms represent ideas advocated

for many years but sporadically implemented. The IOM
study of dental education concluded that

the problem in reforming dental education is not so much

consensus on directions for change but difficulty in overcom-
ing obstacles to change. Agreement on educational problems
is widespread. The curriculum is crowded with redundant or
marginally useful material and gives students too little time
to consolidate concepts or develop critical thinking skills.
Comprehensive care is more an ideal than a reality in clinical
education, and instruction still focuses too heavily on proce-
dures rather than on patient care.10

The dental education reform recommendations, taken col-

Figure 1. How novices and experts mentally structure information they
lectively, argue for a learning environment that encourages
have acquired from various sources and experiences. Novices’ information,
students to learn collaboratively, provides students with op- represented by the top panel, is vertical and compartmentalized. When con-
portunities early in the curriculum to practice application of fronted with a new problem, novices struggle in a trial-and-error manner to
newly acquired biomedical information by solving patient assemble isolated bits of information, represented by the various symbols
problems, fosters longitudinal contact between instructors within the columns, because they lack pre-existing networks that allow fast
and small groups of students, and provides learners with con- retrieval of pertinent information. Experts, on the other hand (see the bot-
tinuous contact with patients and their health problems tom panel), have dense interlinking that allows pattern recognition and
rapid retrieval of chains of knowledge relevant to problem solving. This is
throughout the educational program. These concepts are
known as horizontally networked knowledge. These two structures are also
consistent with contemporary educational theory and are descriptive of contrasting approaches to health professions education, as
based on the inquiry-driven learning that students use to explained in the text. Source: Hendricson WD, Kleffner JH. Curricular and
convert unorganized static information (i.e., data ‘‘sponged’’ instructional implications of competency-based dental education. J Dent
from a text or a lecture) into the interlinked chains of net- Educ. 1998;62:183–96. Used by permission.



pre-existing knowledge chains. Problem-centered, collabo- the human body, and learn the pathogenesis of abnormal-
rative learning is a strategy that helps novices develop the ities. The detective format of PBL, focusing on diagnosis,
knowledge networks needed for expert function.80,81 There is is not ideally suited to the traditional dental school cur-
also a growing belief among cognitive scientists that the riculum, which emphasizes the other end of the spectrum
structure and sequencing of information presented to stu- —surgical and restorative treatment.
dents should parallel the way expert practitioners configure 䡲 The second factor relates to how PBL is used in the dental
this information for on-the-job performance (e.g., experts curriculum, which, from our perspective, is the most dense
access integrated webs of interrelated data).82 (i.e., numbers of courses and clock hours) and stressful
A substantial literature pertinent to the dental education (i.e., numbers of exams, deadlines and requirements) of all
reform agenda has emerged in the past ten years, including health professions curricula. Frequently, PBL is added to
advocacy papers and implementation reports for compe- the curriculum as a correlation course to help students tie
tency-based assessment,83,84 reorganizing the basic science together basic science and clinical concepts. No free time
curriculum,85 evidence-based health care,86,87 problem-based is created for students to do research between tutorials;
learning,88–87 information technology,98–100 reforming clinical thus students perceive PBL to be an extra burden.
education,101–103 and the dentist’s role in the overall health 䡲 Faculty concerns about effort-effectiveness constitute the
care system.104,105 The focal point for reform in both dental third implementation barrier. To strengthen research pro-
and medical education has been problem-based learning grams and offset stagnation in state appropriations, dental
(PBL), particularly for reorganization of basic science con- schools are converting teaching positions into research-
tent into multidisciplinary modules based on the organ sys- oriented positions that hopefully will generate state, fed-
tems, blending of clinical and basic science instruction to eral, and private funding. The remaining teaching faculty
enhance relevance, and infusion of active learning into the are expected to devote more of their time to laboratory
curriculum. Assessment of dental education’s response to and clinical courses. Consequently, department chairs are
PBL suggests why this strategy (which embodies several hesitant to commit dwindling teaching resources to PBL,
items on the reform agenda) and other educational initia- which is perceived to be faculty-intensive.
tives have made only modest inroads. 䡲 The fourth factor relates to the nature of PBL itself. The
The literature on PBL in the health professions is exten- back-and-forth, sometimes unfocused dialog that charac-
sive, including comprehensive reviews of learning out- terizes a dynamic PBL group can appear unproductive to
comes.106–110 PBL has a four-decade record of successful im- faculty, who may prefer simply to tell students how to solve
plementation, and the ability of students to learn effectively the problem rather than watch them flounder. Faculty dis-
in well-orchestrated PBL programs is no longer debated by comfort with the facilitator role is evident in all health
individuals familiar with the literature. Students in PBL pro- professions. But from our experience, it is more prevalent
grams cite the energy of intellectual exchange, sense of per- in dental education because few dental faculty have ex-
sonal involvement, and stimulation of discovery as they col- perienced PBL as students. The seemingly unstructured dy-
laborate to solve the health mysteries of the patient namics of PBL may not fall within the typical dental fac-
portrayed in the case. These are expressions of excitement ulty member’s concept of learning. In contrast, most
about learning that stand in stark contrast to commentary medical school faculty educated in the past 25 years prob-
about the tedious monotony of the lecture hall.111,112 Win- ably encountered PBL at some point in their training.
ston Churchill’s commentary on his own education captures
the positive attributes of PBL for many students: ‘‘I hate to
Summary of Implementation Barriers to Dental
be taught, but I love to learn.’’ 6 Yet, PBL has not captured
Education Reforms
the imagination of dental educators to the extent it has been
embraced by medical school faculty.
The response to PBL mirrors factors contributing to ‘‘some
Four factors may contribute to PBL’s failure to make sig-
growth, but little change’’ for other dental education re-
nificant inroads.
forms. These factors include hesitancy to deviate from the
technical focus of dentistry’s duality, narrow conceptualiza-
䡲 First, PBL emphasizes the formulation of a broad-spectrum tion among administrators and faculty as to what constitutes
differential diagnosis, followed by data collection to rule learning and teaching, lack of familiarity with alternatives
out pathogenic options. At its heart, PBL is a detective to traditional lecture/lab instruction, unsuccessful efforts to
game designed to help students identify problems, retrieve add teaching and learning innovations as extra components
data, and ultimately solve the mystery. The purposes of to already jam-packed curricula, and perception among fac-
PBL are to help students learn to play this diagnostic de- ulty with heavy teaching loads that these reforms represent
tective game, learn the normal structure and function of extra work for the already overworked. In relation to work-



load, concerns about faculty shortages have escalated to the or she will be ready for the next level of training (e.g., a
point that school administrators are pondering whether they postgraduate year one) or be prepared to serve as an in-
can continue doing business as usual. Fifty percent of dental dependently functioning entry-level general practitioner?
school faculty are more than 50 years old and 40% of the 䡲 What learning experiences will enable students to acquire
11,000 full- and part-time faculty will retire by 2010. The these competencies?
$60,000 income differential between private practice and ac- 䡲 How do faculty know whether students have attained
ademia has limited the number of new graduates who pursue these competencies—what proof, or evidence, is needed
university employment and has induced many young faculty to establish that a student has attained competency? 115,116
to depart for economically greener pastures. It is estimated
that academic dentistry needs to recruit 150–200 new fac- A competency-based curriculum (CBC) has three features
ulty per year to maintain pace with current attrition, but in that are different from what most health professions educa-
the past decade an average of only 80 of the 4,100 annual tors have experienced: (1) top-down planning based on anal-
graduates (2%) have joined dental school faculties each ysis of contemporary and predicted future health care needs
year.113,114 of the public and the associated responsibilities of practi-
If this trend continues, dental schools will need to develop tioners in the field, (2) a readiness-based model in which
more efficient ways to implement the curriculum, develop students advance through the curriculum at different rates
new models of education such as geographic approaches that from each other based on their individual capabilities, and
pool school resources in a region, identify alternative sources (3) a horizontal curriculum structure in which students pro-
of faculty such as community practitioners, or scale back the gress through competency modules hierarchically sequenced
size of dental education nationally by reducing enrollment by difficulty level, and characterized by tight time proximity
or closing schools. between laboratory learning and clinical experience. A num-
ber of developing nations employ the hierarchical structure
III. FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN DENTAL EDUCATION of competency-based education to provide common path-
ways for training health care providers. For example, the
In this section, we review three directions for dental edu- modular curriculum of the School of Oral Health, Fiji
cation that we predict can enhance the education of dental School of Medicine, provides a competency-based ladder
students: (1) developing a competency-based curriculum that prepares a student to function as a dental hygienist after
that may provide a more educationally sound learning en- two years, a dental laboratory technician after three years, a
vironment and make more efficient use of faculty, (2) blend- dental therapist capable of performing general dentistry ser-
ing dental education into the mainstream of health profes- vices (e.g., tooth restoration, crowns, bridges) after four
sions education by increasing opportunities for clinical years, and a dental surgeon after five years.117
training in multidisciplinary environments, and (3) provid-
ing dental students with stronger training in public health. Top-down Planning

Competency-based Curriculum Grussing used the term ‘‘top-down planning’’ to convey the
idea that competency-based curricula are derived from the
Stimulated by the adoption of competency-based assessment roles, responsibilities, and frequently performed tasks carried
as an accreditation standard in 1995, dental schools have out by practitioners to address the health care needs of the
done an admirable job of identifying competencies that stu- public.118 Grussing visualized the public’s health problems
dents should acquire, and many schools are creating evalu- and the associated roles and responsibilities of the care pro-
ation processes to measure these competencies. vider as the top, or pinnacle, of the educational mountain.
However, few dental schools, if any, have attempted to Top-down planning leads to what is called a needs-based
restructure the curriculum and student learning methods curriculum. For example, the Arizona School of Health Sci-
around actual competency-based principles. From our per- ences, affiliated with the Kirksville College of Osteopathic
spective, developing a competency-based learning system is Medicine, is planning to open a new needs-based dental
an important next step in the evolution of dental education. school to address oral disease in Arizona, where 31% of chil-
Hendricson and Smith described the three questions that dren have never been to a dentist and 400,000 children have
faculty must answer to develop a competency-based health rampant tooth decay. As depicted in Figure 2, faculty de-
professions education curriculum: velop the curriculum by working down from practitioner
tasks and responsibilities to create an interlinked sequence
䡲 What knowledge, skills, and professional/personal values of learning activities and assessments that prepare students
should the student possess at the time of graduation so he for these responsibilities. The goal of top-down planning is



Figure 2. Contrasting approaches to curriculum

planning used in competency-based education (the
top-down panel) and discipline-based education
(the bottom-up panel). Sources: Grussing PG. Cur-
ricular design: competency perspective. Am J
Pharm Educ. 1987;51:414–9. Hendricson W, Cohen
P. Future directions in dental school curriculum,
teaching and learning. In: Leadership for the Fu-
ture: The Dental School in the University. Washing-
ton, DC: Center for Educational Policy and Re-
search, American Association of Dental Schools,

to create an efficient pathway for the student that links com- are passed, the student graduates. The assumption is that
petencies to subject matter and learning experiences, which, students, by their own devices, will assimilate, retain, and
in turn, are linked to evaluations that measure performance integrate the information from all these courses, and thus
of these competencies. The outcome is a series of hierarchi- become competent, with minimal outside assistance.
cally-arranged learning modules that start with universal Looking at health professions education overall, the silo
foundation material (e.g., the building blocks for all subse- approach is the prevailing model. At most academic health
quent learning) and progress sequentially through more so- centers, each of the individual professions autonomously op-
phisticated competencies. erate curricula with minimal planned interaction (although
In contrast, most faculty in health professions education students from different programs may bump into each other
are familiar with only bottom-up planning, which has been by accident because they happen to be assigned to the same
the standard operational model for 20th-century higher ed- facility). The Institute of Medicine–National Academy of
ucation. In bottom-up planning, certain pre-matriculation Science report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health Care
courses are accepted by tradition as being suitable prereq- System, examined the reasons for preventable patient-care
uisites for entry into the professional program. Various errors and accidents that contribute to 50,000–100,000
courses are superimposed on top of these prerequisites, with deaths and several hundred thousand near-misses annually
each discipline building its own column of courses indepen- within health care facilities.119 Among many contributing
dent of other specialty areas, resulting in a silo curriculum factors, four educational conditions were identified: (1) the
that resembles the top panel of Figure 1. In the silo curric- silo curriculum model does not provide multidisciplinary
ulum, basic science, behavioral science, and clinical disci- training that reflects workplace realities (IOM recommen-
plines train students independently (e.g., operate their own dation: ‘‘Train in teams those who will work in teams’’); (2)
autonomous mini-curricula) with no planned cross-fertiliza- because of reliance on memorization during training, health
tion. When all courses in each of the discipline-based silos professions education produces entry-level practitioners with



poor knowledge integration, poor vigilance for potential er- have demonstrated that dental students operating without
rors, and inadequate coping skills when problems occur; (3) requirements are just as productive as or more productive
entry-level practitioners lack training in information man- than peers in a requirement-driven system, receive an
agement systems and thus rely on memorization when on equally diverse clinical experience, perform as well or better
the job; and (4) there is a lack of opportunity to practice on various indices of clinical performance, and report lower
problem solving during training and on the job. levels of stress.101,121–124 The use of absolute numbers of pro-
In summary, bottom-up planning, which typically pro- cedure repetitions as a marker of students’ competence, and
duces a silo curriculum, helps faculty answer the question, equating time in training with readiness to practice, are an-
What do we want to teach students about our respective tithetical to competency-based assessment.
areas of specialization? In contrast, top-down planning en-
courages faculty to answer these questions: What must our
Horizontal Curriculum Structure
graduates be able to do so they can function as entry-level
general practitioners without direct supervision and coach-
ing? Or, what must our graduates be able to do so they can Competency-based curricula are structured differently from
provide patient care at the next level of professional train- discipline-based curricula. A bird’s-eye view of a traditional
ing, and benefit from educational experiences at the next discipline-based dental or medical curriculum looks like the
level? top panel of Figure 1, a series of silos representing the courses
of autonomous disciplines. In contrast, Figure 3 depicts a
Readiness-based Model bird’s-eye view of a competency-based curriculum, derived
from training models in the military and industry.125 In a
In a traditional time-based curriculum, it is assumed that CBC, students are evaluated before matriculation for their
spending a fixed number of years in training will ensure com- adaptability to the learning and assessment methods em-
petency. In the readiness-based model of the CBC, students ployed in a competency-based program. After matriculation,
proceed through the educational program at different rates students participate in additional assessments to pinpoint the
depending on individual capabilities. No arbitrary fixed time appropriate starting point for each student.
in training is set in the CBC. In other words, a student Most but not all students begin with a foundations phase
remains in training until he or she has successfully satisfied where they learn patient care skills and biologic science con-
the requirements of competency assessments that document cepts that serve as the universal underpinnings for all other
the ability to use designated skills in patient care without areas of performance. Students have opportunities to apply
assistance. In the CBC, students and instructors jointly de- these foundations by working with patients during the foun-
termine student readiness for competency assessments during dations phase.
which students perform without coaching and assistance by The foundation biologic sciences courses for a compe-
faculty. One student could be ready after two or three patient tency-based health professions curriculum should be struc-
encounters, while another may require six or seven learning tured differently from traditional discipline-based basic sci-
experiences to fine-tune the necessary patient care skills, as- ence courses. In the process of consulting with dental and
sisted by the coaching, feedback, and modeling of faculty. medical schools over the past ten years, the senior author
A CBC is also not repetition-based. In contrast to a read- (WDH) has interviewed more than 200 community practi-
iness-based approach, in the traditional model of dental ed- tioners and analyzed survey data from hundreds of residents
ucation, as evidence of clinical competence students are re- who were requested to look back at their education. Prac-
quired to successfully complete within calendar deadlines titioners and residents have a consistent vision of how they,
required numbers of repetitions of a wide range of dental from an educational consumers’ perspective, would like to
procedures, involving various types of amalgam, gold, and see the biomedical sciences structured. This vision is dra-
composite restorations, crowns, dentures, root canals, ex- matically different from that reflected by the educations
tractions, quadrants of periodontal scaling, etc. In this sys- these individuals received. In the traditional silo curriculum,
tem, students’ behaviors in the dental school clinic often course directors organize their courses chronologically, topic
revolve around finding patients who have oral health prob- by topic, from day one to the final examination (e.g., ver-
lems that allow them to perform required repetitions of the tically) to introduce the subject matter to students in a log-
designated dental procedures. The requirement system has ical progression for that particular topic. And indeed, most
been criticized for creating an environment in which stu- courses are well organized within the contexts of their par-
dents are encouraged to place their own training needs ticular silos in the overall curriculum. However, students ex-
ahead of patients’ health care needs (e.g., talking a patient perience the curriculum in a different manner as they try to
into undergoing a procedure the student needs to perform, make sense of information communicated in four to six con-
but the patient may not need).120 However, several studies current courses taught back to back, hour by hour, in a single



Figure 3. Structure of a com-

petency-based curriculum for a
health professions education
program. Source: Hendricson
W, Cohen P. Future directions
in dental school curriculum,
teaching and learning. In:
Leadership for the Future: The
Dental School in the University.
Washington, DC: Center for Ed-
ucational Policy and Research,
American Association of Dental
Schools, 1999.

day (e.g., horizontally, across discipline silos). To illustrate or more courses, each conducted independently? And this
this point, here is a list of the topics students encountered process occurs day after day throughout the curriculum.
on a single day during the freshman year at a well-respected In contrast to the approach depicted above, dental school
dental school with a discipline-based curriculum. graduates prefer what they frequently called a ‘‘lined-up’’ cur-
riculum that coordinates morphology, anatomy, physiology,
䡲 From 8 to 9 AM: Pharmacology—diuretics pathology, and treatment both for the head and neck region
䡲 From 9 to 12 AM: Gross anatomy—neuroanatomy of basal (craniofacial) and for the organ systems of the human body.
ganglia Such a curriculum is arranged horizontally by broad related
䡲 From 1 to 3 PM: Physiology—gastrointestinal motility topics; for example, development (growth); structure (what
䡲 From 3 to 4 PM: Microbiology—specific immunity is it? where is it?); function (how does it work?); pathology
䡲 From 4 to 5 PM: Biomaterials—metallurgy (what goes wrong?); and therapy (how to treat it?).126 This
lined-up approach to curriculum organization is conceptually
Each course was well organized internally, but what is the similar to the knowledge networking (often described as hor-
impact on the learners as they attempt to make sense of izontal linkage) that apparently serves as the underpinning
fragmented and uncoordinated bits of information from five for the development of expertise.



The 1999–2000 AAMC Curriculum Directory indicates Upon successful demonstration of competency, students
that more than 100 U.S. medical schools (roughly 70%) enter a new module where they are reorganized into new
have implemented an approximation of the horizontally learning squads, meet new instructors and TAs, and repeat
lined-up model (e.g., thematically integrated versus purely the process. However, in some CBC formats, the learning
discipline-based courses) for either the first year or the sec- squad remains intact for several competency modules, de-
ond year, or the bulk of both years. In contrast, integrated pending on the expertise of the team leader. Students who
basic science curricula in North American dental schools are do not demonstrate competency repeat the module. The ul-
rare. Forbes found that 90% of the associate deans for aca- timate layer of the curriculum is an extended period of com-
demic affairs endorsed the concept, but only ten schools op- prehensive practice, involving all competencies. To gradu-
erated curricula that blended basic science courses to- ate, during the final curriculum layer students must
gether.127 successfully complete competency examinations that mea-
After completion of competency tests to certify acquisi- sure key skills and the ability to demonstrate professional
tion of the biological and clinical foundations, CBC students values when interacting with patients.
move through a hierarchy of learning modules that provide An educational advantage of the CBC is the tight time
learning experiences and assessment for increasingly com- relationship between laboratory simulation and use of these
plex competencies, in a building-block approach. An im- skills during patient care. In the traditional dental curricu-
portant feature of the hierarchical CBC model is that inter- lum, six to 12 months may elapse between a student’s lab-
related preclinical experiences (e.g., developing basic oratory experience and performance of the learned proce-
technical skills in a laboratory) and clinical experiences with dures in the clinic. The literature on acquisition and
patients both occur within learning modules throughout the cur- maintenance of complex procedural skills indicates that per-
riculum rather than via the traditional system of limiting lab- formance erodes within several weeks if the skill is not con-
oratory work to the first half of the educational program and tinuously practiced and fine-tuned by self-assessment and in-
clinical work to the third and fourth years. structor coaching.128 The CBC learning squad structure
Thus, it is possible that even students in the final phase would also alter the management of patients within the
of the curriculum may spend time learning new skills in a clinic. In most dental school clinics, patients are assigned
laboratory. On the first day of the laboratory, students are directly to students, not to clinicians serving as faculty. Fac-
assembled into learning teams (often called learning ulty basically serve as evaluators who inspect the students’
‘‘squads’’ per the squad concept in military applications of work at various points in the treatment process and assign
CBC) of six to eight students led by an instructor (team grades. Thus, dental students primarily encounter clinicians
leader) who is assisted by one or more senior students who as checkers rather than as mentors and rarely observe faculty
serve as teaching assistants (TAs). The squad of students, in a care-provider role. Instead of seeing faculty as role mod-
instructor, and TAs work together every day in the lab and els and teachers, dental students have historically focused on
also move together from the laboratory into the clinic to the gatekeeper (grader) role of clinician faculty. This pro-
ensure continuity of learning between laboratory and clinic. duces a higher level of guarded, hunkered-down behavior
The key to the horizontal CBC format is the continuous among dental students than we have observed among stu-
relationship of an expert practitioner with a small group of dents in other health professions education programs. In
novice learners in the tradition of the artisan–apprentice contrast, the faculty leader of each CBC learning squad
training model perfected during the 15th- and 16th-century would assume responsibility for patient management and
Renaissance by the masters of various craft guilds. When would coordinate the diagnostic and therapeutic activities of
students test out of the laboratory phase of the module, they the squad, providing some care also, especially early in the
move into the clinic and perform the procedure on patients, module, and assigning other tasks to students and/or the se-
with coaching and feedback from the team leader and TAs, nior TAs working with the squad.
within days of passing the laboratory competency examina-
tion. Competency assessment in the clinical phase of the Competency-based Curriculum: Time and
module is accomplished by the triangulation method, which Resource Efficiencies
consists of three measurements of different aspects of com-
petence: assessment of the student’s ability to perform pro- A competency-based format may alleviate two other prob-
cedural skills, a case-based written assessment of the student’s lems in dental education: escalating student indebtedness
ability to use knowledge to make patient care decisions, and and faculty shortages. Research on the CBC indicates that
the team leader’s overall assessment of the student’s perfor- the readiness-based model allows learners to proceed through
mance, including patient management, ability to commu- training faster than does the traditional time-based ap-
nicate biomedical knowledge, technical skills, and profes- proach.80,129 Some medical residency programs have adopted
sional demeanor. the readiness-based CBC and report faster learner pro-



gression toward competence. For example, neurosurgery viable format for the foundations phase of a competency-
residents at Johns Hopkins mastered a variety of complex based dental school curriculum.131 In the AM – PM model,
competencies from three to 18 months faster after imple- eight of the ten half-day blocks during the week are sched-
mentation of a CBC format.130 Implementing a training sys- uled for learning experiences and two half days are unsched-
tem in which students can graduate in a shorter time frame uled. In the morning, thematically integrated basic science
will obviously ease the students’ financial burden and pro- courses are conducted four days a week (blocks 1–4). During
vide resource economies for the institution. two afternoons, students meet in PBL groups from 1 to 3 PM
Because of the squad-continuity concept, competency- to analyze cases that require application of concepts derived
based programs typically do not use the FTE (full-time from the biologic science instruction (blocks 5–6). The re-
equivalent) coverage approach in which several instructors mainders of these afternoons are unscheduled so students can
fill one faculty slot in the clinic during the week. In the research questions arising during the PBL sessions. On a
CBC, one faculty member is assigned full-time to each learn- third afternoon, students participate in a physical assessment
ing squad that moves as a unit through the clinical modules. lab to learn patient examination pertinent to an anatomic
Senior students provide the primary instructional support for area or pathologic mechanism addressed at that point in the
the team leaders rather than faculty. For example, a CBC curriculum (block 7). Students spend a half day per week at
class of 100 would consist of approximately 14 teams and a clinical site assisting third- or fourth-year students with
require full-time teaching commitment from 14 instructors patient examinations (block 8).
plus a couple of rovers. In our experience, a typical clinic In our vision of the 21st century dental school curriculum,
week for 100 students in a traditional curriculum might be four half-day blocks in the morning will be devoted to the
staffed by up to 25 different faculty from the various de- biologic science units depicted on the left side of Table 2.
partments. Because of the full-time dedication of one in- The titles of the numerous courses that traditionally com-
structor to a squad of students, CBC staffing is lean and prise these thematic units are indicated on the right side of
mean in comparison with conventional approaches. Of the table. Each thematic unit will employ an integrated
course, the down side is that certain faculty are designated cross-disciplinary approach based on the lined-up horizontal
as full-time teachers and have no time for other academic structure. The four half-day PM blocks will be devoted to a
activities. Therefore, the CBC requires modification to the PBL integration session (block 5) to help students pull to-
triple-threat approach to promotion and tenure to avoid gether biologic principles and three blocks devoted to foun-
placing competency team leaders in jeopardy. dation patient care skills (blocks 6–8; 12 hours per week).
In addition to learning foundation dental skills, we recom-
A 21st-century Curriculum Model for Dental Education mend that dental students also learn how to take a full med-
ical history and conduct a comprehensive head-to-toe phys-
A number of medical schools structure their curricula in the ical examination. Patients with oral disease and common
AM – PMformat (i.e., morning and afternoon), which is a medical comorbidities such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovas-

Table 2

Thematically-based Biological Science Units in Proposed 21st-century Dental School Curriculum

Biological Science Thematic Units Dental School Courses That Traditionally Comprise Each Thematic Area

Development, structure, function, and abnormalities of cells, tissues, Gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, neuroanatomy, general pathol-
and organs ogy, physiology (pathophysiology), biochemistry
Normal and abnormal development, structure, and function of the oro- Gross anatomy/embryology, growth and development, dental anatomy,
facial complex pediatric dentistry, occlusion, orthodontics, TMD, craniofacial abnor-
malities, oral diagnosis, radiographic interpretation
Normal and abnormal biology of oral cavity (pathogens and immune Microbiology, biochemistry, cariology, oral pathology, immunology, peri-
response) odontics, nutrition, prevention, endodontics, oral diagnosis
Assessment, prevention, and treatment of abnormalities of the orofacial Oral diagnosis, oral pathology, preventive dentistry, community den-
complex, including oral–systemic disease links tistry, public health, clinical medicine, periodontics, other clinical spe-
Pharmacologic agents Pharmacology, neuroscience, biochemistry
Source: Hendricson W, Cohen P. Future directions in dental school curriculum, teaching and learning. In: Leadership for the Future: The Dental School in the University.
Washington, DC: Center for Educational Policy and Research, American Association of Dental Schools, 1999.



cular disease, and diabetes should serve as physical assess- Our view is that the dentist is a health care provider who
ment subjects. Interviewing and examining individuals who has received specialized training in assessment and treatment
have active disease, at the same time as taking pathophy- of diseases and abnormalities of the orofacial complex, an
siology course work, will allow dental students to see the anatomically and functionally-defined region similar to the
clinical presentations of medial conditions and demonstrate anatomic or functional parameters that establish practice do-
the intermingling of dental and medical problems. By the mains for other medical specialties and subspecialties. The
middle of the spring semester, first-year students should assist key question is: Should the education of the orofacial spe-
upperclassmen two half days a week and have a weekly half- cialist be better assimilated with the training for students
day preceptorship in a hospital-based dental clinic where the preparing for careers in other areas of medical specialization?
interplay of patients’ medical and dental problems is evident A number of factors indicate to us that the answer is ‘‘yes.’’
and students can encounter a primarily geriatric patient pop- As we have seen, numerous high-morbidity diseases and ab-
ulation. normalities of the orofacial complex can benefit from mul-
As depicted in Appendix A, we recommend dividing each tidisciplinary prevention and treatment. For example, ad-
clinical year into four ten-week competency modules, with vances in microbiology suggest that reducing maternal
two-week mini-modules scheduled after modules one and reservoirs of mutant streptococci, preventing transmission of
three for focused pursuit of elective topics. Two of the six bacteria from mothers to infants, and enhancing the child’s
mini-modules in the second, third, and fourth years should resistance to bacterial implantation are viable approaches to
address health services research and require the student to primary caries prevention.29 Implementing those preventive
conduct an evidence-based investigation of an oral health measures and educating the public about the infectious
topic. For the remaining four mini-modules, the student can transmission of caries requires teamwork between pediatri-
choose from an additional research topic, clinical experi- cians, dentists, and public health workers.
ences in dental or medical subspecialties, comprehensive In addition, the growth in the number of elderly patients,
dentistry in a community setting, or a rotation in the with medical and dental comorbidity, will place dentists and
school’s walk-in emergency clinic. One of the ten-week com- physicians in more frequent collaboration to coordinate
petency modules should be devoted to pubic health, with a treatment for this population. Research in molecular biology
community service component and completion of an evi- and investigation of the genetic basis of disease have tran-
dence-based research project. Fourth-year students will also
scended traditional disciplinary boundaries, blending the ef-
serve one day per week as TAs in the foundation skill labs
forts of dental and medical investigators with the expertise
for first-year students or as TAs in lower-level competency
of basic scientists. Access to the Internet and other sources
modules. The competency modules in the second, third, and
of health information has enhanced public awareness of dis-
fourth years should be arranged in a stairstep continuum that
ease processes, medications, non-pharmacologic therapies,
allows the student to progress through basic skills underlying
diet and fitness, and alternative medicine, which places pres-
many areas of clinical care before progressing to more com-
sure on all health care providers to stay abreast of develop-
plex competencies. To stimulate thought, particularly among
ments across a broad spectrum of biomedical knowledge.
dental educators, a hypothetical clinical module sequence is
And finally, academic health centers (AHCs) are strug-
proposed in Appendix B.
gling to determine the winning combination that will enable
Blending Dental Education into the Mainstream them to compete in the marketplace. Many AHCs hope to
of Health Professions Education entice patient enrollment by assembling attractive packages
of multidisciplinary service teams. Given the uncertainties
The IOM Report on Dental Education recommended that of core financing for university-operated clinics, dental
‘‘dental educators should work with their colleagues in med- school administrators now understand the need to demon-
ical schools and academic health centers to require and pro- strate the value-added potential of the dental school clinic,
vide for dental students at least one rotation, or clerkship, within an overall spectrum of health care services.132 The
or equivalent experience in relevant areas of medicine, and Blue Ridge Academic Health Group, a component of the
offer opportunities for additional elective experience in hos- University of Virginia Health Policy Center, which consists
pitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care clinics, and other of academic health professionals, sociologists, economists,
settings.’’ 10 The IOM report also recommended that dental and businessmen, advises AHC administrators who are re-
school faculty should have sufficient experience in clinical configuring organizational structures to enhance economic
medicine that they—and not just physicians—could impart viability. The Blue Ridge Group recommends that ‘‘AHCs
core medical knowledge to dental students and be clinical must base their management structures and programs on the
role models to students in regard to recognition and appro- collective enterprise. Individual components of AHCs that
priate responses to medical disorders in patients. perceive themselves as independent and isolated must come



to view themselves as an integral part of a common enter- psychosocial–behavioral issues, and community-based pre-
prise, and must commit to collaborative accomplishment of vention services.
common goals and objectives.’’ 133
If there are substantial reasons for blending the education Although it is not the focus of this article, we believe that
of dentists with that of physicians-in-training, how can this residents in the medical primary care disciplines, particularly
be accomplished? The IOM recommendation to add a med- pediatrics and family medicine, should receive expanded
ical clerkship to the dental curriculum is problematic. Clerk- training in oral health assessment and prevention. Pediatri-
ship directors are hard pressed to locate training sites and cians and family physicians see children regularly, but they
adequate numbers of university-based or community physi- typically receive rudimentary training in oral health issues
cians for their own students, so adding dental students to in their residency programs.135 The situation is complicated
the clerkship mix is doubtful. However, there are other ways by the fact that there are only 3,500 pediatric dentists in
to diversify the dental students’ clinical experience and in- the United States, and most general dentists practicing today
crease interaction with other health professionals. The 21st- received very limited training in providing dental care for
century curriculum proposed in this article has three mech- infants and young children.15 To address this gap in oral
anisms to accomplish these goals. health care for children, Mouradian recommends that phy-
sicians training to be primary care providers should learn oral
䡲 First, the whole-body physical assessment in the founda- health assessment techniques, learn how to provide caries
tions phase will alert students to the interplay of oral and prevention counseling to children and parents, and learn
systemic diseases while they are learning about pathophy- basic techniques for caries control such as applying fluoride
siologic mechanisms and will encourage students to view varnishes.15 We recommend that the third-year family med-
patient health holistically, not just from the perspective of icine clerkship include a rotation in an oral diagnosis screen-
the oral cavity. ing clinic where medical students can work up patients (who
䡲 Second, the 21st-century curriculum should include a ten- typically have plenty of systemic disease) in conjunction
week multidisciplinary health care module in the second with dental school peers. The third-year pediatrics clerkship
year that focuses on five areas where dentists and other should include a module on oral health, and medical stu-
health care professionals will increasingly interact in the dents should learn how to assess a child’s oral health status
future: ear, nose, and throat; oncology; hospital-based den- as part of the routine physical assessment protocol.
tistry; pediatrics; and geriatrics (two-week rotations in
each area). It is particularly important to provide dental Building Alliances for Multidisciplinary Education
students with experiences in the hospital environment and
with elderly patients early in the curriculum. Many dental Medical–dental school alliances exist now, which suggests
schools already have rotations in hospital dental clinics, that the obstacles are not insurmountable. Medical school
but usually at the end of the curriculum. An early hospital anesthesia and surgery departments cooperate with oral sur-
rotation will provide students with patient care experi- gery in support of predoctoral and graduate training, includ-
ences that blend oral health and internal medicine. The ing DDS—MD dual-degree programs. Dental and medical
hospital dental service is also the environment in which faculty collaborate in the research and teaching activities of
students are most likely to observe dentists functioning in federally-funded geriatrics education centers and provide
an oral-physician role. The geriatrics rotation should in- joint staffing for university-operated extended-care centers.
clude home visits with the elderly. For example, first-year Clinical research centers for craniofacial disorders and max-
medical students at the University of Texas Health Sci- illofacial prosthetics include dentists and physicians. Several
ence Center at San Antonio meet ‘‘senior professors’’ who dental schools provide four- to six-week hospital externships
are geriatric volunteers willing to share their life experi- for their students.
ences and medical histories with students.134 During years From our perspective, four strategies for cross-disciplinary
three and four of clinical training, dental students should alliance building are available: (1) cross-appointment of den-
also provide care to elderly patients at long-term care fa- tal and medical school faculty in areas with overlapping in-
cilities. terests such as pediatric dentistry with medical pediatrics,
䡲 The third mechanism for diversifying the dental students’ general dentistry–community dentistry with family and com-
education comprises the mini-modules, which can provide munity medicine, and periodontics with internal medicine;
cross-disciplinary experiences in many areas: genetically- (2) budget re-direction in which schools purchase the ser-
based craniofacial anomalies, maxillofacial prosthetics, dis- vices of other AHC components, a model already used by
orders of the temporomandibular joint, reconstructive sur- dental and medical schools to implement the basic science
gery for facial trauma, HIV infection, substance abuse, curriculum; (3) collaboration of medical and dental schools



in recruitment of dual-degree faculty who have the breadth and insulation from risk. Goffee envisions the organizational
of training and experience to teach in both schools; and (4) culture of an institution as a matrix with two axes, a vertical
service exchanges in which departments support each other’s one representing solidarity (cohesiveness of purpose among
educational program in repayment for clinical services. For organization components), and a horizontal one representing
example, the dental school provides staffing and equipment sociability (interpersonal relationships among persons in the
for the medical school’s mobile health vans in exchange for organization). The levels of solidarity and sociability can be
the medical school’s providing slots for dental students in high (strong solidarity and much sociability) or low (weak
clinical electives, or vice versa. solidarity and minimal effort at sociability). Goffee con-
cludes that ‘‘university faculty, identifying more strongly with
Expanded Focus on Public Health and Tobacco-use their disciplines than with the university itself, typically lack
Prevention–Cessation solidarity. Their interpersonal relationships (sociability) may
be distant as well, placing the university low on both soli-
During the third year of the 21st-century curriculum, stu- darity and sociability,’’ thus making the university culture
dents should complete a public health competency module particularly resistant to change.140
that features field investigation of community health prob- Dentists have been described as cautious, conservative,
lems, training in evidence-based literature review, and pre- valuing order and conformity, with a desire to control
sentation of an evidence-based research report. The nature events.143 Not surprisingly, the independent yet cautious na-
of oral disease in the 21st century and the demographics of ture of the faculty is reflected in the organizational structure
populations in greatest need of dental services suggest to us of dental schools, most of which operate under a decentral-
that the dental education community should carefully con- ized states’-rights philosophy that encourages autonomous
sider the long-term value-added potential for the profession action by departments, an organizational structure similar to
and for the public of providing more joint DDS–MPH de- that of most medical schools. Ebert and Ginzberg describe
gree tracks at dental schools, and also perhaps establishing medical schools as a confederation of semi-autonomous fief-
a national goal to graduate a certain percentage of students doms that seemingly exist to compete with each other for
with the DDS–MPH package (for example, 25% of gradu- treasure (institutional resources), territory (office, laboratory,
ates by 2025). With proper scheduling, a student should be and clinic space), and political influence (curriculum
able to complete a dual degree in five years with summer time).144 Just as when Julius Caesar observed, as he stood on
work, especially if a readiness-based CBC is implemented. the banks of the Rhine gazing at the first bridge to span the
Dental students should receive enhanced education about river from Germania into Gaul (France), that ‘‘most cer-
tobacco use and its associated health problems and receive tainly, commerce will follow this means of transportation,’’
training in tobacco prevention and cessation techniques. so also curriculum most certainly follows the school’s orga-
The American Dental Association has advocated a more nizational chart.145
proactive role in tobacco prevention and cessation for its Given these factors, resistance to change in the university
members, and models have been developed for education of environment is the norm rather than the exception. Dental
dentists-in-training and community practitioners.136–138 Be- education is not alone in its inability to institute meaningful
cause of the dentist’s focus on the oral cavity, where signs of reforms. Samuel Bloom’s classic discussion of resistance to
smoking are obvious and effects are profound, it seems to us change in medical schools reviewed the myriad efforts since
that the dental profession can be a first line of defense 1920 to improve medical education and observed that the
against this insidious practice, a new and critically important process was characterized by ‘‘reform without change.’’ 146
disease prevention role for the profession. This conclusion was echoed by Christakis, who assessed the
marginal impact of 19 national-level efforts to reform med-
ical education.147 Bloom and Christakis both identified or-
ganizational structure and the cultural environment of the
institution as the major barriers to educational revitalization.
The process by which educational institutions respond to
After assessing the wreckage of a failed attempt to revise the
changes in policy, resource allocation, or structure is pre-
curriculum, a medical school dean captured the challenge of
dictable. Reform efforts in institutions with complex infra-
reform, ‘‘It is not enough to have good ideas. Other factors
structures proceed through the following phases:
are much more powerful.’’ 139 Goffee, Berquist, and Schein
studied university culture and faculty values as the basis for
analyzing adaptability to change.140–142 They observe that 䡲 Denial: A self-protective state to avoid being overwhelmed
university faculty value independence and autonomy, do not 䡲 Resistance: Mourning and distress; passive-aggressive resis-
value collaboration, but have a strong need for job security tance



䡲 Acceptance: Inevitability of impending change is recog- of operations. As Peter Drucker states, ‘‘One cannot manage
nized change. One can only be ahead of it.’’ 152
䡲 Bargaining: Attempts to piecemeal or sequester the new The literature on organizational change in health profes-
plan sions education indicates that the chief executive officer
䡲 Exploration: Future-focused thinking about how to inte- (CEO) is ‘‘the straw that stirs the drink.’’ Bland and col-
grate the new plan into the mainstream of the institution leagues reviewed the literature reporting curricular change
䡲 Commitment: Proactive efforts to make the new plan work strategies and outcomes in higher education and identified
effectively 35 factors that contribute to successful reform.153 Bland
䡲 Comfort: The plan is no longer ‘‘new’’ but is perceived as grouped these success factors into 13 categories such as or-
routine and ‘‘our way’’ 148,149 ganizational structure, scope of the innovation, and leader-
ship. Of these factors, leadership stood out. ‘‘Leadership
comes up again and again as critical to the success of cur-
Most reforms fail to move beyond the denial or resistance
ricular change because the leaders control or substantially
stages, particularly when they are not provoked by a galva-
influence nearly all the features essential for success.’’ With-
nizing event that reflects poorly and publicly on the insti-
out strong CEO leadership, clear vision of a different but
tution (for example, poor board scores, a high student attri-
desirable future, persistent promotion of the vision, excellent
tion rate, or media reports of faculty unhappiness). Reforms
behind-the-scenes organization, and willingness to face
may reach the bargaining stage if leadership persistently fo-
down obstructionists, true reform is not likely to occur.
cuses attention on the problem and articulates a viable so-
Deans must resist what Lencioni refers to as leadership temp-
lution (e.g., a new organizational reality), a process known
tations, with the foremost temptations being (1) the equa-
as reality framing.150 Levine identified enclaving and piece-
tion of personal popularity with successful management and
mealing as particularly effective and frequently-used bargain-
(2) focusing on personal achievements rather than organi-
ing strategies that block educational innovations.149 Reforms
zational results as indicators of performance.154 Instead, Len-
often are enclaved, or quarantined, as detached programs
cioni contends that CEOs should make institutional out-
that sequester reformers away from conventionally-minded
comes the most important measure of their own personal
faculty, and limit disruption of standard operations. Quar-
success, organize and manage faculty in ways needed to
antined programs typically wither when reformers depart or
achieve desired results, work for the long-term respect of
assume new responsibilities. In piecemealing, departments
faculty as opposed to their affection, and take decisive ac-
adopt only the components of reform packages they can live
tion. The associate deans who work with the dean must
with and ignore less agreeable aspects. Departments will en-
share these leadership abilities and wholeheartedly support
clave and piecemeal until they reduce reforms to small com-
the vision. Several universally respected faculty leaders must
ponents that have negligible impact on departmental struc-
also share the vision, have the same passion for making im-
ture and operations, a minimalization process leading to
provements, and be willing to stick their necks out among
reform without change.
peers to endorse what may be unpopular recommendations.
Noer developed a model to assess the likely response of
Evaluation of curricular innovation projects at eight medical
an organization to a reform initiative.151 Noer’s response-fac-
schools funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
tor model categorizes organizations along two dimensions—
indicates that a bookends approach to leadership (dean and
capacity for change and comfort with change. Dental schools
associate deans on one side; respected faculty leaders on the
can best be described as ‘‘entrenched’’ organizations, with
other) is vital to success.155,156
high capacity for change, but low comfort with change. En-
trenched organizations respond to change by blaming and
complaining, acknowledging the need to change but resist- CLOSING OBSERVATIONS
ing efforts to modify philosophy, structure, and operations,
working harder at previously successful behavior patterns, Faculty development and reconsideration of organizational
and riding it out until things return to normal. We believe structure will be key ingredients in whatever direction dental
dental schools must aspire to become what Noer categorizes and medical education take in the next 20 years, indepen-
as ‘‘learning’’ organizations, which have high capacity for dently or jointly.
implementing change and high comfort with the processes
necessary to support and maintain innovation. Learning or- Faculty Development
ganizations respond quickly to challenges and deficiencies by
developing new strategic directions, focusing on solving Most dental schools have operated discipline-based curricula
problems rather than casting personal blame, and accepting for decades (year 1 = basic science lectures with a few pre-
short-term setbacks in exchange for long-term enhancement clinical labs; year 2 = preclinical labs, a few basic science



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Schematic of Proposed 21st-century Competency-based Dental School Curriculum

*Units on development, structure, function, and abnormalities of cells, tissues, and organs (except the orofacial complex), metabolism and
nutrition, and infectious processes/host response.
†Two-week rotations in ENT (ear, nose, and throat clinic), oncology, hospital dentistry, pediatrics, and geriatrics.

Modules Ten weeks duration; students devote approximately 30 hours per week to module theme.
MM Two-week mini-module for clinical or research electives.
CPD (Clinical Practice of Dentistry) = 2–3 hours per week.
CCC (Comprehensive Care Clinic) = one day per week.


Proposed Sequence of Clinical Competency Modules

Second Year

䡲 Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of periodontal disease, including an interdisciplinary rotation on surgical skills
䡲 Restoration of dentition
䡲 Management of dysfunction/abnormalities of the craniofacial complex (a multidisciplinary module addressing growth and development
abnormalities from childhood to adulthood)
䡲 Multidisciplinary health care—ENT (ear, nose and throat), oncology, pediatrics, hospital dentistry, geriatrics (two weeks each; total of
ten weeks)



䡲 Two mini-modules for clinical or research electives (two weeks each)

䡲 Clinical Practice of Dentistry (CPD) = two–three hours per week devoted to: (1) Pain Management and Clinical Pharmacology and
(2) Economic Basis of Health Care Systems

Third Year

䡲 Endodontics and inter-arch restorations

䡲 Removable restorations (partial and complete dentures)
䡲 Public health including a community field-work project and an evidence-based project
䡲 Primary dental care (comprehensive care)
䡲 Two mini-modules for clinical or research electives (two weeks each)
䡲 Clinical Practice of Dentistry (CPD) = two–three hours per week devoted to (1) Clinical Pathology Conferences, (2) Clinical Phar-
macology, and (3) Dental Informatics

Fourth Year

䡲 Oral surgery, management of trauma and emergencies, and dental walk-in clinic
䡲 Implant dentistry and esthetic dentistry (five weeks each)
䡲 Primary care (including a two-week hospital dentistry rotation)
䡲 Primary care (including a two-week practice management preceptorship/project)
䡲 Two mini-modules for clinical or research electives (two weeks each)
䡲 Clinical Practice of Dentistry (CPD) = two–three hours per week devoted to: (1) Dentist in Society, (2) Professional Ethics and
Jurisprudence, and (3) Dental Practice Management

Module Scheduling

A hypothetical class of 80 is divided into four groups of 20 students who rotate among the modules. Patient treatment in junior year
competency modules that may extend beyond the confines of a ten-week rotation (for example, multi-unit fixed bridges or partial dentures)
can be completed during the weekly comprehensive care days scheduled throughout the year and/or during the Primary Care Module,
depending on the student’s rotation schedule.


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