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Thanks for joining my server, here's a few things you'll need to do to be able to post

messages. Of course, you can skip all of this and just lurk if you want.

Connecting your accounts:

1. If you don’t already have one, create an account on

a. Click ‘Sign Up’. Wait for the Weezify page to load. It takes a while because
I’m an amateur coder and I don’t know what I’m doing.
b. Click on the ‘Profile’ button. Follow the instructions to create an account.
c. Choose your username carefully as it will be synced to your user in my
discord server. You won’t be able to change it. (Of course, you could always
start over with a new account).
2. Once you've created your account. Come back to discord.
3. Copy your snowflake id which I included in the DM I send to you on discord.
4. Once copied, go back to your profile page on
5. Assuming you’re signed in there, you’ll see this bar:

5. Paste your snowflake id in this section and hit 'enter'.

6. Come back to discord and go into the #connect-to-mrn channel.
7. There you'll need to post your user name EXACTLY as it appears on
(case sensitive). Make sure to end your message with punctuation.

8. You should receive a message stating “ member 'your_username' is now

connected to this discord server.”
9. Once you've connected your accounts you'll need to send a message in any available
chat so my bot can assign you roles. Make sure to end your message with punctuation.
In 2 days*, you’ll be assigned the “Neighbor” role in my server and then you’ll be able to chat
in the general chats.

If you have an issue or need help with any step of the process, please ask in the server’s
#Question-And-Help channel.


* If by chance you own one of my demo bundles on, you’ll receive the
“Neighbor” role immediately, without waiting 2 days.

Note: your username is case-sensitive.

Note: In one case, a Neighbor was unable to connect because they somehow had 2
accounts with the same name at my website.)

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