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Background Knowledge:

High Context: Individuals have a wide network of sources and stay well-informed on various subjects.
Low Context: People verbalize more background information but may not be well-informed on topics
outside their specialties or interests.
Cultural Action-Orientation:

High Context: Prioritizes relationship-building over goal achievement, emphasizing relationships.

Low Context: Prioritizes accomplishing objectives and goals over relationships, emphasizing tasks.
Cultural Expressiveness:

High Context: Feelings and thoughts are not openly expressed, often requiring reading between the lines.
Low Context: Feelings and thoughts are often explicitly expressed, verbally or in writing, with value
placed on authenticity.
Cultural Distinctions between Working and Personal Relationships:

High Context: All aspects of an individual's life are interconnected.

Low Context: Personal, work, and other relationships are highly compartmentalized with little overlap.
Background Experiences:

High Context: People are homogeneous, sharing extensive experiences, information, and networks.
Low Context: Individuals have independent experiences, information, and networks, which may vary

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