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Nuclear Engineering and Design 139 (1993) 59-81 59


Passive decay heat removal in advanced LWR concepts

Pavel H e j z l a r *, Neil E. T o d r e a s * * a n d M i c h a e l J. Driscoll * * *
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts At'e, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Received 1 June 1992

This paper explores the possibilities of developing a passive LWR design concept which could ensure sufficient decay heat
removal in the absence of emergency primary coolant supply without exceeding the safe temperature limit on cladding, and
which could achieve large nominal operating power output in the range 600-1000 MWe. Various possibilities of passive
decay heat removal in LWR concepts are assessed and choke points limiting the heat transfer from the fuel to the ultimate
heat sink are identified. To eliminate these choke points, new core configurations are studied. The most promising concept
appears to be a pressure tube reactor with fueled solid matrix and a separate moderator as a heat sink.

1. Introduction Passive 600MWe Reactor) [1], GE's SBWR (Simplified

BWR) [2] and ABB-Atom's PIUS (Process Inherent
In spite of the good safety record achieved by the Ultimate Safety) [3]. Light water technology is em-
nuclear power industry, several major accidents have ployed in most operating nuclear power plants and
added to the public's skepticism of nuclear power as an consequently the LWR design is based on much greater
acceptable option for electrical generation. In particu- operating experience than the other principal types.
lar two serious accidents - at Three Mile Island and Consequently, this study is directed at the water cooled
Chernobyl - were crucial in this respect. Both showed reactor approach.
that safety devices are vulnerable to human error, There are two main purposes for selecting passive
especially if the system is of a complicated character. safety design characteristics. The first is to provide
Consequently, new design options are currently be- stability of the fission process as well as passive shut-
ing pursued to improve the safety of the new genera- down. The second is to provide assured removal of
tion of nuclear power plants. One emphasis is on decay heat to an ultimate heat sink. The latter is the
simpler and easier to operate units with passive or main focus of this paper.
intrinsic characteristics which would provide not only Removal of decay heat from current LWR fuel
inherent stability of the chain reaction but would also bundles necessitates the presence of coolant in the
ensure continued cooling of fuel and its containment core. The first generation of LWRs (all currently oper-
systems under major accidents. These features enable ating LWRs) provides emergency coolant delivery and
the plant to survive severe potential accidents without decay heat removal by active means, while current
fuel damage and without human intervention. advanced LWR concepts use passive means to accom-
As a result of such efforts, several new advanced plish these functions. They all employ water boiling
reactor concepts with passive safety features have been and steam condensation for transport of heat from the
developed. The main effort has been concentrated on fuel bundles to the ultimate heat sink. Boiling is uti-
LWR (Light Water Reactor), H T G R (High Tempera- lized for all three advanced concepts as a heat transfer
ture Gas-Cooled Reactor), and LMR (Liquid Metal mode in the core region to remove decay heat. On the
Reactor) technology. For LWRs, the principal systems heat sink side, the individual concepts differ. For the
being developed are Westinghouse's AP600 (Advanced AP600, steam condenses on the inner containment
wall, which is in turn cooled on the outside by film
* Research Assistant. evaporation and air flow. For the SBWR, steam con-
* * Professor. denses in an isolation condenser which is immersed in
** * Professor Emeritus. a water pool, while in PlUS water boils off through

0 0 2 9 - 5 4 9 3 / 9 3 / $ 0 6 . 0 0 © 1993 - E l s e v i e r S c ie n c e Publishers B.V. All rights r e s e r v e d

60 t: Hejzlar et al. / Passi~,e decay tu'at remot'al

safety valves to atmospheric pools. Boiling and conden- are considered Modularity of tile fucl is identified as a
sation are very effective heat transfer modes, but all key idea for maximization of the heal removal talc.
these schemes require that the core is covered by Another goal is to achievc reasonably high stcadk
coolant under all circumstances. Figure 1 schematically state power output i.e. of the order of 6f)0-1l)l)0 MWc.
illustrates decay heat transfer mechanisms for these Employment of natural phenomena tot decay heat
concepts. removal generally leads to low achievable rcacmr
The study presented here investigates approaches power, which is economically disadvantageous. To in-
to ensure sufficient decay heat removal in the absence crease power output, decay heat removal capabilities
of emergency primary coolant. To achieve such a goal, must bc enhanced while their passive nature is pre-
the possibilities of developing a reactor core of materi- served. Various arrangements of decay hea~: removal
als and geometry that can safely transmit the generated schemes are assessed here with the goal of finding the
decay heat to an ultimate heat sink during a complete maximum heat rate which can bc passively removed
loss of coolant accident without exceeding the critical from the core to the ultimate heat sink. Further, the
temperature limit of the fuel, clad or matrix material physical design locations which limit heat rejection, i.e.

Core Primary Ambient

system Containment
boundary wall

Boiling I ~[ Condensation Convectionto air and
fihn evaporation

SBWR Boiling

Boiling Condensation

t • S:det),,/rel~e
f ;alve •
I Boiloff

I !
Fig. 1. Decay heat removal modes for current advanced LWR concepts.
P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat remot,al 61

choke points, are identified and the possibility of new Of these the cladding, vessel (and the remainder of the
design configurations which bypass these choke points primary system), and the containment provide barriers
are explored. to release of fission products.
The main alternatives for transfer of heat through
or around these barriers are summarized in fig. 3.
2. Passive decay heat removal through barriers Vessel and containment walls are illustrated by long
vertical boxes. Arrows penetrating a wall symbolize
A series of physical barriers is provided to prevent heat paths penetrating the wall (e.g. pipes going
release of fission product radionuclides. Taken to- through the wall). The horizontal boxes contain the
gether these exemplify the defense-in-depth safety description of the heat transfer mechanism, the upper
strategy employed in power reactor design. These bar- limit on heat transfer rate (in MWt) by this mechanism
riers, however, increase the thermal resistance to the (as evaluated further in this paper) and the figure
removal of decay heat from the fuel rods to the ulti- number which illustrates the proposed concept.
mate heat sink. Hence a compromise must be found so We next examine the limits on heat transfer rates
that for individual barriers and explore ways to maximize
• control of radionuclides is maintained, and these rates.
• effective paths for decay heat removal are provided.
The physical barriers to heat passage can be divided
into 7 main categories which are schematically shown 2.1. Cladding
in fig 2:
1. Cladding The heat conduction from fuel pellets through the
2. Core gap and the cladding has been thoroughly investigated,
3. Cavity between the core and vessel wall and will not be evaluated in this paper. Moreover, the
4. Vessel wall temperature limit on cladding under decay heat re-
5. Cavity between vessel and containment moval conditions is typically more restricting than that
6. Containment wall of the fuel, and we will therefore begin our evaluations
7. Ambient. on the outer cladding boundary.

1 - cladding
2 - core
3 - cavity between the core and the veSsel
4 - vessel wall
5 - cavity between the vessel and the containment
6 - containment wall
7 - ambient

4 5 6 7b
~-- Water

, i/);i)i((..?;):(?.ii?i.;)?; ¸

1 7c Ground

Fig.:2. Barriers to passive decay heat removal.

62 P. Hejzlar et at. / Passive decay heat remo~'al

Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer

from the core from vessel wall to ambient


thermosyphon Radiation
loops 3.4 MWt Combined convectionto air
25 MWt Fig.9 and radiation to baffle from
large containment
12 MWt Figl 1

Radiation from
core periphery Convenction from finned
to the vessel containment to air using
wall high chimney
0.6 MWt 20 MWt
Free convectton
through a water pool
15MWI Figl0
Radiation and
(coupled fuel/
coolant channel
0.9 MWt Fig.4

Radiation and Pool evaporation/ Evaporation of water moat

] conduction condensation 32 MWt Fig.13
[ (Separatedfuel 77 MWt
[ coolant army)
1.8 MWt Fig.,

Pressure Tube D~
50 MWt Fig.1. Conduction through solid
body to earth
1.8 MWt

Fig. 3. Assessment of decay heat removal paths.

2.2. Core able by these processes is, however, very limited and
can be e s t i m a t e d in the following m a n n e r .
Two decay beat removal s c h e m e s from the core are Let us take the typical L W R core with dimensions
explored - heat transfer from an uncovered core by from table 1 and with limiting clad t e m p e r a t u r e Tc~,l =
radiation and convection in an s t e a m / a i r mixture, and 649°C (perforation limit). To transfer the decay heat to
conduction t h r o u g h a solid matrix core. the ambient, sufficient t e m p e r a t u r e potential b e t w e e n
the core o u t e r p e r i p h e r y and the a m b i e n t must be
2. 2.1. Radiation and convection in an a i r / s t e a m mixture established. For this purpose, the total driving t e m p e r -
f r o m uncovered bundles ature potential is a p p o r t i o n e d such that the t e m p e r a -
U n c o v e r e d L W R b u n d l e s are solely d e p e n d e n t on ture of the outside surface of the core, To~ = 500°C.
radiation and natural convection by a mixture of air The effective conductivity of a voided fuel bundle can
and steam to remove the decay heat. The h e a t remov- be estimated for an u p p e r t e m p e r a t u r e of 649°C using
P. Hejzlar et aL / PassiL:e decay heat remoL~al 63

the results of Hoshide [4], as keff = 1.7 W / m K [5]. For this reason, existing water reactor concepts all
T h e n the heat transferred from this dry core can be supplement this mode of cooling by transferring the
evaluated from the conduction equation for a cylinder decay heat from the core directly to or through the
with a uniform heat source as containment by mass transfer i.e. the generation of
steam in the core and its subsequent flow from the
QD = (Tclm - Ts)47rkeffL/~t primary system as shown in fig. 1.
= (649 - 500) • 4" 7r. 1.7' 3 . 8 / 2
2.2.2. Conduction through a solid matrix core
= 6 × 10 -3 MWt, (1)
The abovc result implies that if we want to passively
where the total peaking factor, ~:t = 2, represents a remove the decay heat from an uncovered core without
typical value for L W R cores. the necessity of assuring continuous replenishment of
Assuming the decay heat level to be 5% of rated evaporated primary system inventory, we have to intro-
power, the achievable rated power of the reactor (based duce new core configurations. The possibilities for
on preventing overheating of the cladding in case of improvement of heat transfer from the core can be
depressurization and total loss of coolant) is 0.12 MWt. identified from the simplified analysis of a conduction
This is a very low value. Even if the cladding limit cooled annular core such that the achievable rated
temperature is doubled to about 1200°C, the achiev- power of this core with respect to passive decay heat
able power is still negligible. removal is maximized. Using the equation of conduc-

Coupled fuel/coolant channel configuration Separate fuel/coolant channel configuration

Low p r ~
vessel wall ~


Fig, 4. Solid matrix core with coupled and separate fuel/coolant channels.
64 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat remo~'at

tion from an a n n u l u s with a uniform heat source wc it is related to the t e m p e r a t u r e ot Ihc ambient. Also
can express t h e r a t e d p o w e r of an a n n u l a r core cooled the active length c a n n o t be increased considerably be-
only on its outside surface as cause of n e u t r o n i c a n d t h e r m a l hydraulic overall de-
sign consideralions.
0 = (zclm -- Tsink)47rkeffL T h e effcctive conductivity, /%,~ however, can bc
F~RD(, (2) increased by an o r d c r of m a g n i t u d e if wc design the
core with a solid matrix with dispersed fuel a n d coolant
w h e r e F~ is the a n n u l u s function given as channels.
T h e limiting t e m p e r a t u r c of the cladding, 7~lm, can
bc e n h a n c e d by the use of high t e m p e r a t u r e ceramic
R ~ R0
In -
- - -
- 1
(3) fuels in the form of particles dispersed in the matrix.
T h e o r e t i c a l and e x p e r i m e n t a l results have already b e e n
o b t a i n e d using these fuels in a P W R [6]. Use of these
R D is the ratio of decay h e a t to r a t e d o p e r a t i n g power, fuels would also eliminate the g e n e r a t i o n of hydrogen
a n d ~t is the total p o w e r p e a k i n g factor. by r e p l a c e m e n t of zirconium with a ceramic.
In eq. (3) the t e m p e r a t u r e T~i,k is a fixed value since T h e a n n u l u s function, F,. is less than 1. T h e r e f o r e


mt channel
rcaloy clad

1 ~hite

el + coolant (clad neglected)

The conductivity of the inner void and fuel region is

approximated as a single region with a conductivity
proportional to temperature

Using Selengut's fommla the two region cell can be

modeled as a homogenized region with a volume averaged

Fig. 5. Homogenization of unit fuel cell for thermal conductivity.

P. Hejzlaret al. / Passive decay heat removal 65

using annular instead of solid core geometry helps to We next proceed to assess the thermal potential of
maximize the power output under passive safety decay these two configurations.
heat removal.
The ratio of decay heat (which has to be removed in Approach of a homogenized core - Although it
real time) to rated operating power, Ro, can be mini- is possible to analyze these solid matrix core configura-
mized by maximizing the storage capabilities of the tions using detailed computer codes, it is not necessary
core matrix. This effectively delays the time at which nor desirable for initial assessments. To estimate the
the heat removal rate must equal the decay heat gener- heat removal rates from the fueled solid matrix, a
ation rate, by storing decay heat in the core structure. homogenization approach will be utilized. Graphite
The heat storage capability of the core can be en- hexagonal blocks of MHTGR dimensions such as shown
hanced by utilizing a solid matrix made of high specific on fig. 4 will be used as the matrix throughout this
heat capacity materials. A higher cladding temperature study. The block is homogenized as schematically shown
limit further enhances heat storage capacity. in fig. 5. The homogenization for thermal conductivity
There are several current techniques available to calculations was performed using Selengut's relation
minimize the peaking factor. In this paper, the total for a two region cell [7]. The effective conductivity of a
peaking factor is assumed constant equal to current homogenized two dimensional cell is obtained from the
PWR values and further minimization is not pursued. Selengut relation
To conclude, the main ways to maximize passive
heat removal from an uncovered core are: (l + y)kd + ( 1 - y l k b k
1. Maximizing heat storage capabilities of the core keff= ( 1 - - y ) k d + ( l + y ) k h b, (4)
2. Maximizing the effective thermal conductivity of the where
core matrix y = volume ratio of distributed region to the total
3. Maximizing the maximum permissible cladding tem- volume (base material + distributed region),
perature k b = thermal conductivity of the base material,
4. Utilizing an annular core instead of a solid cylindri- k d = thermal conductivity of the distributed region.
cal core. First, eq. (4) is applied to the fuel rod and the voided
Fortunately all these propositions are in harmony. space surrounding the rod where k b - k v and k a ~- kf
A solid matrix increases the heat storage, the effective (kzr is neglected) to obtain the effective thermal con-
thermal conductivity, and is compatible with the use of ductivity of a voided coolant channel with fuel rods,
ceramic fuels having high temperature limits on their kf+ v. Then relation (4) is applied to the cross-sectional
coating. area of one unit cell which contains a volume-averaged
Two possible configurations of a solid matrix core portion of graphite (with thermal conductivity k b = kg)
composed of hexagonal blocks shown on fig. 4 are associated with one channel and the previously homog-
assessed. The first configuration utilizes a coupled enized channel with thermal conductivity k d = kf+ v.
fuel/coolant channel, where the fuel rod is located in More specific details on the homogenization process
the center of a coolant channel and the coolant flows are given in [8].
around the rod. In the event of coolant depletion, the This approach uses the homogenized conductivity to
heat is radiated to the solid matrix and then conducted first establish the core radial temperature profile. Then
to the periphery of the core. The second configuration the centermost fuel pin is superimposed on this profile,
uses separate fuel/coolant channels, where the fuel is and the allowable core power is established as that
in a set of fuel holes, and coolant flows through sepa- yielding the maximum clad outer surface temperature.
rate coolant channels. Heat from the fuel is conducted
directly to the solid matrix and through the solid matrix Limits and constraints used throughout the study
to the periphery of the core. For the latter configura- - A maximum cladding temperature of about 649°C
tion, a fuel type other than the conventional pin in (1200 F) was adopted as the limiting value for this
Zircaloy cladding is desirable to achieve good contact exploratory investigation, though it is recognized that
between the fuel and the matrix. Approaches to fuel Zircaloy cladding can sustain much higher tempera-
design similar to those employed in the MHTGR tures without major damage. This temperature limit
(Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor) are was imposed on Zircaioy cladding based upon the
of particular interest since such fuel can withstand high avoidance of cladding perforation, which begins above
temperatures. this temperature. A temperature of 500°C at the outer
66 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat remocal

core boundary was also assumed, as noted earlier. The Table 1

traditional linear heat generation rate for fuels pins Typical LWR dimensions used throughout
during normal operation of about 44 k W / m was taken
Parameter Symbol Value
as another constraint. Finally, it was assumed for all
cases that the total power peaking factor is 2. The Core radius R 3 m
Core height l 3.8 m
constraints are summarized with other data used in the
Vessel height -BWR /., 2(i m
analysis in table 2.
PWR ]3 m
Vessel diameter- BWR I>, (~ m Analysis o f various core configurations - Four - PWR 5 m
basic geometrical core configurations were assessed. Vessel wall thickness- BWR A.~ 0.152 m
These are solid core, annular core cooled on outer - PWR 0.252 m
side, annular core cooled on both sides, and modular Containment design pressure p 0.30 MPa
core. The annular core was assessed for coupled
f u e l / c o o l a n t channel and for separate f u e l / c o o l a n t
The core average matrix temperature at the beginning
channel configurations; the modular core was evalu-
of the transient, T,, was assumed to be about 300°C
ated for modules placed within the high pressure vessel
(corresponding to the matrix temperature during nor-
and for modules submerged in a low pressure heat
mal operation). Utilizing the ANS decay heat curve,
QD_IMW(t) and integrated decay heat curve pet 1
(A) Solid and a n n u l a r core in a coupled f u e l / c o o l a n t MWt, QD 1MW(t), [9] the time, t I, at which both the
channel configuration integrated decay heat energy equals the stored energy,
The analysis of the homogenized core with the Q, and the decay heat rate equals the maximum remov.-
matrix in the coupled f u e l / c o o l a n t channel arrange- able decay heat, 0r), can be calculated from the e q u a
ment cooled on the outer side was performed employ- tion
ing the following equations representing the decay heat
transfer rates from pin surface to the core surface plus Q QD
the energy balance within a core
f,('0,, ,Mw(t)dt 0D ,Mw(t,)
~rdco a
q ,x= This time t I from eq. (I0) is schematically illustrated
in fig. 6. The left hand side of eq. (I0) represents the
ratio of total energy storable in the core, Q, to the
Q;~t integrated decay energy per 1 MWt. For the fixed
Tgi - Tos = 4,n.kef------~Fv, (6) value of O, obtained from eq. (8), this ratio decreases
with time, since the integrated decay heat energy builds
up as time proceeds. The right hand side is the ratio of
O o' = N e,
- - = '~( R 2 - Rv)qmax
, , (7)
the core total decay heat rate removable without ex-
ceeding the imposed limits to the decay heat rate per 1
where F~ is given by eq. (3). MWt. For the value of QD equal to 0.1 MWt, obtained
Note that for a solid core R v = 0, F v = 1. Solution
of the above equations for the solid core of dimensions
from table 1 yields a removable decay power of about
0.1 MW. l ' QDqMW(t) dlL
To evaluate the rated power, 0 , heat storage in the
matrix must be taken into account. First, the energy
which can be stored in the matrix is estimated as

Q = r r ( R o2 - R 2 ) L p g c g ( T - Ti) , (8)

where T is the average temperature at the time, the

cladding limit is reached, and is estimated as

= (Tel m + Tos)/2. (9) Fig. 6. Schematic representation of eq. (10).

1°. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 67

from eqs. (5) through (7), this ratio increases with time of an annular core cooled on its outer side with the
due to the decrease of decay heat with time. The same outer radius and length as above, gives the high-
intersection of these curves represents the time, t~, at est removable decay heat 0.9 MWt, which translates
which both the stored energy in the core equals inte- using eqs. (8) through (10) to rated power 3Q. The
grated decay heat energy, and the decay heat rate is value of 0.9 MWt is cited in fig. 3.
equal to the maximum removable decay heat by con-
duction. Once the time ta is obtained, the rated power (B) Annular core in a separate f u e l / c o o l a n t channel
is calculated as configuration cooled on one side.
For the arrangement of separate fuel/coolant chan-

Q 0D (11)
nel, heat transfer resistance between fuel cladding and
the inner surface of the graphite matrix is eliminated,
QD 1MW(/1) "
hence eqs. (5) and (7) can be discarded. Assuming
Using the procedure above, eq. (11) yields a rated perfect contact between the cladding and graphite ma-
power of about 28 MWt. This value is designated for trix (or Tgi ~ Trim) the core decay linear power is dic-
further comparison purposes as unit value Q. Analysis tated by the allowable conduction rate through the





Separated fueFcoolant



Eqs. (5) - (7)

Coupled fuel/coolant channels
0,0 i

0 1 2 3
Void radius, R v (m)
Fig. 7. Comparison of coupled fuel/coolant channels and separate fuel/coolant channels for an annulus cooled on both sides.
68 P. Hejzlaret al. / Passivedecay heat remol'al
core, which can be expressed in the form of equation where
(6) as
(rcl m - - Tos)47"rkef f ~14)
Q~ = (12) rm = in(Ro/Rv)2
Fv~t "

The linear power for separate fuel/coolant chan-

For thin annuli (for radius ratio (R o - R ~ ) / R , <_0.1
nels computed from eq. (12) is compared with the
the error is less than 5%), an annulus can be treated as
linear power for coupled fuel/coolant channels com-
a slab and the power is approximately doubled com-
puted from eqs. (5) through (7), using the same con-
pared to one-side-only cooling. Hence the achievable
straints, in fig. 7. Eq. (12) gives almost the same linear
power is about 9Q.
heat power as eqs. (5) through (7) for small void radii
because of the low power density, and therefore a (D) Modular core in a separate f u e l / c o o l a n t channel
negligible temperature difference between clad outer configuration
surface and inner matrix temperature, Tgi, which re- Finally, a modular configuration composed of small
sults in low radiated heat flux between cladding and modules each with an individual heat sink has been
graphite matrix. For large void radii, however, the considered. Heat sinks can be applied at the internal
radiated heat flux from the cladding increases and surface, at the external surface, or at both.
forces a reduction in the heat rate. First, modules with internal heat sinks (e.g. ther-
It is seen from fig. 7 that by introducing separate mosyphon loops) inside a high pressure vessel will be
holes for fuel and coolant, the heat rate removable considered. An approximate minimum practical radius
from the same slab with inner radius 2.8 m (optimum of these internal heat sinks was assumed to be the
radius according to first approach) can be approxi- same as for the CANDU pressure tube (i.e. about 10
mately doubled i.e. 1.8 MWt. This value is introduced cm). Figure 7 indicates that the optimum ligament for
into fig. 3. Using eqs. (8) through (11), rated power the one-side-cooled annulus is about 20 cm, hence the
output can be evaluated as 4.5Q. This is an enhance- outer radius of the module was taken at 30 cm. Using
ment, and the configuration with separate coolant these dimensions and the matrix temperature at the
channels is therefore preferable. The arrangement of boundary with the heat sink, To.~, as 500°C. eq. (12)
separate coolant/fuel channels has two additional ad- yields the module linear heat rate of 0.037 M W / m . To
vantages - elimination of spacers to separate cladding remove the decay heat from the heat sinks, the individ-
from contact with the inside matrix surface, and conse- ual heat sinks have to reject the heat to the colder
quently lower pressure losses, and the possibility of use vessel wall (no vessel penetrations and no vessel breach
of ceramic fuels with higher upper temperature limits. are assumed). The ultimate power limit can be thus
Consequently, analysis of all other configurations was estimated by calculating the maximum number of these
performed for the separate fuel/coolant channel con- modules such that there is enough space available for
figuration. the internal heat sinks to exchange heat on the vessel
(C) A n n u l a r core in a separate f u e l / c o o l a n t channel
wall surface, i.e. the number of modules, N. must
satisfy the equation.
configuration cooled on both sides
Analysis of the annular core cooled from both sides
N2r i < 27rR~, (15)
uses the same set of equations except with the annulus
function F v, which is now expressed as [5] where r~ is the radius of the internal heat sink and R.
is the vessel inner radius. Equation (15) yields approxi-

mately 90 modules, hence the total decay power can be

estimated as
Ro)2_ :0)2_ +

i I , 90 (0.037 M W / m ) 3.8 m = 12.5 MWt.

Incorporating heat storage calculation by virtue of eqs.

(8) through (1t), the rated power can be obtained as
ln(~v) / I.~(RR~.=~2!21 900 MW, or 32Q. Note that this estimate assumes that
+ - - I - , (13)
ln(:O) ~-o -i
all of the vessel surface is available for heat exchange,
and the performance of the heat sinks is sufficient to
transfer the decay heat conducted out of the modules.
P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 69

Second, a more practical approach is to place each Table 2

module within the primary pressure boundary and to Constraints and data used for homogenized core power analy-
submerge the modules into the low pressure heat sink, sis
which can serve also as a moderator. Taking the mod- Constraints Data
ule radius equal to a typical C A N D U pressure tube
Tcim < 649°C Ace11= 7.3 × 10 -4 m 2, R o = 3 m
radius, the module linear heat rate was estimated from
Tgo = 500°C dco= 12.5 ram; dgi = 19.8 mm
eq. (12) with F v = 1 as 0.028 M W / m . The total decay q' _<44 k W / m Eco = 0.6; Eg i = 0.7, ~t = 2
power which can be extracted from the LWR-size core kg = 60 W/m-K, Og = 1670 J/kg-K,
is evaluated using the typical C A N D U pitch, 0.28 m, as cs = 1512 J/kg-K

0.028 M W / m (3.8 m) 7r (3 m ) 2 / ( 0 . 2 8 m) 2
vessel dimension can be easily extended without the
= 50 MWt. penalties typical for high pressure vessels.
This value is introduced in fig. 3. Analogous to the Performance of these individual core configurations
previous approach, rated power was calculated as 1300 is summarized in fig. 8. Unit Q on fig. 8 corresponds to
Mwt, which is 45 times larger (i.e., 45Q) than the solid 28 MWt. This number designates the steady state oper-
core result. Moreover, the power output is not limited ating power calculated from the limits (see table 2) on
by the size of the pressure vessel since the low-pressure decay heat removal capabilities in the total absence of

Coupled fuel/coolantchannel
Separate fuel/coolantarray
1~ Heatsink fluid
Directionof heat flow

B) Annular core C) Annular core with

with heat removal heat removal from
from outer surface 4.5 Q inner and outer surface
only . O If~


heat sink

D) Modular core with

A) Solid core cooling provided for
each module
Fig. 8. Comparison of achievable rated powers for various core configurations.
70 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passiue decay heat rernot'al

coolant. The figure shows that the modular approach is

by far the best with respect to the capability to dissi-
pate a large amount of decay heat. However, this
analysis has only considered limitations imposed by ~:=xe
core thermal resistance and storage. A practical reac- O.105m
tor system must include limitations imposed over the
entire path to the ultimate heat sink. These limitations
are examined subsequently in this paper. 16m
Finally, it is important to note that the limit im-
posed on cladding in this scoping study is very conser-
20m J
vative. Zircaloy cladding could withstand, temperatures
up to about 1000°C without major damage, which would !
increase the achievable power to about x=xe Core 8mil
1300 (1000 - 500)/(649 - 500) = 4300 MWt. 4 m ~ t

If ceramic fuel is used, the coating limit is even higher, Innerves~I

i.e., 1600°C. However, consideration of matrix material ,~ail
behavior in a steam environment at such high tempera- Fig. 9. Schematic of a thermosyphon loop between the core
tures must be taken into account. This will limit the and the Inner vessel wall.
maximum temperature to about 1300°C if silicon car-
bide is used as the matrix material or as a coating over
a graphite matrix.

2.3. CalJity between the core a n d the vessel wall changed from a circular cross section to an annular
cross section, so that vessel wall contact is maximized.
The basic heat transfer mechanism for heat transfer To find the heat rate which can be circulated by
between core outer periphery and the vessel wall is these thermosyphon loops, Chert and Chang's ap-
radiation. This mechanism is passive but the achievable proach [10] was utilized and a solution was encoded
heat rates are moderate. Using the equation of radia- into a computer program [5]. Water at pressure of 10.5
tion between two concentric cylinders, this heat rate MPa was chosen as the working fluid. Using the di-
was evaluated to be about 0.6 MWt for a BWR core of mensions given in fig. 9, outlet evaporator quality of
typical dimensions, temperature of core outer periph- 0.5, and conservatively large form losses of 20, the heat
ery of 500°C and vessel wall temperature of 100°C. rate which can be circulated through such loops was
This value is introduced into fig. 3. found to be about 1.5 MWt per loop.
To enhance the heat removal rate, the performance Since this evaluation was performed under the as-
of thermosyphon loops spanning the cavity between the sumption that the circulated heat can be transferred
core and the vessel, as shown schematically in fig. 9, into the loop within the evaporator region, a further
was assessed. Fluid in the loops is heated in the core check on heat transfer from the matrix region into the
regions (evaporator) and cooled in the vessel wall re- loop working fluid was performed. Assuming the tem-
gion (condenser). By choosing an operating loop pres- perature of the solid matrix is 500°C, and using Chen's
sure corresponding to a saturation temperature slightly correlation [II] for the heat transfer coefficient be-
higher than the matrix temperature during normal tween the working fluid and tube inner wall, the heat
operation, the fluid in the loop will be single phase transfer rate in the evaporator region was calculated to
under operating conditions. This will decrease heat be 0.61 MWt per loop, which is lower than the circu-
losses during normal operation since the heat transport lated heat. Since about 40 loops can be accommodated
in a one-phase naturally circulating loop is lower than around the core circumference, the total heat rate
that in a two-phase loop. To utilize proven technology, removed by thermosyphon loops is approximately 25
the diameter of the pressurized tube was chosen the MWt. This value is again shown in fig. 3. Compared to
same as for CANDU technology i.e. a 0.105 m diame- radiation, this is a considerable enhancement. However
ter Zircaloy tube. To increase the heat transfer surface thermosyphon loops inside the vessel would be vulner-
in the condenser section, the shape of the loop is able to failure in rapid depressurization events.
P. Hejzlaret aL / Passivedecay heat removal 71

2.4. Vessel wall 2.5. Cavity between vessel wall and containment wall

An estimate of the energy which can be transmitted There are three basic heat transfer mechanisms
through the vessel wall can be performed from the which can couple the cavity between the vessel wall
heat conduction equation for a slab. For a typical slab and containment wall - radiation, convection in air or
thickness of 0. 152m (BWR vessel), carbon steel ther- in liquid, and boiling and condensation.
mal conductivity of 40 W / m - K , a practical achievable
temperature difference of about 200°C, and typical 2.5.1. Radiation and natural convection by air
BWR vessel dimensions we obtain The first two modes of passive heat removal from
AT 200 the vessel to the containment wall are radiation and
Q.D = k-~xLv~rDv = 40~-~i~207r6 = 20 MWt (16) natural convection in air. The heat transfer rates of
these modes were estimated for a typical BWR vessel
Taking into account the thermal resistance between and containment dimensions and assuming a vessel
the wall and cooling medium, the total heat removal wall temperature of 500°C and a containment wall
will be even lower. The best heat transfer can be temperature of 100°C. Radiation between two infinite
achieved for condensation on the inner side of the wall concentric cylinders resulted in a heat rate ()D = 3.4
and boiling on the outer side. Utilizing a condensation MWt. For natural convection by air from the vessel to
cooling loop on the inner side of the wall, with a the containment walls, the results of Sparrow [12] for
saturation temperature (corresponding to the pressure natural convection between two vertical cylinders were
inside the vessel) of 315°C, and a boiling loop with a utilized to yield a heat rate of about 0.12 MWt. As
saturation temperature of 140°C (corresponding to the expected, the heat transfer rate by natural convection
pressure inside containment of 50 psia) on the outside of air is negligible.
of the wall, the total transferred heat rate was evalu-
ated as 16 MWt for a typical BWR-size vessel and only 2.5.2. Free convection through a water pool
6 MWt for a typical PWR vessel. Both values are
shown in fig. 3. Such a low value is a significant In this arrangement, the reactor vessel is submerged
limitation on the heat transfer rate, but is avoided in in the water pool. The saturation temperature of 140°C
current and advanced LWRs by their reliance on steam corresponding to the typical BWR containment design
mass transfer through the hypothetically ruptured pri- pressure (table 1) would set the limit on the maximum
mary system wall. achievable temperature of the pool. To achieve this

Containment walls

' ~ ~ - ..::::!:!)i!:!i:!~i:;:ii:i:ii~:i!:ii:ii:iii:i}i::!i!i!i!

NII ...... {I N w......

Fig. 10. Configuration of a vessel submerged in a water pool inside the containment.
72 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal

pressure and hence the temperature in the pool, a The coefficient h is difficult to determine, and wa,~
standpipe can be used, as shown in fig. 10. If the water taken to be 6.4 for our heater-to-condenser surface
pool is hermetically isolated, then a water column of ratio of 0.28 per the recommendatkm of Bergles [13].
height 28 m would suffice. Utilizing water properties at a saturation tempera-
The assessment of heat transfer rate through the ture of 140°C, the bubble diameter from eq. (19). the
water pool involves a three dimensional fluid flow Jacob number from eq. (18), and lhe volume of the
regime with boiling and condensation of the liquid enclosure evaluated from dimensions in fig. 10, eq. (21)
within the pool. To assess the heat transport from can be rewritten as
vessel wall to containment wall these phenomena will
be treated in a simplified manner. Similar systems were Nu*=(l + 9 × 10 ' 3 0 D ) ' / " , (22)
investigated by Bergles et al. [13], but for a horizontal
condenser surface. Their approach will be used here. where QD is given in Watts.
There are three possible modes of heat transfer in The heat transferred from the vessel to the water
the liquid-filled enclosure between the reactor vessel volume by boiling, QD, can be taken from previous
and the containment wall. calculations in Section 2.4 as 16 MWt. This value
(1) Natural convection for very low heat fluxes multiplied by the coefficient 9 × 10 -13 is negligible
(2) Subeooled boiling (bubbles condense in the liquid). compared with unity. Even a heat transfer rate of 100
Here the heat transfer is increased by bubble MWt does not yield a significantly augmented Nusselt
number. Therefore the augmented Nusselt number in
(3) Condensation mode - bubbles begin to impinge on our case is essentially equal to the Nusselt number for
the condenser surface and the heat transfer is natural convection.
The reason is that there is a huge volume of water in
limited by the condensation rate.
We assume that the heat flux is high enough to the enclosure compared to the low heat load (e.g.
q " = 500 W/m3). Hence
cause boiling• The second mode of heat transfer was
determined to be governing since the bubble collapse NH* = 1 or NUaug = Nunat.conv. = 0.13 Ral/3~
distance defined as
where the Rayleigh number is defined as
L c=1.5 Ja2a48 , (17) gt (T - L)W c ,p
Ra = (23)
The heat transfer coefficients on the heated and cooled
Ja = C P f p f ( r s a t - Tb) , (lS) (containment) side are
kf kf
-- 15/4 , hh=NU~[ , hc = Nu L~7, (24,25)
D O= 1.5 × 10 - 4 cpflsatPf[ / o" (19)
l Vg(p,-oO and finally the overall heat transfer coefficient (based
on the condenser surface) is evaluated as
is less than the vessel height.The Nusselt number will
therefore be augmented above the natural convection
value by subcooled boiling as reflected in the correla-

Nu aug = Nu* Nu nat.conv. (20)

where Table 3
Data used in evaluation of water pool performance
OD Pf -- Pg 1 Pool saturation temperature, Tsat (°C) 140
Nu* = 1 + A VePfhfiF,a ~ Of /3(rb-Tc) ' Pool bulk temperature, Tb (°C) 135
Temperature of heater surface, Th (°C) 144
(21) Temperature of condenser surface, Tc (°C) 100
Enclosure volume, V~(m3) 28000
where R o is bubble radius.
P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 73

Using the above approach, dimensions from fig. 10 and 2.6. Containment wall
input data given in table 3, the heat transported through
the pool was evaluated as QD = 15.1 MWt. This result Conduction through the containment wall is charac-
is included in fig. 3. terized by the material and thickness of the wall. The
carbon steel containment wall is thinner and has a
larger surface area than does the reactor pressure
2.5.3. Pool evaporation with vapor condensation on con-
vessel. Consequently the conducted heat will be higher.
tainment walls
For an assumed saturation temperature within the
In this case the vessel is submerged in a pool which
containment of 140°C and an ambient temperature on
freely communicates with the space above the water
the outer side of the containment of 100°C (e.g. boiling
level. Since the water pool does not directly transfer
water), a 40°C temperature difference exists. A practi-
the heat to the heat sink as in the previous case, the
cal temperature difference across the wall will be lower
pool will heat up until the saturation temperature is
than 40°C because of the need to allow for thermal
reached and vapor bubbles will rise to the surface.
resistance between the medium and the wall on both
Vapor leaving the pool will condense on the contain-
sides. Assuming this practical temperature difference is
ment walls. The heat transfer mode of condensation on
15°C, the heat rate conducted through the containment
the containment inner wall of inventory boiled off in
wall can be evaluated from the conduction equation as
the core is utilized in the AP600 reactor design.
QD = 75 MWt. for the entire containment surface. This
Since pool boiling can transfer high heat fluxes, it is
value is shown on fig. 3.
assumed that pool boiling is sufficiently vigorous to
provide enough steam for subsequent condensation on
2. 7. Heat transfer to the ambient
the containment walls. Therefore the heat removal
capabilities of this scheme will be estimated primarily
There are basically three media available as an
from condensation on the containment wall, which is
ambient. These are
assumed to be the dominant heat transfer resistance.
• air
Condensation occurs in the presence of nonconden-
• water
sible gas (air) under natural convection. This process is
• ground,
a complicated phenomenon in which the heat transfer
and they will be assessed next.
coefficient depends on the wall configuration, flow
pattern and air-to-vapor mass ratio. Uchida [14] corre-
2.7.1. Air
lated experimental data as
Ambient air has an advantage in that it provides for
an infinite heat sink; but it also has a very low heat
hcon = 379( mm__~)0.707,
g (27) transfer coefficient. To maximize heat transfer to the
air, two approaches can be pursued
(1) Enlargement of the heat transfer surface area
where m g / m v is the air-to-vapor mass ratio. - larger diameter or height
Uchida's approach will be used in this assessment. fins,

Since the heat transfer coefficient, hcon, is strongly (2) Enhancement o f the heat transfer coefficient
dependent on the air-to-vapor mass ratio, the air-to- - modify surface to promote turbulence
vapor mass ratio was chosen so that the resulting hcon - increase velocity (higher chimney).
falls within the experimental values, e.g. h~on 300-1000 One way to maximize the heat transfer to air as an
W/m2-K, from full scale experiments at Marviken [15]. ultimate heat sink is the use of a large containment
A typical air to vapor mass ratio of 0.7 was utilized surrounded by a baffle. This arrangement, with the
yielding hcon 487 W/m2-K. main dimensions, is shown schematically in fig. 11. A
Choosing the saturation temperature inside the con- similar arrangement is used by PRISM designers, and
tainment at 140°C and the temperature of the inner in combination with water film evaporation, by the
containment wall as 120°C (boiling of water at atmo- AP600 designers. The baffle has two primary functions.
spheric pressure is assumed on the external side of the First, it creates a passage for buoyancy-induced air
wall), the total heat transferred to an inner contain- flow and secondly, it receives the heat radiated from
ment wall of typical PWR plant dimensions was found the containment wall, which is subsequently convected
to be QD = 77 MWt. This heat transfer rate is shown to the naturally circulating air. The effective heat
in fig. 3. transfer area is thus increased. To estimate the perfor-
74 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive de+ay heat remot al

mance of this configuration, a simple computer code, I under normal operation heat should not bc dissi-
which takes into account radiation and employs verti- pated to the ambient water pool to prevent it~
cal nodalization of containment and baffle walls, was evaporation; otherwise continuous refilling of lhc
developed [5]. The heat transfer coefficient to air was pool would be required.
evaluated by a modified Dittus-Boelter correlation Heat transfer from the containmcnt wall to +t water
which takes into account mixed convection effects [16]. moat surrounding the containment will be assessed
The results of the model for a containment of next. The arrangement of such a partially submerged
dimensions shown on fig. 11, using an inlet air temper- containment is shown on fig. 13. The best performance
ature of 20°C, and emissivities of 0.7 for the contain- can be achieved if condensation of saturated vapor
ment wall and the baffle, are presented in fig. 12. occurs on the inner side of the wall and boiling on thc
Figure 12 shows the heat rate as a function of the outer side. Utilizing the heat transfer coefficient for
width of the annulus between the containment wall film condensation on a vertical wall [17] and
and the vessel wall, for different containment wall Rohsenow's correlation [18] for pool boiling on the
temperatures. As can be seen, there is an optimum outer sidc, a linear heat flux of q' = 3.2 M W t / m was
annulus width of 0.4 m due to competing heat transfer obtained for a typical wall thickness of 0.05 m and the
coefficient and friction pressure loss effects. thermal conductivity of carbon steel. This yields a total
Achievable power for a containment wall tempera- heat rate of 32 MWt for 10 m of submerged contain-
ture of 140°C (saturation temperature corresponding to ment surface. This value is shown on fig. 3. Since the
maximum containment pressure) is 12.1 MWt. To fur- submerged surface can be easily increased, the heat
ther increase the heat transfer rate, the effective chim- rate can also be increased. Heat storage in concrete
ney height was doubled and fins were added to the structures would add some capacity but the allowable
containment wall [5]. These measures increased power concrete temperature for these structures is severely
by only 65%, to about 20 MWt. These values are limited.
shown in fig. 3.

2. 7.2. Water 2. 7. 3. Ground

Water as a heat sink has the advantage of high heat The heat resistance which must be overcome in the
transfer coefficients, especially for boiling. There are, heat path between the vessel wall and the soil consists
however, two drawbacks: of two sub-barriers.
- only a limited quantity can be stored, which provides (1) The distance between the heat source (e.g. vessel
only a finite time span for decay heat removal (72 wall) and soil
hours for AP600 and SBWR, 7 days for PLUS), (2) The thermal resistance of the soil.
Both sub-barriers were investigated. The most restric-
tive value of achievable heat flux from these sub-bar-
~ , Baffle
riers was then chosen as a limiting factor and intro-
duced in fig. 3.
wall Heat transport between the uessel wall and the
Outer surface
of the baffle is earth - To surmount the first sub-barrier, conductors
insulated with good thermal conductivity along an axial heat
transfer axis must be used. Two cases were studied -
heat pipes and solid cylinders. Heat pipes are superior
to solid conductors since they have very high conductiv-
ity along their axial axis. The performance of sodium
heat pipes about 50 m long attached to the vessel wall
at 500°C was evaluated using the theory of Dunn and
Reay [19]. Assuming that all the axially transported
| heat can be transferred to the earth (pipe condenser
region), the transportable heat rate was evaluated as
about 5 MWt for the 40 heat pipes which can be
Fig. 11. Schematic of a large containment with a baffle. attached to the vessel wall [5].
P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 75

2. 7.3.2. Heat transfer f r o m a conductor to surrounding ing cases - dry and wet soil can be found for example
earth - Since the temperature of the surrounding earth in Carg [20]:
changes with time, the amount of heat directly re- (1) Wet soil: k = 2.51 W / m - K , c~ = 7 x 10 -7 m2/s,
moved will gradually decrease. The time-dependent (2) Dry soil: k = 0.25 W / m - K , a = 2.5 × 10 -7 m2/s.
rate of heat conduction to the earth will be evaluated. An average thermal conductivity value of 1.1 W / m - K
The soil properties are expected to change with time will be used in this simplified analysis. Transient heat
also, since as the soil is heated, moisture is removed, flow in the ground can be computed with standard
which results in decreased thermal conductivity and methods. Since the cylindrical conductor is a very small
heat capacity. The changing moisture content of the (in dimension) heat source compared with the sur-
soil introduces uncertainties in the value of parameters rounding earth, a one dimensional conduction equa-
utilized in the calculation. The properties for two limit- tion can be used. When integrated, this equation yields

Fixed values:
C o n t a i n m e n t diameter = 5 8 m
C o n t a i n m e n t height = 6 0 m
C o n t a i n m e n t wall emissivity = 0.7
Baffle emissivity = 0.7

12 Inlet air temperature = 43 °C

Entrance and exit form losses = 2 J



"~ 9"

= 116 °C

6 , , , , ,
0.0 0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

A n n u l u s width, a, (m)
Fig. 12. Decay heat removal from a large containment by natural convection of air and radiation to a baffle.
76 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal

the temperature distribution as a function of distance assumed to be L = 50 m, its radius R = 0.I m and the
x from the heat source temperature along the length of the cylinder wall 500°C.
If we assume t 1 = 7 days as being a sufficient time
2 x/(ZvrdT) ~l to restore core cooling, the average decay heat power
T(x, t) = ~s - ( L - L ) ~ - - ~ ex~,~ - 7 2) d~.
removed by one pipe during this time period can bc
(28) found as

The surface heat flow from the cylinder is found from

f{i 1 Q ~ ' ) d t 26452
the one dimensional conduction equation as QD 0.0437 M W t / 1 pipe,
t1 7(24)3600
QD= - ~ ~x lx~,) = k S ~ t (29) (3o)
with S = 2 r R L .
The heat flow rate computed from eq, (29), together QD = 1.8 MWt per 40 pipes.
with the temperature history calculated from eq. (28)
at the distance x = 0.1 m from the cylinder surface, are Compared to the previous calculations it is observed
plotted in fig. 14. The length of the cylinder was that transient heat conduction to earth sets the lowest

Containment Baffle to induceair flow after water is evaporatedaway

Tsat= 140°C ////




S sm
h I
Boiling ..... 1 ..... ~ i ) "
---- ;4//,


Fig. 13. Schematic of a containment submerged in a water moat.

P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 77



12 c5

Heat rate
300 .~

Fixed values:
H e a t source radius = 0.1m
H e a t source t e m p e r a t u r e = 500 °C "200 ~
H e a t source length = 50 m
T h e r m a l conductivity of the e a r t h = 1.1 W / m - K
length of the h e a t source = 50m

lOO ~

Steady state result, 0.06 MW

0 i i i

0 2 4 6 8 10

log time (s)

Fig. 14. Transient conduction to earth.

limit for heat dissipation to the ambient. Specifically, MWt for a BWR and only 600 MWt for a PWR (if the
the removable heat per single pipe, O D - l p i p e 0 . 0 4 3 7 decay heat level is assumed to be 1% of full power)
MWt is 2.5 times lower than the heat transport capabil- regardless of the core's abilities to dissipate the heat.
ities in the axial direction for a sodium heat pipe. There are two options to overcome this choke point.
Therefore the value 1.8 MWt (for 40 heat pipes) is The first one is to bypass the vessel wall. This occurs
included in fig. 3. naturally in a postulated primary system break, since
decay energy generates steam which escapes through
the break into the containment volume. However, there
3. A passive light water pressure tube reactor concept is the attendant need to assure that sufficient emer-
gency coolant is added to keep the core flooded.
The study shows, as summarized in fig. 3, that the The second approach is to effectively thin the pres-
vessel wall limit restricts the power output to 1600 sure containing wall. Since pressure tubes are of much
78 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay' heat remot'al

smaller diameter than the vessel, stress analysis results calandria is a low pressure vcs~ei, ~t cat~ bc enlarged
in a substantially thinner tube wall, effectively eliminat- without large cost penalties, in contrast to high pres-
ing this wall as a thermal choke point. Furthermore, sure vessels. This approach allows lin higher power
the pressure tube approach is consistent with modular- outputs by adding more pressure tubes. This firs,: as-
ity of the fuel, which was found to have the best decay sessment suggests that a large pressure tube reactor
heat removal performance in the absence of primary which dissipates decay heat passively to the moderator
coolant. The ability to achieve a higher power output could achieve a power of about 1000 M W e [5].
for a modular solid matrix core than for an annular One may argue that such a design replaces the Ic~ss
core is attributed primarily to the shorter conduction of coolant accident by the loss of moderator accident.
path. Consequently, the pressure tube, water cooled Though such an argument is true in the sense that the
reactor with solid fueled matrix (fig. 15) was identified loss of moderator cannot be allowed in the proposed
as a good potential candidate capable of surviving the design, such a loss can be easily prevented by a guard
absence of primary coolant. The passively cooled mod- vessel, since the calandria is at a pressure close to
erator in the calandria serves as a heat sink. Since the atmospheric pressure. Low pressure also makes it eas-

Low pressure vessel wall

I"II~b~UlF I,U I . K ; W | U l tu~;lg, tl tllakllA

and peripheral thermal switch Coolant channel

Schematic and not to scale

Fig. 15. Pressure tube reactor with fueled matrix in a separate fuel/coolant configuration and separate moderator,
P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat removal 79

ier to design a passive cooling system which would cavity between the vessel wall and the containment
dissipate the decay heat to the ultimate heat sink. wall, are those using water as a medium. Heat transfer
Finally, coolant makeup from ubiquitous local sources rates achievable by thermosyphon loops and by free
(city water, cooling tower basins, adjacent bodies of convection through the water pool are roughly compa-
water) is greatly simplified. rable; the evaporation/condensation scheme using the
Two main issues have to be resolved to satisfactorily whole containment surface has the highest heat trans-
exploit this design concept. The first involves the de- fer rate.
sign of a passive thermal switch to be placed between From fig. 3, it can be immediately seen that the
the pressure tube and the calandria tube. The function most restricting choke points are the core itself and the
of the thermal switch is to ensure minimum heat losses vessel. To increase heat transfer from the core in the
from the pressure tube to the moderator during normal absence of coolant, solid matrix fuel is introduced. A
operation, while also providing a sufficiently large heat solid core matrix considerably improves the heat re-
transfer rate during accident conditions. This switch is moval capabilities, but the achievable power output is
a desirable, but not entirely necessary feature: in still low. Moreover, thermosyphon loops or some simi-
CANDU reactors, for example, steady state heat losses lar devices would have to be used to transfer the decay
to the moderator of about 5% of fuel power are heat from the core periphery to the vessel wall. Such
tolerated. The second task is the replacement of the thermosyphon loops, while efficient mechanisms of heat
heavy water coolant and the moderator by light water. transport, may pose design complications, particularly
Replacement of heavy water is desirable primarily for if their number is too large. Further they are vulnera-
two reasons - cost savings, and the higher flexibility ble to failure during rapid depressurization events. The
provided by utilization of light water moderator in vessel wall limit can be effectively overcome by employ-
designing the passive ultimate heat removal system. In ment of a thinner primary pressure boundary, which
addition to the thermal-hydraulic aspects, one must of would shorten the conduction path. This necessitates a
course address the concurrent issues of reactor physics smaller diameter for the pressure bearing boundary,
performance. and leads to a modular core design where each module
These issues have been satisfactorily addressed and has its own pressure bearing boundary.
the means for implementation of the essential features Hence, the pressure tube reactor concept with solid
- fuel containing matrix, thermal switch, light water fuel matrix and passively cooled low pressure heat sink
moderator and passive moderator cooling system - of a is suggested as the best candidate for passive LWRs of
passive light water cooled pressure tube concept have large power output. Modular solid matrix fuel sub-
been proposed [21]. merged in a low pressure heat sink increases the decay
heat removal capabilities considerably compared to an
annular core (see fig. 8), and furthermore, it enables
4. S u m m a r y a n d c o n c l u s i o n s the use of a thin walled pressure boundary. Accord-
ingly, the pressure tube reactor concept has the best
Several important conclusions can be drawn from capability for passive decay heat removal in the total
this study. With respect to the magnitude of heat absence of emergency primary coolant since it effec-
transfer rates, water is the best ultimate heat sink. tively eliminates the most restrictive heat transfer choke
However, its availability in tanks or pools within the points.
plant site is finite. Air as an ultimate heat sink requires
much larger heat transfer areas to achieve reasonable
power removal. The most promising arrangement for Nomenclature
heat transfer to air seems to be the configuration of a
large containment with a surrounding baffle (fig. 11). It A area (m2),
is a simple design and does not require a tall chimney, D diameter (m),
which could be vulnerable to large seismic events. H height (m),
Further, the performance could be augmented by Ja Jacob number,
adding vertical fins. Earth (or civil structures) as an L length (m),
ultimate heat sink has the lowest achievable heat trans- N number of modules,
fer rates, and cannot be considered as the sole ultimate Nu Nusselt number,
heat sink for LWRs of large power outputs. Q energy (J),
The most efficient heat transfer schemes in the Q heat rate (W),
80 P. Hejzlar et al. / Passive decay heat remoual

Q' core linear heat rate ( W / m ) , e emissivity,

R radius (m), p density (kg/m3),
S surface (m), ~r surface tension ( N / n O ,
T temperature (°C), a coefficient,
V volume (m3), # dynamic viscosity (kg/m-s),
cp specific heat (J/kg-K), power peaking factor.
h enthalpy ( J / k g ) ,
h heat transfer coefficient ( W / m 2 - K ) ,
k thermal conductivity ( W / m - K ) , References
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