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Đề bài: The best way to solve the world's environmental problem is to increase the
cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that traffic and pollution issues would be best tackled by higher prices of gas. In
my opinion, this idea is completely flawed and there are several reasonable alternatives.

Clearly the price of fuel has little to do with pressing problems of traffic and pollution. The
inevitable demand for time-saving and safe travelling in the modern world makes the change in
price of gas become rather insignificant, which proves the ineffectiveness of the given policy. In
other words, even if the price were increased, people would still travel on a daily basis and the
problems of traffic and pollution would stay unsolved. Additionally, this solution could easily
trigger/cause social disagreement and resentment. This, coupled with the reluctance of using
expensive fuel to travel every day, could be counter-productive and this proposed idea would
become irrelevant.

On the other hand, alternatives to increased price of petrol show greater effectiveness. First,
the government could implement certain regulations restricting the use of private vehicles such
as cars and turn people to using public transportation. This would relieve many roads from
heavy traffic by reducing the number of vehicles, which in return alleviates the problem of
pollution caused by exhaust. Second, cycling which proves environmentally friendly should be
more encouraged in major cities. At the same time, separate zones for cyclists should be
created to avoid the overload of traffic in the rush hour when the number of vehicles might
exceed the road’s capacity.

In conclusion, I believe that heightening the price of fuel used for travelling to address traffic
and pollution problems is somewhat absurd; and that some other methods should be adopted

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