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Organization Design

Dr. Sourav Mukherjee

Module 2
Title – Introduction to Organization Boundaries

In the last module we discussed how Organization Design is a critical enabler of

organization strategy. In this module we start looking at the boundaries of the
organization. As I explained before an organization needs to do a variety of activities in
order to create value for its customers.

However, it is not necessary that every activity that is needed to be done to create value
for the customer needs to be done by the organization itself. That is the point of time
where we ask this question, where does the boundary of the organization exist? Let us
think of some examples. Many of you use Apple cell phones, but I guess you know that
Apple does not manufacture its own cell phones.

It is manufactured by a very different organization. We know about the Bata shoe

company I would be surprised if today we find a famous shoe company manufacturing
its own shoes. They do the marketing, they do the branding, but most of the
manufacturing is done by specialized manufacturers.

For a pharmaceutical company animal testing or even human testing can be done by third
party specialized players. Likewise we can even think of blood testing in hospitals. Most
of the time the hospitals will be sending the blood samples to a laboratory which is not
necessarily owned by them. How do we decide which activity should be done by us the
organization and which activity should be done by a third party?

Where an activity is done by a third party we may call them suppliers sometimes we may
call that whole phenomenon as outsourcing. So, I would like all of you to take a while
and think about your own organization whether it is a large one or whether it is a small
one and ask yourself which are those activities which are being done by third party. Now
some of them are very easy to identify.

For example, in a large hospital most probably you are using a contract agency to do
housekeeping activities. It is also possible that a cafeteria may be run by a contractor
who is not necessarily an employee of the organization. So, we can call that as an

But think of some of the other examples that we talked about. When you are talking
about testing of blood samples some organization might choose to do it themselves by
© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Introduction to Organization Boundaries

labs which are owned by the hospital. Whereas, some other organizations might choose
to get the testing done by a third party agency.

What about information systems? Today large hospitals need very good information
technology support infrastructure. They need patient management software. Would you
have a team of software developers as part of your organization or would you actually
buy services or products from a very good software writing organization?

Especially if you are in India you have so many great software development
organizations here. Would you outsource that activity to a third party or would you build
a team within your organization who can understand patient needs and write a software?
Think about those activities and we will come back soon.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Cunningham Motors : Case Debrief

I am sure that that exercise would have raised certain questions in your mind. What are
the advantages and what are the disadvantages of outsourcing an activity? Is there any
rational or a framework that we can use to take those decisions? To arrive at such a
framework let us look at the case study of Cunningham motors.

Now, Cunningham motors is an example of what we can call as an extreme outsourcing.

Here is an organization which wants to create a car company without really creating a
big organization. Robert Lourdes is planning to have maybe 15 or 20 employees not
more than that.

Now although this is a slightly older case, if you come to think of it today there are many
organizations typically these are called the online platform organizations and many of
them actually exist in the healthcare sector who are delivering a service to the customer
by connecting the buyers and the sellers.

By connecting the customers and the service providers without having to own many
assets without having to hire many people. If you look at outside the healthcare sector, I
am sure many of you have been using services of organizations such as the UBER or the
airbnb all of these models are very interesting from the fact that these organizations can
address large number of customers without actually owning much assets.

Although their business model is different from Cunningham motors, it nevertheless

raises a question that can we create value for the customers operating on a reasonably
asset light model. Now I am not expecting that all your organizations will go and
outsource a large number of activities.

But any activity that you look at within an organization you should consider where
should it be located, is it better to be done by a set of suppliers or should it be done by
your employees. Before we dive deep into it think of Cunningham motors and think of
the various advantages and disadvantages this extreme outsourcing model has as far as
that particular car company is concerned.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr. Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Extreme Outsourcing Model : Advantages

Let us now look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Extreme outsourcing model.
First let us look at the advantages. This is an asset light model, which implies that you do
not need to make too much of investment any kind of investment, whether it is a startup
or whether it is an established organization, creates some kind of financial risk for the
investors or for the owners.

They are wondering whether we can get enough return on those investments and as a
consequence, when you are operating on an asset light model you minimize that
particular risk. For a new company outsourcing also allows faster time to market.
Imagine if you have to build everything yourself each of the activities whether it is
manufacturing something or creating a service will have its learning curve, you will have
to recruit people, you will have to set up the infrastructure, you have to train them all of
these can push back the day you can launch your product or service.

On the other hand the market offers you an opportunity to buy readily available products
and the suppliers have already traveled along the learning curve, which means that they
already have the competencies and they can supply you a good product or provide you
with a good service, which if you yourself want to do will take a lot more time.

The third advantage of going to the market, especially if you are buying from reputed
suppliers like Cunningham Motors was doing that you can take advantage of their
brands. Cunningham Motors can go and claim that they are buying Cadillac engines.
And Cadillac is famous for its brand, people know that those engines are very reliable.

And hence customers might be comfortable buying a car that has a Cadillac engine rather
than worrying about the fact that this is a new company have they got the technology
right. So, you can actually capitalize on the existing brands and their competencies to
convince your customer and this can actually be a huge advantage for a startup, but even
for established companies this can actually be an advantage.

Think of personal computers that IBM used to sell and they used to have Intel inside,
which means that they were saying Intel is a very famous chip manufacturing company,
Intel is probably the world’s best in manufacturing microprocessors and all IBM PCs

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr. Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Extreme Outsourcing Model : Advantages

have Intel microprocessor insight. That is a classic case of leveraging another company’s
brand to make your product more attractive to the customers.

So, if I walk into a hospital and if I see that all the equipments are from very reputed
suppliers, then it might give me some confidence. Especially if your own hospital is
probably a startup and not a well known brand. Now, when you outsource activities to
third party, you are reducing your own organizational complexity, that is because you do
not need to recruit those many employees.

Think of Cunningham Motors he has only 20 employees, which means he does not need
a lot of departments, does not need to worry about too many reporting relationships,
much lesser performance appraisal, but if he was running a large company which has
maybe 3000 4000 customers. Then he has to worry about how many departments, how
many divisions, how do I structure effectively your task of organization design becomes
much more complex as your organization grows.

But if you are outsourcing an activity you are minimizing that complexity. But finally, if
you come to think of it, the most important reason why Robert Lutz is going to the
market is to take advantage of specialization. What essentially he is doing from a
strategic standpoint is to pick up the best of the components that are available in the
marketplace. A strategy that we talk about as best of breed.

If general motors makes best engines, if Evans makes best cooling systems, then he goes
and picks up all these components and puts it together. He takes advantage of the
specialization that each of the suppliers have developed. And this is a very significant
advantage of outsourcing we will come back to that issue once again a little later.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr. Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Decision Making Framework

Having thought about the pros and cons of the Cunningham motors model of extreme
outsourcing, we will now develop a Decision Making Framework. We will try to
compare some components when it gets done in an organization versus when it gets done
outside the organization that is, when you are sourcing it from the markets. In popular
terminology, we call this as a make versus buy decision make when you do it inside the
organization buy when you buy it from the market.

Now, let us first focus on the cost of production. Any activity that you do within your
organization will have certain cost and if it is done by an existing supplier will have
certain cost. Can we say something between the relationships of these costs; costs of
doing it within the organization versus cost of doing it by the supplier.

Now, if you think of it production processes have something called a fixed cost. Fixed
cost, do not vary too much with the volume of production. If you make an assumption
that the supplier is supplying to the large number of customers the supplier’s production
volume is much bigger than my own organizations production volume.

As a consequence, the supplier will derive what we called economies of scale. In simple
terms, the supplier is able to amortize its cost of production over much larger number of
units. So, the cost of production by a supplier where there are fixed cost in the
production and when the suppliers volume is larger than an organizations volume the
cost of production of the supplier will be lesser compared to what I will incur as a cost
within my organization.

This is the reason, it is said that markets are more efficient than organizations. However,
please keep in mind that if my supplier has a certain cost of production it does not mean
that the supplier will give me a lower price for that because cost is only one component
of the price. Imagine, a market where there are very few competitors imagine a market
where a supplier knows that I am very critically dependent on the supplier which means
that the supplier has high bargaining power moment the supplier has high bargaining
power they will want to have greater profit.

So, they will build a fat margin over their cost of production. So, even though the
supplier is producing at a cost which is lower than what I would have incurred the

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Decision Making Framework

market conditions are such that the supplier is not giving me a good price. As a corollary,
you can then realize that when there is greater competition in the marketplace that is one
condition when you can buy a product or a service from the market.

Because if there is a lot of competition each of the suppliers will not charge a very high
price in order to get your business; however, going to the market has some additional
costs many of these costs may not be very clear to you, let us think of how you identify a

There may be a lot of suppliers in the marketplace and if you are buying an expensive
equipment then you will have to compare each of the suppliers how good they are, what
is their service reputation, what is the mean time between failure of the equipment; this is
what we call as search and evaluation cost.

You will need to have probably a team of people who are evaluating a variety of
suppliers trying to rate them in terms of various parameters all of these will be additional
costs that you incur when you go to the marketplace. The second element of cost comes
because if you are buying an equipment or a service from a third party supplier you will
get into a long term contract with the supplier there will be terms and conditions, there
will be a bargaining that what kind of price, what is the delivery schedule, what happens
if things go wrong for a variety of reasons you need to create a contract.

Because you do not want to get into a situation where you are dependent on the supplier,
but the supplier is not behaving the way you want the supplier to behave and you have no
recourse; this is what we call as a contracting cost, bigger your organization bigger your
supplier the contracts become more and more complex. You probably will have to
involve a lawyer or a law firm to actually help you create that contract and that is and
that is what we call as contracting cost.

Now, merely having the contract in place is not enough you may have a contract, but the
supplier is still not supplying on time or the supplier said that its machines are very
reliable it will probably do 10000 X-rays, but the machine breaks down after the 500th
X- ray and you find that the supplier is not very key into comment provide you the repair
services; you are very angry, you look into the contract, but then if the supplier does not
listen to you then the only option you have is to go to the court.
© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Decision Making Framework

Now, problem is in some countries like ours court cases take a very long time to get
solved. So, you may be stuck with the court case for the next 5 years or 10 years while
you need to run your hospital while you need to while you need to conduct X-rays. So, it
is not only good enough to have contracts, but you are also asking yourself is the
environment suitable for enforcing this contract can I have compensation if the supplier
is not sticking to its end of the bargain or to its promises.

In summary, what I am telling here is that when you buy something from the market be it
a product or be it a service you incur a lot of additional costs. The costs of searching a
supplier evaluating a supplier creating a contract negotiating with the supplier and then
even enforcing the contract in case things go wrong now all of these costs are
collectively called transaction costs.

If the transaction costs are very high, which means that it takes a lot of time to negotiate
you are wondering that the legal system of the country is such that you will not have any
recourse to compensation. Then sometimes even though you have a good supplier in the
marketplace you may be hesitant to buy an important product or service from the market
because you are not very sure whether you will have the product ready or whether you
will have the service available when you actually need it most.

But in when performing markets in countries where institutions are very well developed
usually the markets operate very well usually you can trust reputed suppliers, but look at
the term that I am using reputation that is the reason why branded suppliers, supplier’s
with a lot of good reputation matters for buyers you can trust them and you can think that
even if something is not part of the contract in order to protect their own reputation the
suppliers will do a great job.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Decision Making Framework - II

While accessing markets have transaction costs and if you think that transaction costs are
too high you can decide to make that activity within your organization, but keep in mind
that if you want to make those activities within the organization you have to embrace
complexity of organizations and there are costs to it. What is the contract that exists
between the employee and the employer? That is called the employment contract.

Now, employment contracts may not be as sharply defined as a commercial contract, it is

something that employees sign in the initial days of their employment and probably
forget about it except maybe for a few features, what is the notice period and if I make
some inventions then who owns the patent and so on and so forth. But at the same time
when you are doing the activity within the organization you will incur what we will call
as organizing cost.

In the later part of the course, we will dive deeper to understand why the organizing costs
arise and what are the different ways by which you can optimize those costs. But for the
time being purely in terms of looking at the decision making framework, let us
understand that while there is a supplier management cost which we described as
transaction cost there is also a cost that we incur for managing employees for structuring
relationships within them.

So, the larger question arises which one is easier, is it managing your employees or is it
managing your suppliers? I will give you a few minutes to think about it.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Limitations of Decision-making Framework

Till now, we have talked about four components in our Decision Making Framework.
We have talked about production costs incurred within an organization and production
costs incurred in the market and we have said that; because markets are more efficient
the production cost incurred by the supplier will be lower than the production cost
incurred within an organization.

Then we have talked about costs of accessing the market which we classified as
transaction costs then we talked about organizing cost. Note here, that neither transaction
costs nor organizing costs are very fixed entities they can vary depending upon your
ability to manage a supplier network or an organization. If you are very good in
managing your organization which means that you have a wonderful design then
organization costs can come down.

If you are someone who can manage a supplier network very well then even transaction
costs can come down. So, depending on how good you are in doing one over the other
you can take a decision of doing something within your organization versus sourcing a
product or a service from the marketplace, but it is also important to note that this is an
economic framework it only talks about costs and benefits.

But in business, especially when we think of strategy there are certain costs which can
come as intangibles it can come because you are uncertain about the future. For example,
some organizations might believe that even though going to the market might make
economic sense today, I want to build that competency within my organization.

Think about information systems, you can source a product from the market you can give
a project for software development to a well known organization and it might be more
economical it might also happen much faster than building your own software
development team which has its own set of complexities and yet because of strategic
reasons you decide that having an in-house software development team makes a lot of

Why is it strategic? Because you believe that information technology is going to be a key
activity it is going to be a key element in competing in the marketplace and hence you
need to have a core team that is constantly looking at technology, constantly looking at
© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Limitations of Decision-making Framework

needs of your clients and creating software systems. So, in that particular case you might
still decide to build an activity in-house. Sometimes, it can also be about confidentiality

The supplier even unwillingly might leak information because the supplier may not be
exclusive to you the supplier may be supplying to your competitors, there can be
suppliers employees being poached by another competitor and you are now worried that
even though there are contracts will some information be leaked and that will take away
a significant part of my competitive advantage.

So, what I am telling you here is that this decision making framework is very useful
provided you understand also its limitations and I have put a fifth element called
strategic risk on top of the market column. So, that you do not discount some of the risks
that might be inherent in going to the marketplace.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Advantages of Outsourcing

Based on our discussions on the decision framework, we can identify four kind of
Advantages from outsourcing. The first one is you can minimize cost. We have discussed
the reasons markets have economies of scale, they have learning curve advantages and if
there is proper competition in the marketplace and if the transaction costs are low then
you can get a product or a service from the market cheaper and faster.

The second element as an advantage is that by going to the market you can access
superior competencies and privileged assets. There are already good suppliers in the
marketplace who are very specialized in what they are doing and if you find the
competent then you can actually take advantage of their specialization.

When we discuss more about organization design we will discuss how within an
organization also we take advantage of specialization. But in this particular case we are
talking about taking advantage of specialization that exists outside in the market. Now,
keep in mind that if you are outsourcing certain activities it actually relieves your own
people to do certain other activities in a very focused manner.

If you are running a large hospital there are so many administrative responsibilities that
come up. Now should doctors be involved in doing administration? Should you get
specialized personal to do the administration or can you outsource certain tasks within
the administration to a third party? Today there are a lot of service providers who can
help you with recruitment, with performance evaluation, with managing the
infrastructure, managing a whole lot of service delivery.

These are the choices which the strategists are constantly dealing with and if they look at
the framework that we discussed you may get certain answers. When you outsource to
third party you are also diversifying your risk. How much of risk can you as an
organization take? We discussed about developing an information management system
within an organization or buying from the marketplace.

Now, each has its own advantage and disadvantages. If you do it within the organization
you can control the team a lot better, the team understands your organization a lot better.
Because they are your own employees, they can work with various other employees in
different organizations, they can work with various other employees in different
© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Advantages of Outsourcing

departments be it doctors, be it nurses, be it paramedics and they can create a software

system which is very suitable for you.

However, there are always risks of technological obsolescence hardware has changed,
software standards change. Now if you had given it to a third party then today they can
just keep on giving you software as a service. You do not need to worry about whether
the hardware is being upgraded, what kind of software systems are being used because
they are specialized players in dealing with that.

They will take care of all that headache. If there is any risk as far as technology is
concerned it is your supplier who is dealing with that. But if you do it in house you will
have to deal with that kind of risks. In a similar manner you can think of various other
associated activities as far as healthcare is concerned.

Think about insurance if you are a large organization there may be an opportunity to also
get into health insurance. In that case you are doing the activity in house. On the other
hand you can have a tie up with a third party insurance provider which is usually what
most hospitals will do. Both has its advantage and disadvantage. But if you do it in house
you are also assuming the risk of the insurance industry.

So, by outsourcing you minimize many of the risks that you are exposing yourself and
yet as you understand you will not have as much control over your suppliers or the
products and services that you are receiving as you would have had if you were doing it
within your organization.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.
Organization Design
Dr. Sourav Mukherjee
Module 2
Title – Conclusion

Let us conclude what we have learned. Let us summarize what we have learned from this
particular module dealing with markets and organizations. What we have learned is that
both markets and organizations are two different means of conducting economic
activities and they have their advantages and disadvantages.

And as a manager or a leader you need to find out which one is a better option for the
activity that you are considering necessary for creating value for your customer or for
your client. You look at the framework it will help you to arrive at the decision better.
But we must also keep in mind that every industry is getting highly competitive.

And in order to thrive in a competitive scenario you need to be extremely good in what
you are doing and focus is very important for excellence. Moment we talk about focus
we are saying that we will pick and choose certain activities and we will outsource the
rest to the marketplace. That is an advantage of outsourcing. On the other hand if you do
a variety of activities it certainly helps you to grow, it increases your revenue, it creates
more opportunities for your people.

And sometimes it may give you far better control over the life of your client or a
customer that is what we call as giving end-to-end services. Finally, it comes back to the
purpose of the organization what is it that you want to do? Remember our original case
of Ayurveda online that is what Advaith is struggling with. Should we focus on only
treatment, on only Ayurveda doctors and Ayurveda medicines or should he embrace
growth by diversifying into non-medical Ayurveda products.

What do I really want to do? How do I want to create value for my customers? That is
what purpose is about. The second one is what am I good at, what kind of competencies
do I have? Do I have a path to develop those competencies which are now necessary for
doing an additional activity just in case I want to diversify?

And the third question to answer is about financial sustainability. About looking outside
and seeing what kind of competition I am going to face, if I do these activities all of
these three the purpose, the competency, the financial sustainability needs to be looked at
holistically. All of these three the purpose, the competencies and financial sustainability
needs to be looked at together to decide what is the step that you are going to take next.
© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Prof. Dr.Sourav Mukherjee and is permitted for use only within the
course "Organization Design" for Healthcare, delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document,
including any logo, data, illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form
or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.

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