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Sr. No Question Q-A Q-B Q-C Q-D Answer

1 What is the extension of worksheet file? .xls .ods .odb .com B

Which of the following type of package does Cannot be

2 Calc refer to? Spreed Sheet Double Sheet Multi Sheet Determined A

3 workbook is collection of data pdf images spreadsheets D

By default, worksheets that are present in

4 computer workbook are 10 4 3 NONE C

5 A column heading in Open office Calc as a Number Symbol Date Alphabet D

The basic unit of a worksheet into which you
enter data in spreadsheet is called a
6 Cell Table Box Column A

7 Workbook Based on Software WINDOWS DOS UNIX LINUX A

8 Formulas in Excel start with / f - = D

What is the shortcut key for repeat the last

9 command? Alt+Y Ctrl+Y Ctrl+shift+Y Ctrl+Alt+Y C

10 The cell that is in use is called Highlighted cell Main cell Active cell Formula cell C

Workbook is a collection of
11 ? Worksheets Diagrams Menus Buttons A

12 is a grid of rows and columns. Workbook Worksheet Range Cell B

Column Name Column
follow by Row number follow Column name
13 How to define cell address? number by Row name only Row number only A

14 Select the Relative Cell Reference form below: A1 A 1 $A$1 A

From format From format From format Click on merge and
Which tool is used to join few cells and place cell dialog box, cell dialog box, cell dialog box, center toll from
15 the content at the middle of joined cell? click on merge select the choose merge formatting toolbar D

1) What is the default extension of

16 OpenOffice Calc? .xls .ods .xlsx .csv B
Longer Text can be broken into multiple lines
inside the cell. This can be achieved by
17 . Freeze Pane Wrap Text Justify Split Pane. B

In OpenOffice.ods, presentation can be

18 prepared using application. writer calc draw impress B

Which of the following is an extension of

19 worksheet created in Cals? .doc .ods .obj .xls B
In spreadsheet the command that is used to
merge selected cells into one single cell is
20 called- Merge Split Join Freeze A

It is beginning
21 What is the use of indent? of line Line number Bullets For paragraph A

The absolute cell reference is written as in

22 spreadsheet A1 $A1 $A$1 A$1 C

On which place, we can show current cell On standard On properties

23 address? tool bar On status bar window On Address bar D
Which of the following is the extension of a
24 worksheet created in Calc? .ods .odd .xls .obj A

25 Worksheet is collection of cells rows columns data A

In a spreadsheet absolute cell reference can be

26 represented as B3 $B$3 B$3 $B3 B

Which of the following symbol is used to make

27 a cell as an absolute reference? + % & $ D

Computer spreadsheet cell that is highlighted Cell containing

28 with a heavy border is a Active Cell formula Locked Cell Cell A

In Workbook the keyboard shortcut for creating

29 a chart from the selected cells F3 F5 F12 F11 D

MS Excel file can NOT be directly exported as


31 How many alignments are there in worksheet ? 5 4 3 2C

The process of identifying specific rows and
columns so that so that certain columns and
32 rows are always visible on the screen is called Locking Freeze Pane Selecting Fixing B

By which of the following we can change the

33 appearance of the value in a cell? Indentation Design Format Alignment C

Which of the following is the default cell Relative Absolute Mixed

34 reference in spreadsheet? reference reference reference None of above A
Left side of Right side of
When you insert a new column in sheet by selected selected both a and b is
35 default it inserted on ---- ? column column Not inserted correct A
The cell range that starts in cell A1 and goes UNI
over to J15 is WRITTEN AS in a ALL OF THE
36 formula. =(A1;J15) =(A1TOJ15) =(A1:J15) ABOVE C

Tab scroll buttons are placed on excel screen The bottom The bottom left The top right
37 towards? right corner corner corner Top left corner B

2)Long text can be broken down into many

38 lines within a cell. You can do this through Wrap Text Text Combine Text Wraping Column justify A

Which among following is "Absolute

39 Reference"? A10 $A10 $A$1$0 $A$10 D

40 What is short cut key for Save As option. Ctrl + s Ctrl + v Ctrl + Shift + x Ctrl + Shift + s D

if value is larger, value is displayed in

41 the cell. # ## ### #### C

42 Which key do you press to check spelling? F3 F5 F7 F10 C

43 Which is not open office tool? Word Excel Chrome Power point C

A spreadsheet's vertical dimension is referred

44 to as Row Column Record Field B

45 How to show formula instead of value? Data->View View->Data Formula None C
if we move a cell containing a formula having The cell row The cell The cell rows
refrence to another cell in the worksheet what number are column and columns Nothing will be
46 will happen to the cell Numbers used in changed at numbers are are changed at changed C

47 Protect Document is available in File Menu Edit Menu Tools Menu Format menu C
In spreadsheet , the cell that is highlighted with Cell containing
48 heavy border is Active cell a formula locked cell cell A

In which toolbar the function wizard icon is

49 available? Standard Formatting Formula Object C

In a computer spreadsheet, block of cells is

50 called range column workbook function A

The basic unit of a worksheet into which you

51 enter data in Excel is called a cell table column box A

A file that contains one or more worksheets to

52 organize data is known as Workbook Excelbook Datasheet Art sheet A

Which shortcht command is used to reach the

53 next worksheet? Pagedown Page up Page left Page right A

What is the default extension of OpenOffice

54 Calc? .xls .ods .xlsx .csv B
Common Comma
Separated Separated Common Comma Standard
55 CSV is also known as? Value Value Special Value Value B

cell reference is used to make the cell Relative Absolute Mixed

56 address fixed. reference reference reference None of above B

Which of the following you can paste

57 selectively using Paste Special command? Validation Formats Formulas All of above D

58 Which operator can be used to define Range , (Comma) ; (Semi colon) : (Colon) ABOVE C
Shows the Shows the Shows the
name of name of name of cell or
59 The name box on the left of formula bar workbook worksheet range currently None of the above C
Which short cut key used to copy and paste the Ctrl + c and Ctrl + z and alt + c and altr
60 vales of cell? Ctrl + v Ctrl + x +r None of above A

61 What is the extension of OpenOffice Calc File? .xls .ols .ods .ood C

For insert header and footer which menu is

62 used? Format Tools Insert View A

What is default unsaved file name of Cals

63 worksheet? Worksheet1 Sheet1 Document1 Untitled1 D

The intersection of row and column is called

64 . Row Column Range Cell D

Which key is used to move the cell pointer in

65 the forward direction within the worksheet? Enter Tab Shift+Tab Delete B

66 Workbook is a collection of Worksheet Many rows Many Columns Number of Column A

Without given sheet protect, have we protect

67 cell? Yes No Allow None B

For what are spreadsheet package widely accounting

68 used? data analysis application (a) and (b) none of these C

69 short cut key for Paste command Ctrl + B Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + P C

70 Vertical dimension of a spreadsheet is called Row Column Record Field B

How many menus are there in open office

71 calc? 7 8 9 10 C
The placement of information within a cell at
72 the left edge, right edge, or centered is : Identification Alignment Indentation Placement B

In Worksheet, which one denoted a range from

73 B1 through E5 B1 - E5 B1:E5 B1 to E5 B1$E5 B

Micromax Management
74 MS Excel stands for Excel Excel Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excess C

Which of the following is not an example of

75 value ? 350 May 2,2013 64% Serial No.5077 D
Common Comma
Separated Separated Common Comma Special
76 Which of the following is full form of .CSV? Value Value Special Value Value B

By which option we can see the preview of the

77 selected part in excel? Page Preview Quick Print Format Painter Freeze Panel A

To apply transpose, which of the following

78 option is used? Paste Row to column Paste Special None of above C
4. tool is used to copy formatting
from one cell or text and then apply it
79 elsewhere? Paste Paste special Format painter None of these C
Enter Data and Perform Create
Spreadsheet is Capable for which of the then Perform Financial graphical ALL OF THE
80 following “what if Statement and representation ABOVE D

Which of the following is not the correct method Press the Alt Press the F2 Click formula Double click the
81 of editing the cell content? key key bar cell A

What is the maximum number of rows available between 8 to more than 10 more than 10
82 in spread sheet? 10 thousand thousand lakh less than 8 lakh C
Comma Column
Separated Separated Column Comma Special
83 CSV stands for . Value Value Special Value Value A
The short cut key ctrl + e will be used for which
84 action Edit Align Center Align Left Align Justify Align B

By default sheets tab are present at the

85 of the spreadsheet. Top Bottom Both None B

86 In a spreadsheet, the block of cells is called Workbook Columns Rows Range D

Which of the following symbol is used to make

87 a cell as an absolute reference? + % & $ D

On a worksheet, the intersection of a column

88 and a row is known as the Column Row Cell Address C

applying Copy
89 Format painter are used to Copy text formula Formating Remove Data C

There are maximum………worksheets per calc

90 spreadsheet document. 3 256 25 Many B
To copy formatting from one cell or a range of Format
cells to another cell or range of cells, use Paintbrush Validation
91 feature Data feature feature View feature A

92 Faster way to change a horizontal alignment is Align left Center Align right All of these D

What is the last column name in open office

93 calc? ABC AMZ AMJ XYZ C
"Long text can be broken down into many lines
within a cell. You can do this through Text Combine, Text Wraping, Wrap Text, Column justify,
94 and The process of identifying Locking Selecting Freeze Panes Fixing C

95 In Excel, Rows are labelled as A, B, C, etc 1,2,3 etc A1, A2, etc. $A$1, $A$2, etc. B
The intersection of a column and a row in MS
96 Excel worksheet is known as Row Cell Column Tab B

97 In can each sheet in a workbook is display as ? Tab Value Marker Address A

Which is the cell address of row 5 and column

98 6? E6 E5 F6 F5 D

99 First Cell in excel is identified by . AA A0 Aa A1 D

100 What is the file extension of OpenOffice Calc? .xlsx .docx .bmp .ods D

To arrange a text within a cell at the left edge,

101 right edge, or Center which option is used ? Indentation Placement Identification Alignment D

is used to Create graphical

102 representation of data Chart Table Data Formatting A

103 The spelling tool is placed on toolbar Standard Formatting Drawing Reviewing A

104 A column heading in Calc as a ? Number Symbol Date Alphabet D

the cell whose the one which the one which
contents are is currently has formula in
105 Active Cell Means - bold. selected. it all of the above B

Which function key is used for spelling and

106 grammar? F6 F7 F8 F9 B

We can insert the new sheet in Calc by clicking

107 on menu. View File Format Insert D
The placement of information within a cell at
108 the left edge, right edge, or Center is: Indentation Placement Identification Alignment D

Which of the following symbol is used to make Alt + Right Ctrl + Right
109 a cell as an absolute reference? arrow arrow Ctrl + left arrow Alt + leftt arrow A

Which option is used to move content from one

110 location to another location. Cut Copy Paste Paste Special A

How many types of alignment we can give in

111 worksheet? 4 7 3 5B

112 The calc contains……row. 512 )1048756 1024 1048576 D

By dragging From the Using the
Which one is not correct way to inserting a and dropping a clipboard by Insert File Using the Format
113 picture? supported file copying and dialog dialog D

114 The correct row address is AA 25 3B C5 D

115 What is the extension of open office calc? .ods .odd .xls .obj A
Calc tries to guess the rest of a text entry you
are typing. When you are typing several
116 identical text entries, can speed up Autocomplete Autofill Both 1 & 2 None A

117 Workbook is a collection of Worksheets Page set-up Buttons Diagrams A

In Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, rows are A1,B1,C1,D1...

118 labelled as 1,2,3,4.... A,B,C,D.... .. I,II,III,.... A

How can we add another sheet location on

119 current doucument sheet ? Hyperlink Script Insert Arrange C
Which of the following is not available on Title Application
120 bar? Restore button Filename Name Bold Icon D

Relative Mixed Absolute

121 What is the use of $ in excel? Reference Reference Reference Final Reference C

option is used to apply the formatting

122 from one formatted table to another table. Formatting Format Painter Cell Alignment Insert picture B

From the following which is known as absolute

123 cell reference? $B$4 $$ B4$ None of these A
Corresponding Corresponding Corresponding Corresponding
In Spreadsheet a column as a whole can be letter on a Number on a Cell on a Heading on a
124 selected by What? spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet A

What is the shortcut key to highlight the entire

125 column? Ctrl+c Ctrl + enter Ctrl + page up Ctrl + space bar D

Which key is used to move the cell pointer in

126 the forward direction within the worksheet? Enter Tab Shift + Tab Delete B
Password Using 'Save
127 Worksheets can be protected by . Protect hiding the file. As' feature. All of the Above. A

From which menu we can Freeze and Split

128 Spreadsheet? File Insert Format Window D

Which of the following options are present in After Current Before Current
129 “Insert Sheet” dialog box? Sheet Sheet No. of sheets All of these D

130 In a spreadsheet, rows are labelled by Number Letters Symbols None of above A

131 Header and footer is available in which menu? Insert menu View menu Edit menu File menu A
which option is used to to paste values based
132 on specific selection? Cut Copy Paste Paste Special D

From which toolbar we insert symbols in

133 worksheet? drawing standard formatting line A

Which parameters for pasting contents are Paste only paste only date Paste only
134 provided by paste special? numbers and time formulas All of these D
Click File and Click on the Use the key Use the key
which one is not correct option for save the then select Save button combination combination
135 worksheet? Save (or Save on the Control+S. Control+N. D

If the custom format is #, ### then 1500 will be

136 displayed as 150,0 15,00 1,500 1500 C

Which key do you use to edit the cell in open

137 office calc? Ctrl + shift + m Ctrl + m F3 F2 D
The combination of the column letter and row
number for a cell in spreadsheet is called Cell Indentification
138 Cell across Cell reference Cell Identity number B

What are the basic rectangular building blocks

139 of a spreadsheet? Cells Zoom slider Help button All the mentioned A

In Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, COLUMNS A1,B1,C1,C1...

140 are labelled as 1,2,3,4.... A,B,C,D... . I,II,III.... B

The intersection of rows and columns is called

141 ? Header Footer Font Cell D

142 Which key do you press to check spelling? F4 F6 F7 F8 C

What is the maximum number of rows available Less than 8 Between 8 to

143 in spread sheet? 10 Thousand Lakh 10 lakh More than 10 Lakh D
option is used to break long text into multi-
144 lines within same text. Wrap text Shrink to fit Merge cell Break A

145 In worksheet, B1:F5 is known as , Cell address Cell range Name cell B
To Copy to copy
Formula from formatting from BOTH OF THE NONE OF THE
146 Format Painter tool is used for the one cell a text selection ABOVE ABOVE B
Choose none Open the list of
on border tab border tool in
147 How can you remove borders applied in cells? of format cells format cell Both of above None of the above C

148 A formula in calc may begin with ? = + - All the above A

Which among the following feature can be used

149 to copy the format of one object to another? Format Painter Format Copier Copy & Paste Cut & Paste A

From following which is the correct cell

150 address? 45A D56 56 91 2 B

By default sheets are

151 present in Cals Spreadsheet. 1 2 3 4C

Long text can be broken down into many lines

152 within a cell. You can do this through- Wrap Text Text Combine Text Combine Column Justify A

153 A workbook is group of Many rows Many columns worksheets None of above C

which option is used to print the page with

154 default setting? Quick Print Print Print Preview Page Preview A

155 Headers are using to repeat text on Top Bottom Left Right A
Which of the following function key is used to
156 check spelling in Calc? F1 F8 F7 F2 C
Comma Common Comma
Separated Separated Specified Common Specified
157 Full Form Of CSV Value Value Value Value A

Page set up Set up Paper

158 Page orientation can be change through dialogue box dialogue box Dialogue box Print Dialogue box A

By what name is the open office calc file saved

159 by default? Spreadsheet1 Calc1 Untitled1 None C

Libreoffice calc is spreadsheet application that Manage your

160 can be used to Calculate Analyze data All of the above D

In Workbook to move to the previous

161 worksheet, press Alt + PgUp Ctrl + PgUp Ctrl + PgDn Shift + Tab B

In Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, CELLS are A1,B1,C1,D1...

162 labelled as 1,2,3,4... A,B,C,D... . I,II,III... C

At the bottom of the screen you will notice

163 the Active bar Status bar Address bar Formula bar B

164 Intersection of a row and a column is called? Row Column Cell Formula C

By default, how many sheets are available in

165 workbook? 1 2 3 4C
Common Comma
Separated Comma Separated Common Special
166 Full form of CSV is Value Special Value Value Value C

Which option is used to convert extra-long text

167 of a cell into multiple lines within a single cell? Merge text Split text Wrap text Text to column C
UNIIn Number Number The column isn't
Format cell Formatting big enough to
168 The Meaning of “###” in spreadsheet is Formula Error write date Error display the D

appears at the bottom of the excel Worksheet

169 window. Title bar Formula bar tabs Name box C

170 Which key do you press to check spelling? F3 F5 F9 F7 D

Ctrl + Arrow Ctrl + Enter

171 what is the shortcut key to add cell? Key Key Ctrl + Space Ctrl + Window A

172 The short cut key of paste special in calc is ctrl + shift + v shift + v ctrl + v shift + ctrl + p A

shortcut key is used to open

173 Format Cells Dialog box. Ctrl + 1 Ctrl + l Ctrl + F None A

174 What is the first cell address worksheet? AA A1 A0 0A B

175 To check grammar , which menu is used? Insert View Edit Tools D

Which option is used to fix specific row from top

176 and column from left of screen Freeze pane Pane Freeze Split Split window A

When First time we save file, worksheet open

177 Which Dialogue box? Save Save As Exit Close B

The header and footer areas in calc are

178 divided in areas each. One two three four C

In a spreadsheet, letters are used to represent

179 Cells Rows Columns Blocks C
The placement of information within the cell at
180 the let edge, right edge or center is called Alignment Identification Indentation Placement A

How many types of cell references are there in

181 open office calc? 1 2 3 4B

In menu, merge cells command is

182 found. Edit Insert Format Data C
processing Spreedsheet Presentation
183 Workbook is a program Program Program None B
between Start New
184 In MS Excel, Ctrl+S can be used to SAVE SAVE AS opened tab Workbook A
Comman Comma Colon
separated separated separated
185 CSV stands for ........... value value value None of above B

Which of the following option is used to copy

186 the same file with another name? SAVE SAVE AS OPEN NEW B

What is the short cut for Zoom-in and Zoom- ctrl + mouse alt + mouse
187 out? scroll scroll ctrl + Z ctrl + O A
Save the Save the
content into content into
188 "Save as" option is used to another file. same file. A and B both None of above A

189 Which shortcut kry is used to activate the cell. F7 A2 F2 F9 C

How can one calculate total of values entered By manual ALL OF THE
190 in a worksheet ? entry By AutoSum By formula ABOVE D

What are the basic rectangular building blocks

191 of a spreadsheet? Cells Zoom slider Help button All of these A
Which of the following key combinations is UNI
used to increase the width of the current Alt + Right Ctrl + Left Ctrl + Right
192 column? arrow arrow arrow Alt + Left arrow A

Which among the following can be used allow Data Date

193 only Date Value? Formatting Formatting Data sorting Data Validation A

194 Which bar shows content of active cell? Title bar Status bar Formula bar Tool bar C

Protect Document option is given in

195 menu. File Format Insert Tools D

Which short cut key used to copy and paste the Ctrl + c and Ctrl + z and alt + c and altr
196 vales of cell? Ctrl + v Ctrl + x +r None of above A
Spellings are corrected automatically in the
writer because of which of the following
197 Features? Auto text Auto correct Auto complete All of above A

Which option is used to combine many cells Merge &

198 into a single cell? Center Split Merge cell Cell Merge A

From the Page preview option, we can not

199 change the page setting. TRUE FALSE True and False None B
New Worksheet Worksheet
worksheet cannot be cannot be
200 Workbook level protection gives cannot be renamed deleted or All of these D

17.Which is the cell address of row 10 and

201 column 6? F10 J6 F6 J10 A

202 Short key for opening a new spreadsheet ctrl + O ctrl + S ctrl + N ctrl + x C

Where does the address of a cell appear in

203 open office calc? Name box Formula bar Address book None A
Cells are identified by a combination of letters and numbers and letters and
204 . letters numbers numbers none C

205 Which symbol must all formula begin with? = @ + ( A

The basic unit of a worksheet into which you

206 enter data in Excel is called a CELL TABLE BOX COLUMN A

207 How many rows are there in worksheet ? 65,000 65,536 65,233 65,557 B

Which of the following option is used to apply

208 direct print? Quick Print Page preview Format Painter Freeze panel A

By which option we can paste the values only

209 from other locations? Copy Paste Special Paste Cut Paste None B

option is used to fix specific rows from top

210 or columns from left on screen. Filter Freeze Split Hide B

211 In worksheet current cell address is display in ? Formula barr Title bar Name box Status bar C
Presenting an
Which of the following applications are not Balance sheet idea about a NONE OF THE
212 suitable for Workbook preparation product with Result analysis ABOVE B

213 Excel is a program that is used to prepare a presentation Spreadsheet Text document Database B

which of the following option is used to print A insert ---- >

214 Chart? chart file ------- > view file ------- >print view ------- >chart C

What is the default name of Open Office Calc

215 File? Untitled 1 Calc 1 Sheet 1 New Sheet A
What should be the status of status bar while
216 doing drag and drop in spreadsheet? EXT ADD STD None of the above C
referencing changes Rows and
Columns automatically when it is copied to new
217 cell. Absolute Relative Both None B

218 Workbook is a collection of Worksheets Page Set-up Buttons Diagram A

Which shortcut key is used for automatic spell SHIFT+ CTRL+


In the following bar, the cell's value or formula

220 is displayed. Formula bar Address Bar Name Box Standard Bar A
Which of the following Technique can be used Data
221 to allow only Date value in cell? Formatting Data Sorting Data Filtering Data Validation A
Word using Which of the following facilities of Find and By copy By preview
222 calc? Replace By copy only command command C
Which of the following is an extension of a
223 worksheet created in calc? .ods .odd .xls .obj A
Which of the following option is used to print a
224 chart Insert->Chart File->View File->Print View->Chart C
Which key will be used to select the entire seat Ctrl+Shift+Spa
225 in openoffice Calc? Ctrl+A Ctrl+Shift+A ce None A

226 Which key is ysed to edit test in Cell? Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+M F3 F2 D

The Merge cells command found in which
227 menu? Edit Style Sheet Format D
What is the value if there is a larger value than
228 the cell #### ### #NAME? #value? A

229 By what name is calc file saved by Default? Spreadsheet1 Calc1 Untitled1 None C
Select a cell to merged cell using with which Merge and
230 option? Splide Center Center Split and Merge C
What is formed by adding calc Rows and Data
231 Columns? Formatting Cell Table Position B

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