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Advanced spreadsheet
( MS Excel )


A spreadsheet is a computer application for computation, organization, analysis

and storage of data in tabular form Spreadsheets were developed as computerized
analogs of paper accounting worksheets.

Advanced Spreadsheet Lessons

- The most important of functions in spreadsheet
1- The IF function is extremely useful. This function means we can automate decision making in
our spreadsheets.
2- SUMIFS is one of the most useful Excel functions. It sums values that meet specified criteria.
3- The COUNTIFS function is another mega function for Excel data analysis.
4- The CONCATENATE function combines the values from multiple cells into one.

5- The VLOOKUP function is one of the most commonly used and recognizable functions in

It will look for a value in a table and return information from another column relating
to that value.

It is great for combining data from different lists into one or comparing two lists for
matching or missing items.

6- The average of a list of numbers is just the total divided by how many numbers there are
in that list.

7- If you have a table and you want to find out how many cells have a value of more
than 60, then you can use the COUNTIF function.
Logical Functions (Intermediate Level)
A logical function in Excel allows you to make comparisons and use the results to
change how a formula calculates.

1- The IF function is a very popular function in Excel and it is actually quite

easy to learn.

The VLOOKUP function in Excel works similarly to

the INDEX and MATCH combination. It is faster to set up but it is less
versatile. VLOOKUP also only works if your lookup array is at the leftmost of the
reference table.

The main project ( Gantt Chart )

To create a Gantt chart should be using two ways together :

1- Formatting a tables .
- Create a fill color for every cells in same a date. ( Automatically )
- Formatting a colors and boarder in tables.
2- Function statements.

In the management project functions :

- Count of the days for every item. for Example : =B2-B3
- Percentage of 100%
- Conditional formatting
Questions :
1.Arrange the information in the row and column is called ……………………. .

a) Table - b) Database - b) Field c) Record

2.Type of data in a cell of a worksheet can be of ………………………. .

a) label b) value c) formula d) all of the above

3 .Function to get sum of the contents of the cells A1, A2, B1, and B2 is

a) =SUM (A1+A2+B1+B2)

b) =SUM (A1:B2)

c) =TOTAL (A1:B2)

d) =SUM (A1, B2)

4.Which of the following functions is a string function?

a) IF function

b) MAX function

c) DATE function

d) MID function

5.What is the function of [∑] tool in Excel Sheet?

a) AutoFormat

b) AutoText

c) AutoSum

d) AutoCorrect

6.Each excel file is a workbook that contains different sheets. Which of the following
cannot be sheet in a workbook?

a) Work Sheet b) Chart Sheet c) Module Sheet d) Data Sheet

7. The cell reference $A$5 is

a) Relative cell reference

b) Absolute cell reference

c) Mixed cell reference

d) None

8.How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?

a) Data, subtotals b) Data, sort c) Data, form d) Data, table

9.To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cells menu?

a) Merge tab

b) Number tab

c) Alignment tab

d) Font tab

10.Which symbol must all formula begin with

a) @ b) = c) + d) (

11.Which operator will combine text from two cells into one cell?

a) Space b) & (ampersand) c) = (equal) d) None of the all

12.The intersection of row and column is called

a) An equation b) Data c) A field d) A cell

13.In Ms-Excel B7:B9 indicates

a) Cell B8 only b) Cell B7 and B9 only c) Cell B7 through B9 d) None

14.How do you display current date and time in Ms Excel?

a) Time () b) Date () c) Today () d) Now ()

15.To arrange Name list in sequential order is …………………… .

a) Format b) Sorting c) Order d) List

16.The information of cell gives on …………………….. .

a) Formula bar b) Name bar c) Name box d) Formatting bar

17.Which character fixes row or column?

a) & b) $ c) = d) @

18.Workspace is a ……………………… .

a) collection of workbook

b) collection of sheet

c) collection of documents

d) all

19.MS Excel must be saved with extension in MS Excel ……………........... .

( .XLSX - .XLM - .Docx - .ppxs )

20- What functions will produce results that indicate whether a student has passed or failed
a course by entering the text “Pass” or “Fail”?

( Sum - Count A - If - Count )

21-The contents in cells A1 through A6 are 6, 3, 4, 7, 9, and 7. What function would return
the answer 6 ?

( =MIN(A1:A6 - =SUM(A1:A6 - =MAX(A1:A6) ) - =AVG(A1:A6) )

22.The Share Document option is present under _____menu.

a) Data b) Tools c) Format d) Insert

23- A function used to add a certain range of cell if a condition is met……………… .


24- A syntax in the …………………. function that includes the value or label that determines if the
cell is part of the range.

( criteria - Average if - SUMIF - TOTALIF )

25- ###### means: which the Error ?

( The cell is not wide enough - You've entered a number wrong - The cell is not wide enough )

26- A Lookup function is used to?

- Compare a cell value to an ARRAY of cells and return a value that matches the location of
the value in the array.

- calculate the date - Validate the time

27-If you have a table and you want to find out how many cells have a value of more
than 60, then you can use the …………….. function.

( COUNTIF - IF multiple - COUNT - Sum )

28- ……………………. If you want to replace part of a text in a cell.

( COUNTIF - IF multiple - Substitute - Sum )

29-A cell ………………….. is the address of the cell and identifies its location.

( Advanced Charts - Absolute Reference - Reference - Modify chart )

30-The ………………. function is used to calculate the number of cells that contain

( COUNTIF - IF multiple - COUNT - Sum )

31-To have the current date displayed on your worksheet is called ………………. .


32-you can use the ………….. function to check if all the conditions of a particular group
are met. In this case, MS EXCEL shows the value TRUE, otherwise FASLE is displayed.


33-……………………. Can help you calculate and analyze numerical information.

( Statement - TODAY - Function - AND )

34-………………………..the power function returns the result of a number raised to a given


( Statement - Calculate power - Function - AND )

35-A ……………….. is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical

( Statement - Calculate power - Function - spreadsheet )

36-………………………. the Orals are greater than or equal to 60 AND the test are greater
than or equal to 60.

( IF and AND - TODAY - IF - AND )

37- To find file for example keyboard (shortcuts) press ……………….


38- To Make Underline to sentence or word keyboard (shortcuts) press



39- To Make Bold to sentence or word keyboard (shortcuts) press ……………….


40- To Close a window from keyboard (shortcuts) press ……………….


41- A ……………………… is a project management tool that illustrates work completed

over a period of time in relation to the time planned for the work.

( Gantt chart - MS Excel - chart analyzing )

1 Table 21 =AVG(A1:A6)
2 all of the above 22 Tools
3 =SUM (A1+A2+B1+B2) 23 SUMIF
4 MID function 24 Average if
5 AutoSum 25 The cell is not wide enough
6 Data Sheet 26 Compare a cell value to an ARRAY of cells and
return a value that matches the location of the
value in the array.
7 Absolute cell reference 27 Countif
8 Data, sort 28 Substitute
9 Merge tab 29 Reference
10 b) = 30 Count
11 & (ampersand) 31 Today
12 A cell 32 AND
13 Cell B7 through B9 33 Function
14 Now () 34 Calculate Power
15 b) Sorting 35 Spreadsheet
16 a) Formula bar 36 IF and AND
17 b) $ 37 CTRL+F
18 d) all 38 CTRL+u
19 .XLSX 39 CTRL+b
20 Count 40 CTRL+w
41 Gantt chart

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