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TITLE: Eating Right for a Happy, Health You!


Good (morning/ afternoon) everyone!

Today, we are going to talk about something super important which is
NUTRITION: This the process by which living organism obtain and use
the substances they need to grow and function.
There are several types of nutrition,
1. Macronutrient: These are nutrient that the body need in large
E.g. Carbohydrate, fat, and protein
2. Micronutrient: These are nutrients that the body needs in smaller
E.g. Vitamin and minerals.
In this presentation we will purely focus on Food.
FOOD: Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support
for the body’s growth, energy, and maintenance. It can be sourced
from plants or animals and is essential for sustaining life.
Function: It provide energy to the body.
Source: We get them from: Grains, Cereals, Tubers, and Starchy
Examples: Rice, Bread, Potatoes. Etc.
Importance: Essential for their growing bodies and active

Function: It help in body building and repairing tissues.
Sources: We get them from Meat, Legumes, Eggs.
Examples: Chicken, beans, eggs, and Fish.
Importance: Crucial for proper growth and development.

3. FATS:
Functions: They helps in energy storage, and cell structure.
Sources: Oils, butter, cheese, and margarine.
Importance: They are needed for brain development and overall

Functions: They support various bodily functions.
Sources: Fruit, Vegetables, and dairy.
Importance: Aid in immune system, Vision, and bone health.

5. Minerals:
Functions: Maintains strong bones, teeth, and regulate body
Sources: Nuts, Seeds, and Leafy greens.
Importance: Critical for proper growth and overall health.

Functions: Hydration, Vital for all bodily functions.
Sources: Water, Fruits, and Vegetable.
Importance: Essential for overall health, growth, and cognitive

BALANCE DIET: It includes a Variety of foods in appropriate

proportions to meet the nutritional needs of the body. For
children, it is crucial as it supports their growth, development, and
overall health.
It ensures they receive adequate amounts of essential nutrients
like Vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

HEALTHY SNACKS: They are nutrient-dense providing essentials

vitamins and minerals without excessive added sugar or
unhealthy fats. Examples include: Fresh fruits or vegetables, Nuts
and seeds, Greek yogurt, whole-grain crackers with cheese,
Hummus with carrot sticks.
Healthy snacks contribute to children’s overall nutrition, help
maintain energy levels, and support cognitive function.


Staying hydrated is vital for various bodily functions, including
digestions, temperature regulation, and nutrient transportation.
Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty
concentrating. For children, proper hydration is especially
important as it supports their growth, cognitive function, and
overall well-being. Encouraging regular water intake is essential
for maintaining good health.

Water is like magic for our bodies!

It keeps us cool, helps our muscles work, and our skin glow.
Drink water throughout the day, especially when playing or
feeling thirsty.


To be strong and happy, we need a food with balance diet which
comprise of fruits, veggies, grains, protein, and dairy.
Do not forget to drink plenty of water it is like giving your body a
big hug!

Who has questions about eating healthy and staying strong?
Remember, eating well is like giving your body the right tools to
be the best it can be!
Act 1: Contrasting Homes
Scene 1: Kanneh’s House
(Kanneh’s family is seen enjoying a variety of nutritious meals.)
KANNEH: (proudly) A balance diet ensures our children grow strong and smart.
(Scene shift to Almamy’s house, where fast food dominates.)
SHERIFF: (carelessly) Who has time for healthy meals? Quick snakes are easier.

Act 2: School Days

Scene 2: Classroom
(Foday and Cathrine are Teachers discussing their students’ Performance.)
FODAY: (Concerned) Kanneh’s Child seems to be excelling. What about Sheriff’s?
Cathrine: (Worried) Not so well. Maybe there is a connection with diet?
Act 3: A growing Mansaray
Scene 3: School Playground
(Julius, Mary, Namisa, Charles, and Musa play together. Ibrahim is noticeably
different in energy level and size.)
Charles: (noticing) Something’s different about Ibrahim
Namisa: (explaining) eating balance diet plays a significant role in their growth
and help them smart in school.

‘Act 4: Parent-Teacher Meeting

Scene 4: School
(Fatmata attends the meeting, proud of her child’s progress.)
Fatmata: (Smiling) Our efforts in providing a balanced diet are paying off!

Act 5: Concerns Arise

Scene 5: Community Gathering
(Community members, including Joseph, express concerns about Mansaray’s
Pa Ngegba: (reflecting) We must address the importance of a balance diet for our

Act 6: Community Action

Scene 6: The Garden Project
(The community, led by Chief Mohamed, initiates a project to educate families
about n7utrition.)
Chief Mohamed: (passionate) Let’s grow a healthier community by making a
backyard gardens.

Act 7: Turning point

Scene 7: Future School days
(a month later, and Musa starts improving as community embraces healthier
eating habits.)
Foday: (Proudly) Look at the positive change in Ibrahim!
END: The play concludes with a message emphasizing the impact of balance diet
on children’s growth and success in school.


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