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Department of Education

CARAGA Administrative Region

Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte

"Sustainable Community Development in Barangay San Isidro,

Tubod: Addressing Deforestation and Waste Management
Challenges for a Resilient Future”


Academic Year 2023-2024

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Submitted to:
Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


The final two decades of the twentieth century have seen the environmental issue gain

international attention, motivating governments, media outlets, and civil society organizations

worldwide. Climate change, one of the primary issues facing the global civilization, has shown to

be a prominent topic of discussion among environmental changes occurring worldwide in recent

years. The topic at hand begins with a brief mention of the rise in global awareness of

environmental issues. It then looks at the nature of these issues, the goals for resolving them, and

the significance of doing so.


The detrimental impacts of human activity on the biophysical environment are known as

environmental concerns. For the sake of the environment and people alike, environmental

protection is the practice of preserving the natural environment at the individual, corporate, and

governmental levels. Through activity, education, and advocacy, environmentalism—a social and

environmental movement—addresses environmental challenges. The number of climate

calamities is rising. Now, almost 70% of disasters have a climate component, up from roughly

50% two decades ago. These catastrophes cost more money and claim a greater human casualty

rate. Compared to 1.7 billion in the decade prior, 2.4 billion individuals were impacted by climate-

related disasters in the last ten years. Between 1992 and 2008, the price of reacting to disasters

increased tenfold. Human activity-induced environmental degradation is a worldwide issue that

gets worse every day. The population of all people on Earth is predicted to increase by 2 billion

by the year 2050, to a total of 9.6 billion.

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


In Barangay San Isidro, Tubod, Surigao del Norte, and globally, environmental concerns

such as deforestation and the improper disposal of household and industrial waste have emerged

as critical issues threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems. Deforestation, a process driven

by the increasing demand for homes, food, and raw materials, is rapidly depleting the world's

forests, which play a crucial role in producing oxygen and regulating temperature and

precipitation. As these vital green spaces continue to diminish, the consequences are felt not only

locally but on a global scale, contributing to climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Simultaneously, the improper management of household and industrial waste poses another

significant challenge, creating a pressing worldwide crisis in waste disposal and exacerbating

pollution in oceans and less developed regions.

Deforestation in Barangay San Isidro and worldwide is a multifaceted issue with profound

ecological ramifications. The global forest cover, currently accounting for 30% of the Earth's

surface, is shrinking at an alarming rate due to human activities. In San Isidro, the clearing of

forests for urban expansion and resource extraction has disrupted local ecosystems, displacing

wildlife and undermining the community's long-term sustainability. The global implications of

deforestation extend beyond individual communities, contributing to the acceleration of climate

change and the disruption of weather patterns. This poses a threat not only to the residents of San

Isidro but to the entire world, emphasizing the urgency of addressing deforestation as a global

environmental priority.
Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte

Conversely, the mismanagement of household and industrial waste compounds the

environmental challenges faced by Barangay San Isidro and the world. Excessive resource

consumption and the rampant production of plastics have led to a waste disposal crisis. In San

Isidro, as in many places globally, inadequate waste management practices contribute to pollution,

threatening water sources and harming aquatic life. Moreover, the indiscriminate dumping of

waste in oceans has far-reaching consequences, impacting marine ecosystems and posing a risk to

human health through the contamination of seafood. The global scope of this problem necessitates

concerted efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, promoting sustainable practices that mitigate

the adverse effects of irresponsible waste disposal.

In conclusion, the environmental concerns of deforestation and improper waste disposal in

Barangay San Isidro, Tubod, Surigao del Norte, mirror larger global challenges that demand

immediate attention and comprehensive solutions. Deforestation, driven by the ever-increasing

demand for resources, disrupts ecosystems and exacerbates climate change, affecting not only

local communities like San Isidro but the entire planet. Simultaneously, the improper disposal of

household and industrial waste poses a global crisis, polluting oceans and adversely impacting

ecosystems. Addressing these issues requires collaborative efforts at local, national, and

international levels, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and

responsible waste management to ensure a healthier and more resilient environment for current

and future generations.

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


Historically, the environmental issues of deforestation and improper waste disposal in

Barangay San Isidro, Tubod, Surigao del Norte, as well as globally, can be traced back to a

complex interplay of socio-economic developments and technological advancements. In the case

of deforestation, the historical demand for land, resources, and agricultural expansion has driven

extensive clearing of forests, altering the landscape and contributing to ecological imbalances. The

evolution of industrialization, coupled with a growing global population, has accelerated this

process, leading to widespread deforestation for timber, urbanization, and agricultural purposes.

On the other hand, the issue of household and industrial waste mismanagement has historical roots

in the post-industrial era, marked by the rise of disposable consumer culture and the widespread

use of non-biodegradable materials. As economies expanded and urbanized, waste production

surged, with inadequate waste disposal practices becoming evident. Recognizing the historical

trajectory of these environmental challenges is crucial for developing effective solutions that

address both local and global dimensions, acknowledging the historical legacy that has shaped the

current state of environmental degradation.

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte

Potential solutions to the environmental concerns:

As a student and an integral part of the community in Barangay San Isidro, Tubod, Surigao

del Norte, there are several proactive steps that can be taken to contribute to the resolution of local

environmental issues. Education plays a pivotal role, and students can actively engage in raising

awareness about the importance of sustainable practices, afforestation initiatives, and responsible

waste disposal within the community. Collaborating with local authorities, participating in tree-

planting campaigns, and organizing community clean-up drives are practical ways for students to

directly impact the local environment. Additionally, students can advocate for the incorporation of

environmental education into the school curriculum to foster a culture of environmental

consciousness among their peers and future generations.

On a global scale, citizens can contribute to the mitigation of deforestation and waste-

related problems by adopting sustainable lifestyles. This involves making environmentally

conscious choices in daily activities, such as reducing single-use plastics, supporting eco-friendly

products, and promoting a circular economy. Advocacy for stricter environmental regulations and

policies is crucial, urging governments and corporations to prioritize conservation and sustainable

resource management. Participation in global movements and campaigns dedicated to

environmental protection can amplify individual efforts, emphasizing the shared responsibility of

all citizens in safeguarding the planet. By fostering a collective commitment to sustainable living,

both at the local and global levels, individuals can play a pivotal role in addressing the

environmental challenges of deforestation and improper waste disposal.

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


As a student, active community member, and aspiring environmental warrior in Barangay San

Isidro, Tubod, Surigao del Norte, my recommendations align with the United Nations' Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs). To address the environmental issues of deforestation and improper

waste disposal, it is imperative to foster a sense of environmental stewardship within the

community. Firstly, educational initiatives should be prioritized, incorporating sustainable

practices into the local school curriculum and organizing workshops that emphasize the

importance of preserving ecosystems and responsible waste management. As a part of the

community, collaborative efforts should be encouraged, promoting tree-planting programs,

community clean-up drives, and waste recycling initiatives. Establishing community-led

environmental committees can help mobilize collective action and ensure the sustainable use of

local resources.

As an environmental warrior, advocating for policy changes at both the local and national

levels is crucial. Engaging with local authorities to implement and enforce regulations that protect

natural habitats and regulate waste disposal practices is essential. Additionally, fostering

partnerships with environmental organizations and leveraging social media platforms can help

raise awareness about the importance of sustainable living and garner support for conservation

initiatives. By aligning community efforts with the UN's SDGs, particularly Goal 15 (Life on

Land) and Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), Barangay San Isidro can make

significant strides towards creating a more sustainable and resilient community, contributing to the

global agenda for a healthier planet.

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


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