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My first summer holidays at the university started differently than at school.

I can
explain this by the fact that I passed my credits and exams only after the end of
spring. However, the summer university holidays has already lasted half a month,
although the educational process ended earlier. Finally, I finished my first year at the
Until the end of June, I relaxed from studying and slept. In July, I decided to sign up
in a driving school. First, we went through the theory, namely traffic rules, road signs,
road markings, car components, rules for providing medical assistance. We went
through all this during the second month of summer. During all this time, I was able
to learn a lot of new and necessary things. On July 28th, I had my fete day, which I
celebrated with my family in nature. In August, they gave an opportunity to learn to
drive a car. In a month, I was able to drive around my city 6 times for two hours at a
time. And I can confidently say that during this time I learned to drive a car. In the
autumn, I will pass a theoretical and practical exam, after which I will be able to get a
license to drive a car.
In addition, during the holidays I read books, watched movies, played computer
games, slept and walked with friends, as well as chatted with my classmates on social

1. Did you like driving a car?(Yes, I enjoyed driving the car)

2. Was it difficult to drive the car?(No, there was nothing difficult. I thought it
would be more difficult)
3. Did you consider this summer eventful?(Yes, this summer was busy for me)

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