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Department of Humanities and Applied Science

Academic Year: 2022-23 Name of Student: Vinay Vyapari

Semester: IV Student ID: 23202018
Class / Branch: S.E Comps Date of Performance: 18-03-2025
Subject: Microprocessor Date of Submission: 18-03-2024
Name of Instructor: Prof. Mamta Kurvey
Experiment No.6

Aim: Suppose a block of 8 bytes is stored from memory location 5000:1000 (DS: SI). Develop an assembly
language program to transfer this block to memory locations 5000:2000 (ES: DI) using string instruc-
tions. (b) Suppose two memory blocks of 8 bytes are stored from memory locations 5000:1000 and
5000:2000. Develop an assembly language program to exchange these blocks using string instructions.


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