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Why Cats Attract Women and You Don’t

by BGMan

As most of us know by now, women tend to have a sort of weakness for cats. Indeed, it
has become stereotypical. On the contrary, dogs seem more popular among men. Why
is this?

It would seem that cats exhibit many characteristics that endear them to women. In fact,
one way of thinking about how to be a good DJ is just to simply observe normal feline
behavior. Cats can thus be valuable teachers!

How so?

1) Cats don’t take crap.

If his owner maltreats him, oftentimes he’ll leave her and become a stray. He knows that
there are other people who can treat him better! Likewise, if the woman punishes him
for doing certain things. He ain’t gonna let that woman boss HIM around!

2) Cats are independent.

You hear about cats’ independence. Indeed, it’s probably their best known trait. Yet, it’s
immensely endearing to women. "I love cats, they’re so independent!"

This can teach us something too. It’s immensely hard to train a cat, although it can be
done. He’ll give his owner affection occasionally by lying in her lap and purring, but he
won’t do it when ordered. He’ll eat his dinner when he feels like it. She can’t tell her cat
to come or go; the best she can do to make him go is pick him up and deposit him

3) Cats don’t ask for affection.

They are grateful for the affection they get, but they don’t beg for it. If she wants to give
it to him, cool. If she doesn’t, then that’s cool too.

I hope I’ve made my point. Why else is it considered an honor to be called a "cool cat"?

If men would remember to act like a cat, and not like some dogs (ohh... you didn’t pet
me... *whine*) then you should see improvement in how women treat you.

Now get out there, Cool Cats, and show ’em what you’re made of!
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Are You a Sensualist?
by Donald Swinburne

Want to make a woman think about you in a sexual way? Eat your food as if you were
making love to her.

Really, this should be a no-brainer. It’s common sense to understand that a woman
forms an image of us by observing the way we stand, walk, talk, behave. Certainly, an
activity as potentially sensual as eating will - consciously or unconsciously - make an
imprint in her mind regarding what sort of sensual being you are.

Every month, Esquire magazine runs a feature called "10 Things You Don’t Know About
Women" written by a female guest contributor. A couple of months ago, it was writer
Ilene Rosenzweig. Her final item in her list of 10 stated: "We analyze your sexual
potential at mealtime. Eat slow."

Let me repeat that point: women analyze our sexual potential by the way we eat. Stop
wolfing your food!

Most of us can swing a dinner date, especially if we downplay its importance. (The old
ploy "I happen to have a gift-certificate for two to La Banquetiotta . . . would you like to
join me?" works well here, if necessary.)

Be decisive in ordering; in other words, no hemming or hawing about what to have. This
impresses women. And if she asks your advice, by all means offer her one or two
suggestions; and then make the decision for her if she asks your help (and ONLY if she

When served, remember to utilize all the senses as you savor the meal (the same way
you will savor her body). Notice the colors, the texture, the smells. Show her that you
are a sensualist.

Moan with pleasure over the taste, then offer her a sample of yours. She will likely
reciprocate, and hopefully by extending a bite on her fork. Trust me, the shared
enjoyment of food is powerfully effective on a woman.

A couple other good alternatives to the restaurant: a picnic, or see if she is the type that
enjoys cooking for a man and hint that you’d like an invite. (You: "My grandma used to
make the most delicious meatloaf, and I haven’t had any like it in years." Her: "Oh! I
have the BEST meatloaf recipe." You: "Really? Gosh, I’d love to taste it sometime, I bet
it’s fantastic." Her: "Well....why don’t I fix it for you? Are you free tomorrow night?" Say
yes, and offer to bring a NICE bottle of wine.)

You should also bear in mind that there are many instances where you may find
yourself dining with an attractive lass you don’t know, or at least haven’t asked out as
yet. This is a PERFECT opportunity to strike up a conversation ("Mmmmm, this chicken
is delicious, isn’t it?") and use it to segue into a date invite. ("Have you ever had the
chicken au vin at La Banquettoria? No? Oh, I’ll have to take you there, it’s

Final note: Ilene Rosenzweig is a wonderful source on dating tips (and hopefully she’ll
write a book on the subject some day). She is the woman who finally snares writer Rick
Marin, in his memoir of his years spent as a serial seducer, "Cad: The Confessions of a
Toxic Bachelor."

After they view some film of Frank Sinatra performing with the Rat Pack, she tells Marin
that Sinatra’s appeal is his ability to be vulnerable, goofy, and macho all at the same
time. (I think Mel Gibson is another example of someone who pulls this off well.)
Anyway, she says that the combination of those traits is very masculine and very
attractive to women. Food for thought.

I highly recommend this book to all DJ’s, by the way. "Cad" is the autobiography of a
man who is described by an ex-girlfriend as looking like "Bart Simpson’s friend
Millhouse" - yet manages to sleep with a never-ending array of women over a period of
several years.


Donald Swinburne

Why Women Play Head-Games with Men

by David DeAngelo


Hi, I just want to say that I’ve had tremendous success and confidence with women
after reading your stuff... I feel like I understand them so well. You really do know your
I guess it shoulda been obvious that teasing women and acting cocky was the way to
their heart, as you can see it happening all over. But for some reason this just never
clicked in my brain, and I always had this delusion that being the nicest, most sensitive
guy she’s ever met would make her swoon.

Most of these dating tip books emphasize conversation, and what to talk about with a
women... while that doesn’t really matter too much. It’s your attitude. Good ups, man.

Anyway, I have a question. Although I hardly ever fail with women after being
enlightened, when I’m first meeting a girl and teasing her and being cocky etc etc (you
know the drill), they respond well and seem to be interested in me. However, when I ask
for the number, lots (not necessarily most, but a good number) of girls initially say "Oh,
my number’s disconnected" or "I just moved, and haven’t gotten a new phone number
installed yet."

However, when I give a cocky response, or even if I just say "yeah right", they
IMMEDIATELY concede and give me their number... and lo and behold, it works. I’m
just wondering why they make up those lies if they’re going to give in INSTANTLY.

I wouldn’t think that this was too important if it happened once or twice, but there seems
to be a trend here. What’s going on?


I’m really glad that you asked this particular question, because it’s hard for a lot of guys
to believe that this kind of thing could be real (or at least so common).

But the fact is, once you really get out there and start meeting women, you start to see
patterns. And some of those patterns are quite unexpected.

My translation of what you just asked is: "Why do women play games when you ask for
their number?"

In response to your question, I’m going to give a two-pronged answer:

1) The psychology of what’s going on here.

2) How I deal with this particular situation, and others like it.


Let me tell you a short story.

A few years ago, I did some work with a guy that had a particularly interesting technique
for hiring people.

Here’s what he did: After interviewing people for the position, he’d call back the one he
liked BEST, and say:

"I wanted to call and thank you for applying for this job, but I just don’t think you’re the
right person for the position"... and then he’d listen.

If the person said "OK, well thank you" he’d just hang up and call the next favorite one.

On the other hand, if they said "Wait a minute, I am the best person for the position, I’m
sure of it," etc... he’d say "Well, tell me more. Why do you think so?"

I actually listened to him do this live on the speakerphone one day in his office with a
woman that he had interviewed. Sure enough, when he said "Well, I just don’t think
you’re the right person..." she answered with "Why not? I am the best..." etc.

And, sure enough, he hired her.

The point here is that in a hiring situation, there are usually many people applying. An
interviewer needs to have ways of quickly filtering through and disqualifying the
unacceptable candidates. And a SAVVY interviewer will have ways of quickly finding the
EXCEPTIONAL candidates.

This was a great technique for doing just that.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.

I can remember when I first started "walking up" to women and trying to get their phone

If I had a dollar for every woman that said:

"Why don’t you give me yours, and I’ll call you instead"


"I don’t give out my number"


"I’ll give you my pager number"

"I lost my phone and my number is disconnected and the dog ate my homework and
there was an accident..."

I think you get the picture.

Well, one fateful day, probably out of frustration, when a woman started to give me an
excuse, I just looked at her, pointed to the piece of paper I had, and said:

"Just write it down, it’s going to be OK."

And, lo and behold, she wrote her number down.

I thought "No way, it must have been an accident."

So I tried it again the next time I got resistance.

Sure enough, it worked again.

As a matter of fact, it’s worked so well, and so many times that it’s my "standard line"
whenever I get resistance from a woman. Really.

You’ll even find it written explicitly as part of my "3 Minute Phone Number (and email)
Technique" in my book Double Your Dating.


The long and the short of it is that attractive women are approached all the time. They
need quick, easy ways to figure out if you’re either the real deal or a wuss that gives up
at the first sign of resistance.

Hint: Polite men that say "Oh, OK, sorry for bothering you..." or "OK, here’s my number,
call me..." are not SEXY or ATTRACTIVE.

On the other hand, men that say (Some of my favorites):

"Oh, it’s OK... you don’t have a phone? That’s nothing to be embarrassed about" or
"And you expect me to believe that?" in a cocky, funny way instantly telegraph the
message: "I’m not a girly-man that gives up easily, and I see through your games. I
don’t buy it" are VERY ATTRACTIVE. It just says all the right things.

So here are a few things to remember:

1. Attractive women are approached all the time by men, and are constantly being asked
for their number.

2. If you were a woman who was getting asked for your phone number forty seven times a
day, you’d probably make excuses yourself.
3. The excuses and "Why don’t you give me yours" type responses weed out about 95% of
the losers that have no spine and no persistence.

4. If you’re READY for this in advance, and you KNOW what you’re going to say and do
when it happens, AND you don’t answer with a lame, needy, wuss response, you increase
your chances of getting the number DRAMATICALLY.

5. Confident, cocky, funny responses are a great way to power through these situations.

Of course, if you use my 3-Minute technique the way I’ve presented it in a past article
and in my book, you’ll greatly reduce this type of resistance in the first place, and you’ll
know exactly what to do if and when you run into excuses and resistance.

Let’s face it: Attractive women get a lot of attention. They’re not looking for a guy that
throws himself at her, then gives up easily. They’re looking for a guy that has all kinds of
self confidence, and sees right through her games... to the point where he disarms her
and walks away with the digits.

Think about it.

And, of course, if you want to learn more about how the female mind works, plus
dozens and dozens of specific techniques to attract women, get their numbers and
emails, get more dates, and take things to a physical level, you need to download a
copy of my book, "Double Your Dating".

You can download it right now and be reading it within literally minutes from right now.
Just go to:

Click Here for Double Your Dating Ebook

I’ll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David DeAngelo

David DeAngelo is the author of "Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know
About How To Be Successful With Women", and has taught thousands of men how to
be more successful with women and dating.

Copyright 2010 David DeAngelo Communications Inc., All Rights Reserved. "David DeAngelo" and "Double
Your Dating" are trademarks used by David DeAngelo Communications Inc.
3 Things You Must Do When Talking to Women
by Ron Louis & David Copeland

In our new book, "How to Talk to Women," we extensively discuss specific flirting skills
and conversational techniques you must use with women if you want them to think of
you as potential romantic material.

We talk about interrupting women, deepening, asking romantic questions, situational

flirting, and other specific flirting techniques.

However, there are some guidelines for what you should do when you are not
specifically doing one of those seduction moves. Curiosity, admiration, and listening tie
the other flirting skills together. Here’s what you need to know about each:


First, you must be curious about her.

Curiosity happens naturally, but many men stomp it out because they are afraid if they
get curious, they will lose control of the interaction with the woman.

You must learn to notice and follow up on the little flickers of curiosity you will get when
you are interacting with a woman. She may mention that her job involves working with
children, and you may notice that you wonder, what age are those children? Ask her.

Men worry that they have to come up with some brilliant conversation, but because a
woman’s favorite topic is herself, all you really have to do is be curious about her, ask
questions, and that will carry the conversation between your seduction moves.


Most women don’t see themselves as special and are not used to other people seeing
them as special. When you’re able to see the passionate and special parts of a woman
and appreciate it, she’ll feel a bond to you.

If she says her friend declared bankruptcy, but she could never do that, you can admire
her by saying, "I can see you are a person to whom integrity is important. I think that’s
cool." If she says that she is really into recycling, you can say to her, "I can see that you
are a woman who cares about the environment. Most people don’t, I think it’s pretty
amazing that you do."
By noticing what she cares about, and admiring it, you both compliment her and show
that you are an insightful man.

Listening at Her

Whether or not you are listening to a woman makes no difference if she doesn’t think
you are listening. You show you are listening by doing three thing.

1) Saying "helping phrases" like "Yes," "Uh-huh," and "I see," while she is talking. This
shows her that you are paying attention.

2) Feeding back what she said to you, in your own words. If she talks about how she
had eight meetings the day before, and it exhausted her, you can say, "Wow, eight
meetings! That’s a lot, I can see why you were exhausted." That sums up what she
said, and shows that you "got it."

3) Being curious and admiring her. When you are curious about something she said,
and ask a question about it, it shows you were listening in the first place. When you
admire her, you also show that you’ve been paying attention to what she’s been saying.

To find out a LOT more about seducing a woman through how you talk to her, check out
the book How to Talk to Women.

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