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Secondary 1 Superstar (English)

Lesson 14: Answers

Passage 1

As I passed through the gates I heard a squeaky voice. A middle-aged

man came out from behind the trees — the caretaker. He works a 1. worked

toothbrush-sized stick under his mouth, while digging into the crevices 2. in / inside

between yellow stubs of teeth. He was barefoot; he wore the blue batik 3. a

shirt known as a buba, baggy purple trousers, and an embroidered 4. ✓

skullcap. I asked him if he would show me around the shrine. Motions 5. Motioning

for me to follow, he spat out the results of his stick work and set off 6. ✓

down the trail. We stopped in front of a statue. He spat, then heads 7. headed

down the trail to another stone statue. We can’t communicate, and it 8. couldn’t

became clear that my visit wasn’t going to be as fruitfully as I had hoped. 9. fruitful

Our guide than led us down to the river. The water ran bright green 10. then

between the trees; monkeys jumped around the canopy above.

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Secondary 1 Superstar (English)
Lesson 14: Answers

Passage 2

Bullies and mean boys and girls have been around forever, but

technology has given them a whole new platform for their actions. As 1. ✓

young adults, we are most aware that both real world and online 2. more

name-calling can have serious emotion consequences for kids and 3. emotional

teens. Cyberbullying is the use for technology to harass, threaten, 4. of

or embarrassed another person. Sometimes cyberbullying can 5. embarrass

be easily to spot — for example, if you see a classmate’s response to 6. easy

a status update about Facebook that is mean or cruel. Other acts like 7. on

impersonate a victim online or posting information designed to hurt or 8. impersonating

embarrass another person are less obvious. As more youths have 9. ✓

access to the internet, the incident of cyberbullying is likely to rise 10. incidence

so both schools and students should do what they can to prevent it.

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Secondary 1 Superstar (English)
Lesson 14: Answers

Let’s Practise!

S/N Sentences

1. At quarter past / passed six this morning, the drone past / passed the crash site

of the passenger aircraft. It flew past / passed the crash site four times, taking

fifteen pictures on the last pass. When it landed back at the ground station, the

photographs were downloaded and past / passed to the communications team.

2. His uncle had adviced / advised him of the risks. However, he refused to take

his advice / advise, and is now in debt.

3. Amy marched of / off angrily when I informed her that I had accidentally

scratched the door of / off her new car.

4. We know that we breathe / breath through our nose. However, we may not be

aware that deep breathes / breaths are actually taken in when we yawn.

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