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Name: Mark:

Read the web page and answer the questions that follow.

London – First National Park City

I When you think of a national park, your first thought is probably beautiful landscapes in the countryside –
not the concrete streets of the English capital. However, on 22nd July 2019, London became the world’s
first National Park City. The city has twice as much green space as Paris. London also has almost as
many trees as people: roughly eight million!
II It is believed that around 15,000 animal species inhabit the city, including rare insects like the stag beetle
as well as herds of deer. The city’s notorious urban foxes are also a well-felt presence throughout London.
Its residents know that when they find a rubbish bin on its side and rotten fruit in the road, it must have
been the work of these wild residents.
III In addition to the green spaces and the wildlife that inhabit the city, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said that he
wanted to clean up London’s filthy air. London is known by locals as the Big Smoke, and the mayor’s main
aim is to improve living standards for the capital’s human population.
IV One surprising development is the employment of rangers to support the National Park City. Though a far
cry from the dangers of the rangers who courageously fight poachers in southern Africa, these rangers will
have many responsibilities, including planting trees and working as park guides. The rangers, all
volunteers, need to dedicate a minimum of five days a year to the cause. The idea came from a local
campaigner, Daniel Raven-Ellison. He convinced politicians to support his cause, proving that anyone can
be influential in making changes in their community.
V Will the plan be sustainable? Mr Raven-Ellison hopes for a positive outcome. He believes that in 20 years’
time, London will have created more green spaces where children will be experiencing nature nearby,
perhaps even swimming in the canals if the water can be restored to its pre-industrial standard. That would
show that no environment is truly beyond repair.

1 Choose the correct answer. (1 point)

According to the article, people in London believe that their city is … .

a already very green
b a bad place for animals
c too crowded
d very polluted

2 Decide if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false). Find evidence in the text to support
your answers. (3 x 2 = 6 points)
...... 1 London is a greener city than Paris.
...... 2 There are stag beetles all over London.
...... 3 The London canals are less polluted than they once were.

Name: Mark:

3 Answer the question. (2 points)

Why does the writer mention the rangers in southern Africa?


4 Complete the sentences. (3 x 2 = 6 points)

1 The Big Smoke is ............................................................................................................................... .

2 The London park rangers must commit to .......................................................................................... .
3 If Raven-Ellison’s plan is a success, it will prove ................................................................................. .

5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1 give or take (paragraph I) .............................

2 unfavourably known (paragraph II) .............................
3 very dirty (paragraph III) .............................
4 bravely (paragraph IV) .............................
5 brought back (paragraph V) .............................

Write an opinion essay (120-150 words) on the following topic: Is your hometown a good place to be
called a national park? Give reasons. (20 points)

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