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EPUDL,JQUE 1'UN1SIENNE Session pl"incipale

Epreuve : ANGLAIS Section : Sciences Techniques

( • )
SESSION 2018 Duree :2b Coefficient de I' epreuve : I

Le sujet comporte 4 p11gcs


<D My name is Michael D. Duignan. When I was young, T did not have a care in the world,
running around and playing like other kids. Although I felt "normal", my mum started
noticing things I was doing. 1, as a small child, could not tell my right from my left and
would always mix up the front yard and the backyard. ln the third grade, my teacher also
noticed similar things and talked to my parents about being tested. The school had students
who were going to the resource room and were labelled as "stupid" or "slO\V". So, I became
very frustrated when my mum brought the idea up_to me. l went for the testing and found that
I was learning disabled. But, J kept hiding it.

® By high school, I stai:ted coming clean with my disability as a couple of kids were making
fun ofone ofmy friends who was learning disabled. I was nervous but decided to tell them my
secret. Surprisingly, they did not make fun of me and started asking questions, instead. To
them, I could not be "stupid". The problem was they did not know about learning disabilities.
That was a major change in my life.

@ 1 went to our guidance departmcm and asked ifl could start talking to students identified as

learning disabled. Twice a week, I would coach them through the different emotions and
thoughts they had ... Now, 1 work for a college as the Coordinator for Student Development. !,
in fact, help my own co-workers understand what a learning disability is, and how to look for
Personal Stories

Section : ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . . . . .. . ... N" d 'i nscnption : . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. ... Serie ....... ..... Si�oatures des
Nom et prenom . ....................................... ............... ................................
Date et lieu de naassance : ..................................... ........................... ...... .

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D A GlAJS (S£CT10 , Sd,n<e< Tedmiquo,)

8- ompreh n ion Que

1 Read the te t and tick ( ,/ ()mark)

a) How Bullyin, eads to Di crimination D

b) Wh n a Di bility Tums into n pp rtunity D
c) Why a Handicap an Block Progress D
2) Pick out 2 details showing the writer wa learning disabled. (Parag.1) (2 mark )
a) ..........................................................................................................................................................
b) ............................................................................................... ..........................................................
3) For each of the following stat ments pick out one detail bowing that it i fal c. (2 mark)
) The teach r ignored tbe child's unu ual b haviour. (Pa rag. 1)

) Being learning disabled himself, Michael uffercd from bullying. to . ( Parag. 2)

4) omplete the follm ing summary with ord from paragr ph 3. (3 m rk)

I fa ing ............................. �tu<.lent� with disabHitic:s, Mi ·hael f ercd them ......................................

in order to ma e them bcncr ........................................ chcir learning handicap.

S) Find in the t t xpre ions meaning nearly the ame as: (2 mark)

a) not worry about anything Parl:lg.l) ...............................................................................................

b) telling the truth about (l'arag.2) ....................................................................................................

6) What do the underlined word in the t t r fer to? () Int rk)

"iden' in (Par-ag.1) r fers t ..................................................................................................................
7) Give a pe nal ju tificd anSl'' r to the following que ti n. (l mark)

What do y u think f lhc way Michael adopted in rd rt deal\! ith hi di • bility'?

I think.................. · ................................... ·........................................................................ ·...........................
................................................................................b ausc .........................................................................

2/4 Voir suite au verso (if"


..., .•. NE RIEN ECRIRE -.�


II- WRITING (12marks)

1) Complete the following job interview with appropriate uetenmces. (4marks)
Interviewer: Hello Mrs Stevens. l am the personnel director. ................................................. .
Applicant : Pleased 10 meet you, too.
Interviewer : Do sit down please.
Applicant: Thank you
Interviewer ; ............................................................................................................................?
Applicant : I have over ten years' experience.
Interviewer : ............................................................................................................................?
Applicant : I have a Master's degree in economics. I am proficient in many computer
pro grams and I have excellent interpersonal skills.
Interviewer: ................................................................................................... .,.......................?
Applicant: Yes , my first question is about the responsibilities in this position.

2) As tlte debate over lifelong learning is in progress, you have decitletl to contribute a J2-line
article for a11 educational blog showing the importance of learning for life. (8 marks)

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