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Unpacking Prelim EL Oral 2024 Planned Response and Spoken Interaction Questions

Shift 1

1. Do you think there should be more of such open spaces as shown in the video? Why or why

2. What suggestions do you have to improve your neighbourhood?

3. Singapore is a city in a garden. Do you agree it is important to have greenery in our

environment? Why do you say so?
Shift 2

1. Who might be the people watching the event and what might they be thinking?

2. What can parents and schools do to develop the character of teenagers?

3. Do you think every student should join a uniformed group as their co-curricular activity? Why or
why not?

Shift 1
4. Do you think there should be more of such open spaces as shown in the video? Why or why

5. What suggestions do you have to improve your neighbourhood?

6. Singapore is a city in a garden. Do you agree it is important to have greenery in our

environment? Why do you say so?

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