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As the bible says “no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.

God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are
tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” this is the best bible verse
which is one of my favorite and memorize verses in the bible since when I was young that I
reflect based on the story “Parecido a Dios or God-like.”

When a monk was tempted, he never let temptation shake his faith in god. In life, we are
all human and we can easily made mistakes, but when our faith is real and unbreakable no there
will be no room for temptation to resist. This is what a monk did. Instead of getting angry and
losing hope because a boy tempted him. He remained faithful to his faith. He never wished badly
about the boy but instead he prays for him whole heartedly. For me, it teaches as human to be
good in others even i sometimes other people are not good on us. It is also telling us that when
someone throws you a stone, throw them back with bread. Simply by having faith, hope and
charity, we must never get tired of being a hope for others. Keep on praying for others no matter
how hard the situation is because in the end God will always blesses a beautiful soul. In our daily
lives, we encounter so many challenges but with our faith we surpass them all. Just like what
happens to the monk in the story. When we really believed in God we can never be deceived by
others. Always bear in mind, that in every situation let God leads us because without his
presence and guidance it is hard to overcome challenges in our road to life. Since our God is a
God of hope, faith and charity whatever comes in our way will surely passed by, when we
always believed and live in faith with him and the best weapon for all of this is through our
prayer wrapped love and faith.

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