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Let’s talk about the country Mali.

Dhurgesh M

About Mali
Mali is country in Africa, it is settled in west part
of continent. This country is the eight-largest
country in Africa, with an area around 1million It’s largest and capital city is Bamako. In
Mali there 13 official languages spoken but,
Bambara is the most spoken one. The population
of this country is around 21.9 million. The north
part of this country is a part of Sahara Desert. The
currency that is used in Mali is CFA franc (African
Financial community).

Economy of Mali.

Mali is the tenth poorest country in the world,

because of its lack of education, malnutrition. The
GDP of the country is 51.0 in 2021
Mali is rich in:

 Marbel, by the stone found there.

 Gold, by the mining industry.
 Salt, by the salt mining industry.
 Diamonds, by mining industry.
 Wheat, by agriculture.
 Rice, by agriculture.
 Millet, by agriculture.
 Corn, by agriculture.
 Cotton, by agriculture.
 Cereals, by agriculture.
Education in Mali

Mali is poor in education, but UNESCO helps the

country Mali in Education. So, education in is not
bad. Education in Mali is considered a
fundamental right of Malians.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to
Mr. Allan, of School department, to give an
opportunity to me for this project.


Mali is a good country it is poor, but rich in

resources. This country is good at Education,
resources, culture, etc.
Thank you

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