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Anaphora- is a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive

clauses, phrases, or sentences.

Blog- a website containing short articles called posts that are changed regularly, some are
written by one person expressing his/her opinions, interest, and experiences, while others are
written by many different people.

Characters and Actors- The people portrayed by the actors.

Colloquial Diction- It is the use of familiar and casual words in conversation in a relaxed
form of language.

Comedy-A form of drama that has a happy ending. Humor comes from dialogue and

Consonance- Is a stylistic literary device identifled of the repetition of identical or

similar consonants in neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different.

Craft essay- An essay that discusses matters of creative construction that may include
reflections on writing strategies, genre elements, and contextual influences.

Creative Writing- Any form of writing which is written with creativity of mind: It can
be fiction writing, poetry writing, non-fiction writing.

Diction- The selection of words in a literary work, a work's diction forms one of its
centrally important literary elements, as writers use words to convey action, reveal character,
imply attitudes, identify themes, and suggest values.

Drama- Also known as a play, is a form of literature written intentionally for theatrical

Dramatic Conflict- Is a protagonist's struggle to endure, overcome, or achieve

something of significance is almost always the story primary source of dramatic conflict..
Figures of Speech- It is also known as figurative language because it creates figures or
pictures in the mind of the readers.

Foreshadowing- Is a narrative device in which a storyteller gives an advance hint of

what is to come later in the story.

Formal Diction- It makes use if third person pronouns such as he, she, it, they, and them.
Contracting words are not allowed in this style of writing.

Genre- Is a French word for "kind" or "sort" is the term for any category of literature or
other forms of art or entertainment, e.g. music, whether written or spoken, audial or visual, based
on some set stylistic criteria.

Hyper poetry- A form of digital poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a
very visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts

Hyperbole- Ideas are expressed in exaggerated manger.

Image- Refers to the pattern of related details in a work, in some works one image
predominates alther by recurring throughout the work or by appearing at a critic point in the plot.

Imagery- It is a concrete representation of an idea to convey the message by using

language that evoke the five senses.

Imagery- The authors attempt to create a mental picture in the mind of the reader.

Imaginative Writing- A mode of writing characterized by inventiveness of situation,

perspective, or story, and distinguished from other modes such as expository and persuasive

Informal Diction-The informal diction uses the first-person pronouns such as I, we, and
us. It also allows the use of contractions like it's, you're, they're, etc.

Intertextuality- The complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as
basic to the creation or interpretation of the text.
Literature- In its broadest sense, is any written work; etymologically the term derives
from Latin literature/litteratura "writing formed with letters.

Novel Writing- A novel is probably the most popular example of creative writing out

Onomatopoeia- It is using words that imitate the natural sounds of things or animals.

Oxymoron- It is a phrase where two opposite ideas are joined together.

Personification- It is giving human qualities to the inanimate objects.

Plot -Refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play.

Prose- is a form of language that possesses ordinary syntax and natural speech rather
rhythmic structure; in which regard, along with its measurement in sentences rather that lines, it
differs from poetry.
Rhetorical- It is question that does not need answer but for emphasis.

Short Stories - Follow a set of plot and typically feature one character or a selection of

Slang Diction- it is classified as very informal form of language. Slang words have
another meaning which are used by certain group.

Symbolism- When an object is meant to be representative of something or an idea greater

than the object itself or it is the frequent use of words, places, characters, or objects that mean
something beyond what they are on literal level.

Theme- Refers to the message that is intended to be expressed through the story. In other
words, it is the main idea or the lesson to be learned from the play.

Tragedy- is a form of drama in which events lead to the downfall of the main characters,
often a person of great significance, like a king or hero.

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