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Submitted by:
Name: Astik Yadav
Registration number: 12315833
Roll No.: 59
Section: K23ND

Submitted to :
Abhishek Bhattacherjee


I Astik Yadav, a student of Bachelor of Technology under CSE discipline
at Lovely Professional University, Punjab, hereby declare that all the
information furnished in this project report is based on my own work and
is genuine .

Astik Yadav
Registrartion Number: 12315833
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document
Traditional Indian Medicine Information System

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
5. References
6. Overview
7. Functional Requirements
8. Non-Functional Requirements
9. User Interface Design
10. System Architecture
11. Database Design
12. Security and Access Control
13. Maintenance and Support
14. Conclusion

1. Introduction
Traditional Indian Medicine Information System (TIMIS) is a comprehensive digital platform
designed to manage and disseminate information related to traditional Indian medicine systems
such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Siddha, and Unani. This Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
document outlines the functional and non-functional requirements, user interface design, system
architecture, database design, security measures, and maintenance strategies for TIMIS.

2. Purpose
The purpose of TIMIS is to create a centralized repository for storing, managing, and sharing
knowledge about traditional Indian medicine. It aims to facilitate easy access to information for
practitioners, researchers, students, and enthusiasts, thereby promoting the preservation and
advancement of traditional Indian medicine systems.

3. Scope
The scope of TIMIS includes:
• Information management of herbs, formulations, practices, experts, research, and
educational resources.
• User registration, authentication, and personalized health recommendations.
• Search and navigation functionalities for quick information retrieval.
• Collaboration features such as discussion forums and messaging systems.
• Data analytics and reporting capabilities for trend analysis and research.
• Integration with external systems and databases for interoperability.
• Robust security measures for data protection.
• Ongoing maintenance and support for system reliability and performance optimization.

4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

• TIMIS: Traditional Indian Medicine Information System
• SRS: Software Requirements Specification
• CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete
• RBAC: Role-Based Access Control

5. References
• Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970
• Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
• IEEE Standard for Software Requirements Specifications (IEEE Std 830-1998)

6. Overview
TIMIS aims to revolutionize the accessibility and management of traditional Indian medicine
knowledge by leveraging modern technology and user-centric design principles. It will provide a
seamless experience for users to explore, learn, collaborate, and contribute to the rich heritage of
Indian medicinal systems.

7. Functional Requirements

1. User Registration and Authentication

• Users should be able to create accounts with basic information.

• Authentication mechanisms should be implemented for secure access.
• Optional social media login for convenience.

2. Search and Navigation

• Users can search for information based on keywords, categories, or specific

• Advanced search options for filtering results by relevance, popularity, or source.
• Auto-suggestions and predictive search for enhanced user experience.
3. Information Management

• CRUD operations for managing information about herbs, formulations, practices,

experts, research articles, and educational materials.
• Version control and revision history for tracking changes and updates.
• Content moderation and approval workflows for user-generated content.

4. Educational Resources

• Access to a wide range of educational materials, including courses, training

modules, webinars, and workshops.
• Integration with e-learning platforms for seamless course enrollment and progress

5. Collaboration and Communication

• Discussion forums and community boards for practitioners, researchers, students,

and enthusiasts.
• Direct messaging system for private communication and consultations.
• Collaboration tools for sharing insights, experiences, and best practices.

6. Personalized Health Recommendations

• Utilize user data, preferences, and health history to provide personalized

recommendations for herbs, practices, therapies, and lifestyle modifications.
• Machine learning algorithms for analyzing user behavior, trends, and patterns to
offer tailored suggestions.
• Health tracking features for monitoring progress and managing health goals.

7. Data Analytics and Reporting

• Generate reports on user engagement, content popularity, search trends, and data
• Analytics dashboard for administrators and moderators to monitor system
performance and user activity.
• Data visualization tools for presenting information in graphical formats.

8. Integration and Interoperability

• Seamless integration with external databases, APIs, and systems for data
exchange and interoperability.
• Compatibility with mobile devices, tablets, and different web browsers for
enhanced accessibility.
• API documentation and developer resources for third-party integrations and
8. Non-Functional Requirements

1. Performance

• Response time should be optimized for quick information retrieval and system
• Load testing and performance tuning for handling concurrent users and peak
• Scalability to accommodate future growth and expansion.

2. Security

• Encryption of sensitive data at rest and in transit using industry-standard

• Role-based access control (RBAC) with granular permissions for different user
roles (admin, moderator, user).
• Regular security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing.

3. Reliability

• High availability and fault tolerance to ensure uninterrupted access to critical

• Automated backup and disaster recovery mechanisms for data protection and
• Monitoring and alerting systems for proactive issue detection and resolution.

4. Usability

• Intuitive and user-friendly interface design with clear navigation paths and
interactive elements.
• Responsive design for optimal viewing and usability across devices and screen
• Accessibility features for users with disabilities, including screen readers,
keyboard navigation, and color contrast options.

5. Interoperability

• Compliance with industry standards and protocols for seamless integration with
external systems and data sources.
• Data mapping and transformation capabilities for data harmonization and
• Support for multi-language content and localization features.

9. User Interface Design

The user interface design of TIMIS will focus on enhancing user experience and engagement

• Clean and modern design aesthetics with a harmonious color palette and typography.
• Intuitive navigation structure with hierarchical menus, breadcrumbs, and contextual links.
• Visual hierarchy and information architecture for prioritizing content and actions.
• Interactive elements such as dropdowns, tooltips, modals, and sliders for enhanced
• Consistent design patterns and UI components for a cohesive look and feel across the

10. System Architecture

TIMIS will adopt a scalable and modular architecture to support its diverse functionalities and
user base:

• Presentation Layer: User interface components for interaction and user engagement.
• Application Layer: Business logic, workflows, and data processing algorithms.
• Data Layer: Database management system (DBMS) for data storage, retrieval, and
• Integration Layer: APIs, connectors, and middleware for external integrations and data
• Security Layer: Authentication, authorization, encryption, and data protection

11. Database Design

The database design of TIMIS will involve:

• Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) modeling for defining data entities, attributes, and
• Normalization techniques for optimizing data storage and minimizing redundancy.
• Indexing, partitioning, and caching strategies for improving data retrieval performance.
• Database schema versioning and migration scripts for managing schema changes and
• Backup and recovery procedures for data protection and integrity.

12. Security and Access Control

Security measures in TIMIS will include:

• Secure login mechanisms with password hashing, salting, and multi-factor authentication
• Role-based access control (RBAC) with fine-grained permissions for data access and
• Encryption of sensitive data at rest using AES-256 encryption algorithm.
• Secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS, SSL/TLS) for data transmission.
• Security headers, CSRF protection, and XSS prevention mechanisms for web application
• Regular security audits, vulnerability assessments, and code reviews.

13. Maintenance and Support

Ongoing maintenance and support for TIMIS will involve:

• Regular software updates, patches, and bug fixes to improve functionality and address
• Performance monitoring and optimization for system scalability, responsiveness, and
resource utilization.
• Helpdesk, ticketing system, and user support channels for addressing inquiries, feedback,
and technical issues.
• Data backup, disaster recovery, and failover mechanisms for data protection and business
• Training resources, documentation, and knowledge base for users, administrators, and
• Continuous improvement initiatives based on user feedback, analytics insights, and
industry best practices.

14. Conclusion
The Traditional Indian Medicine Information System (TIMIS) is a groundbreaking initiative that
leverages technology to preserve, promote, and advance traditional Indian medicine systems. By
incorporating advanced features such as personalized health recommendations, collaborative
tools, data analytics, and robust security measures, TIMIS aims to revolutionize the way
knowledge is accessed, shared, and utilized in the field of traditional medicine. With a user-
centric design, scalable architecture, and comprehensive functionality, TIMIS is poised to
become a valuable asset for practitioners, researchers, educators, and enthusiasts worldwide.

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document provides a comprehensive overview

of the Traditional Indian Medicine Information System (TIMIS), outlining its purpose, scope,
functional and non-functional requirements, user interface design, system architecture, database
design, security measures, maintenance strategies, and conclusion. The detailed specifications
and features outlined in this document serve as a blueprint for the development, implementation,
and optimization of TIMIS, ensuring its success as a cutting-edge platform for traditional Indian
medicine knowledge management.
Thank you

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