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My Philosophy of Life

"Life is filled with variables, where every encounter, every decision, and every moment are

shaped by the infinite complexities of existence."


Think about it like this: when you are walking down the road and you see a familiar face

and you say “hello," you never quite know how they'll respond. Maybe they'll smile and say "hi"

back, or perhaps they'll barely look up and mutter a quick greeting, or they may not say anything

all together. It all depends on what's going on in their day, what they're feeling, and a plethora of

other factors.

These variables encompass a multitude of factors, including our individual backgrounds,

beliefs, and emotions, as well as external influences such as societal norms, cultural values, and

chance occurrences. They shape the choices we make, the paths we follow, and the outcomes we


Recognizing the presence of variables in life underscores the inherent complexity and

richness of human existence. It reminds us that no two individuals experience the world in the

same way, and that each person's journey is uniquely shaped by the interplay of internal and

external forces.
Embracing the reality of life's variables invites us to approach each moment with

humility, curiosity, and an open mind. It encourages us to acknowledge the diversity of

perspectives and experiences that exist in the world, and to seek understanding and empathy in

our interactions with others.

Moreover, understanding that life is filled with variables can empower us to navigate its

uncertainties with resilience and adaptability. By embracing change and embracing the unknown,

we can learn to thrive in the midst of life's ever-shifting landscape, finding strength and growth

in the face of adversity.

In essence, the recognition of life's variables serves as a reminder of the richness,

complexity, and unpredictability of human experience. It encourages us to embrace the diversity

of life's tapestry, and to approach each moment with curiosity, empathy, and resilience.
A Philosopher Who Influenced Me

A philosopher that influenced me was Heraclitus. An ancient philosopher who explored

the concept of life's unpredictability and the presence of variables in human existence was

Heraclitus, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived around 500 BCE. Heraclitus is famously

known for his doctrine of change, encapsulated in his famous phrase, “All is flux. Nothing stays


Heraclitus believed that the universe is in a constant state of flux, with everything

constantly changing and evolving. He famously argued that change is the only constant in life,

and that permanence is an illusion. This idea aligns with the notion that life is filled with

variables, as it emphasizes the ever-shifting nature of existence and the unpredictability of

human experiences.

In summary, Heraclitus' philosophy shares similarities with the idea that life is filled with

variables, as he explored the concept of change, uncertainty, and the interconnectedness of all

things in the universe.

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