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Field Study 2

Participation and Teaching


Bb. Gina May P. Panalangin

Learning Episode 4
Matching Problematic Learning Situation with Probable Action

Participate and Assist

What five problems have you identified from the words that you have encircled? Make a statement.
Write in the space below.

The problems I identified are:

1. Absenteeism- Absenteeism can occur for a variety of reasons, including illness, family
concerns, a lack of transportation, school disengagement, and other personal or social
circumstances. It can damage a student's academic performance, engagement, and long-
term educational success.

2. Technology- Many students are distracted by technology such as social media, online
games, and non-educational information, causing them to lose focus on schoolwork.

3. Poverty- Poverty can have a profound impact on kids' educational experiences and
outcomes. It makes it difficult for them to finish homework and participate completely
in class.

4. Wi-Fi- We are now taking online classes, and the issue for some students is a limited
internet connection, which affects poor performance.

5. Bullying- is one of the problematic conditions in school, which is why some bullied
pupils are reluctant to demonstrate their potential and aptitude. One of the issues at
school is bullying, which produces worry and a lack of confidence in many children. It
is sometimes the cause of suicide.

Excellent! Let us see how we can assist and learn at the same time.

Suppose, the problem you have spotted is: COMPREHENSION.

How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty in comprehension?
Make a Choice for your ACTION.
A. Conduct a tutorial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

Suppose you chose letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So, you have identified the SOLUTION that
matches the PROBLEM which is Difficulty in Comprehension.
Providing tutorial lessons can be a helpful technique for assisting students who struggle
with comprehension. Tutorials allow for one-on-one or small group education that can be
tailored to the student's unique needs. Tutorials can be utilized to target specific areas of
comprehension difficulties, assisting students in working through tough concepts or texts.
It is crucial to highlight that the effectiveness of tutorial lessons is determined by a number
of elements, including the quality of education, the tutor's expertise, the student's
willingness to participate, and the underlying causes of understanding difficulties.
Furthermore, while tutorials can be valuable, they should be part of a larger plan for dealing
with comprehension challenges, which may include classroom adjustments, teacher
support, and parental participation. If a pupil repeatedly struggles with comprehension, this
could indicate a more serious learning challenge or educational need. In such circumstances,
educators, specialists, and parents should all work together to create a complete plan to
support the student's learning.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension of Conduct a Tutorial

Can you also choose letter B: Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the same PROBLEM?
Showing video lessons can be a useful technique for improving comprehension for some
students, but its efficacy is dependent on a few factors, including the video's content, the
student's learning style, and how the video is included into the overall teaching method.
Video lessons combine visual and auditory aspects, making them ideal for individuals who
learn best through these modes. Students' attention can be captured by well-designed
movies, which make complex subjects more interesting and accessible. The success of video
courses is determined by the content's quality and clarity. Ensure that the films are authentic,
well-structured, and age and level appropriate for the pupils. Video lessons can be a helpful
supplement to a well-rounded teaching approach to aid improve comprehension, but they
should not be the only technique. Teachers should consider their students' needs and
learning styles and utilize a variety of instructional tactics to help them improve their
comprehension abilities.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension
Show Video Lesson
of _____________________

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

Creating learning exercises that are expressly tailored to assist students enhance their
comprehension of academic subject can be a useful method. Define the specific
comprehension skills you want to improve, whether it's grasping core ideas, drawing
inferences, or other aspects of comprehension. Teach kids good reading skills include
marking important information, taking notes, and asking questions as they read. Encourage
them to interact with the text. Keep in mind that improving understanding is a continuous
process, and it may take some time for children to notice major changes. Consistency and a
supportive learning environment are essential for assisting students in improving their
comprehension skills.
The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension Make a learning task to develop

of _____________________ comprehension

Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you can assist your mentor by identifying observed problems in the class
and suggest actions to be done.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? ______ Explain ______

Yes, it is usual to discover numerous solutions or approaches to an issue. Action research is

iterative and adaptable. If we are creative and imaginative, there is a chance that we will
come up with more than one answer to any challenge we face. Thinking creatively and
innovatively will help us become better problem solvers. It will assist us in challenging our
own preconceptions, remaining mentally alert, and discovering fresh solutions. The more
solutions we find, the better it is for us as educators and action researchers. It is critical to
be open to the idea of different answers while conducting action research and to change
your plans based on the information and feedback acquired during the research process.
This adaptability is an advantage of action research since it enables a more responsive and
individualized approach to problem solving.
A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or answer to the
same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more solutions identified to
choose from, the better for an action researcher.

Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This scenario might
also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.

Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty learners
in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. She has
been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress was observed. This situation
has been bothering Miss Fely.
• Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?
The problem she had was that half of her students were unable to classify animals
into vertebrates and invertebrates, even though she had been repeating the same
science lecture for nearly two weeks.
• Can you find a solution to solve her problem? ____ Give your two suggestions.
a. Miss Fely's teaching strategy should be reconsidered, in my opinion. She must devise
new ways to ensure that her students appreciate and comprehend the information she is
attempting to impart.
b. My suggestion is that Miss Fely should use pictures of those animals or videos in her
lesson; in that way, she can get the attention of her students to focus on their lesson.
• What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? How?
For Grade 4 pupils, using animal drawings and movies can be an effective and
entertaining teaching technique. This strategy has the potential to attract their
interest and improve their learning experience. Visual aids, like as photographs
and films, can pique students' interest by providing a visual stimulation that
supports the subject being taught. Animals provide concrete examples that can
help make abstract topics more concrete and relevant. They can be used to
demonstrate scientific, environmental, and biological concepts. You can make a
more interactive and stimulating learning environment for Grade 4 pupils while
also enhancing their knowledge of numerous ideas by introducing animal

• Are they matched with the problem?

Yes, the solution matches the problem. The difficulty of grade four
Learners in classifying animals into vertebrates and invertebrates can be solved
by using pictures of those animals or videos in her lesson; in that way, she can
get the attention of her students to focus on their lesson. The students will surely
listen to the discussion with Miss Fely.

Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come
from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand only
as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing, and shelter.

• Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
a. Sir Ryan, one probable teaching-learning issue in their class is a shortage of school
facilities, equipment, and school supplies due to the school's location in an
underprivileged metropolitan region.
b. Another significant teaching-learning issue is that students are deprived of basic
requirements such as food and clothing, which affects their academic performance.
There may be times when pupils arrive at school without first eating at home, and as a
result, they are unable to listen to and engage fully in the lesson. Sir Ryan will be
affected as well because the students will not understand his lessons.
• Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
You can take proactive efforts as a teacher to alleviate the lack of school facilities,
equipment, and supplies. Advocate on behalf of your school and students. Raise awareness
of school facility, equipment, and supply problems. To underline the necessity of addressing
these concerns, communicate with school administrators, parents, and local education
officials. Encourage material recycling and repurposing whenever possible. Old textbooks
or resources, for example, can be creatively repurposed for new purposes. Collaborate with
the PTA or other parent organizations to gain support for enhancing school facilities and
resources. Remember that your voice and actions as a teacher can have a huge impact on
overcoming resource constraints. You may help to improve the learning environment by
advocating, involving the community, and coming up with creative solutions.
When kids are denied of fundamental necessities like as food, clothes, and shelter,
it is critical for teachers to notice these difficulties and respond in a sympathetic and
supportive manner to assist address these basic needs. Communicate with school
counselors, social workers, and administrators on behalf of students to ensure they are aware
of their issues and can provide additional support. Encourage pupils to take part in school-
based nutrition programs, such as free or reduced-price lunches, which can help alleviate
food poverty. Collaborate with colleagues and school support staff to establish a
coordinated approach to meeting children' basic requirements.
Remember that meeting kids' basic needs is critical to their overall well-being and
ability to learn effectively. Teachers may make a huge difference in the lives of kids who
are food, clothing, or shelter insecure by providing a supportive and empathetic

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic situation, and
finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher?
A part of the teacher's responsibility is to learn about each student's background, needs,
and concerns about their development. I believe it would be better for a class to run
smoothly if the teacher conducted a background check at the start to determine the needs
of each student, as well as assessments, pre- and post-tests to see the ability of students, to
learn the learning strategies that the teacher will use, and the things they don't already
know that need to be mastered. Remember that addressing students' basic needs is crucial
for their well-being and their ability to learn effectively. By providing a supportive and
compassionate environment, teachers can make a significant difference in the lives of
students who are facing food, clothing, or shelter insecurity. And your voice and actions
can have a significant impact on addressing resource shortages. By advocating, engaging
the community, and finding creative solutions, you can contribute to improving the
learning environment for your students despite limited resources.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?
We all struggle on our own in every classroom. Many students are unable to concentrate
on their schoolwork for a variety of reasons. Teachers must listen to and comprehend their
students. This issue has an impact on both them and their education.

What changes do you want to achieve?
The change I want to make is to become a more effective teacher. Having techniques to
help improve my teaching methods. I want to inspire everyone that education is vital, even
when we encounter and fight our own problems in life.

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

As an FS student, I will use this experience to learn and improve myself, and as a future
teacher, I will be more creative in my lessons, which will help me and my students
collaborate. I will do action research to find a solution to a particular problem that I can
use in my teaching career.

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

"Struggles in life make you strong. Collaboration of teachers, parents, students, and the
community toward a better future."

Add: Solutions/actions

Implement the action research strategy and the collaboration of teachers, parents,
students, and the community for a strong foundation for a better future.

Check for Mastery

Here are some problematic situations in the teaching-learning environment as observed and
experienced by the teachers. Match the problems listed in Column A with corresponding probable
solutions in Column B. You may use the letter once, more than once or not at all.

Problematic Situations Probable Solutions/Actions

B 1. Connectivity for On-line
A. Rearrange classroom setting

D, A, G 2. Disruptive B. Maximize use of varied instructional mate rials
Classroom behavior
D, A 3. Poor interest and C. Regular parent-teachers circles
C, F. Parental non-involvement D. Use of rewards

E. 5. At risk-students E. Group studies and Study Buddies

F. Use of Flexible Learning

G. Silent Reading Exercises
Work on my Artifacts
Your artifact will be an Abstract of completed Action Research.

I. Title of Action Research:

Exploring the Linguistics Effects of Viewing TikTok to the Oral Speaking
Challenges of Junior High School Students
II. Authors

III. Abstract
This basic research strived to determine the linguistic impacts viewing TikTok
videos can create on the English-speaking challenges among junior high school
students of Mamplasan National High School for academic year 2021-2022.
Through the thorough analysis of the qualitative data for this study collected
through Key-Informant Interview from 8 randomly selected learners as well as
Focal Group Discussion, it was found that TikTok created positive effects towards
learners’ English-speaking skills, particularly in content, diction, pronunciation,
and grammar. The participants found themselves discovering and studying English-
speaking lessons through watching 1-minute videos that impart knowledge to them
in a short span of time. Through these results, the researcher found that using
TikTok videos can be an effective tool to springboard lessons in the English
language subject as well as assessing learners’ speaking skills by asking them to
craft TikTok videos exhibiting their speaking prowess. TikTok video lessons are
also found as powerful tools teachers can utilize to convey lessons to learners even
in the comfort of their own homes
IV. Identify the Problem in the Study
To guarantee that education will continue despite the circumstances brought
about by the pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) along with the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has launched several distance learning
modalities comprising of modular distance learning (MDL), online distance
learning (ODL), television and radio-based learning, and blended learning which is
a combination of both online and offline activities (Child Hope Philippines, 2021).
While the goal of the two departments is certainly helpful and progressive among
the learners, its adaptation in the current educational resulted in many difficulties
such as scarcity of resources, struggles in using technology on the part of both the
teachers and the students, and a limited classroom interaction because the learners
are subject to only what can be heard or seen on their screens (Isla, 2020).
Having mentioned difficulties, learning English in the classroom has been
subject to no exception. According to Parker (2020), both the students and the
instructors are certainly under a lot of pressure. Most of, if not all, the approaches
teachers utilize in the face-to-face English class do not apply very well in a distance
learning environment. The unforeseen transition of the educational systems from
face-to-face to distance learning modalities has triggered English as Second
Language (ESL) students to acquire considerable struggles in learning the target
language, especially in their speaking skills (Ying, Siang, & Mohamad, 2021).
V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study
This study aimed to explore on the linguistics effects of viewing TikTok to the
oral speaking challenges among selected Junior High School students at Mamplasan
National High School for school year 2021- 2022.
Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:
1. What are the perspectives of the students on how utilizing TikTok affects their
English language learning in terms of:
1.1. content;
1.2. diction;
1.3. pronunciation; and
1.4. grammar?
2. What pedagogical innovation can be proposed in terms of TikTok integration for
English language learning?
Using the phenomenological methodology, this basic research will investigate
whether the use of TikTok application can create a positive impact on the selected
grade 8 students’ speaking skills, specifically in terms of content, diction,
pronunciation, and grammar. This study will also explore the perceptions of learners
on how TikTok utilization can affect their English language learning in general.

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