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Fauna-tunate Discovery

Moonlight streamed through the window into Madison’s room, slipping through the cracks in her
curtains to land upon her small potted plant on her bedside table. It was unassuming, with just a
small stem reaching from the dirt and a single leaf sprouting forth, having barely begun its life. The
soft rays of silvery light thinned as the night wore on, eventually becoming naught but a thin strip of
illumination. At that point, the plant made its move.

There was no name for its species. Nor would there be one for quite some time, as only a single
human female, who slept mere feet away, had discovered it. She slept soundly, unawares of what
was about to happen. The plant began to grow rapidly in length, reaching toward its target.

Madison groaned and rolled over in her sleep, turning to face her plant. The tip of its stem hovered
in front of her face, just centimetres away. Over the many days since being found, it had seen these
creatures supple flesh. ‘Seen’ was a strong word, rather, it… sensed it through the air. Each
movement had told it more about her body. Such as its meagre strength compared to the males of
her kind. An easy target.

When only a hair’s breadth separated the two, the plant made its final move. The tapered tip leapt
forward, a tiny slit opening at the top and allowing an insignificant needle to slip out and pierce
Madison’s throat. There was no way for the human to feel it, as the penetration was so small, so
unthreatening, that she barely twitched. Exactly as the plant wanted.

With an entry point secured, the stem turned transparent. The leaf folded in on itself until it was
thinner than paper, then retracted into the plant proper, before moving through the shoot. Mere
moments were all it took for the ‘leaf’ to enter Madison’s bloodstream. Its job completed, the stalk
quickly withered away, falling to the bed and ground then fading to nothing but dust.

The ‘leaf’ unfurled within Madison’s body and latched itself upon the insides of her flesh. On the
outside, a fresh green colour spread where it had situated itself, rapidly encroaching on the rest of
her skin and leaking into her veins, giving them a jade tinge. Madison slept all the while.

She roused from her slumber as the sun replaced the moon. Madison sat up and stretched her arms
to the ceiling with a groggy groan. The sound of joints popping didn’t meet her ears, surprisingly, but
she shrugged it off in her sleepy state, and, instead headed into her bathroom.

A shriek scraped her vocal chords as she saw what had become of her. Madison reached up to touch
her cheek, which was now a vibrant green. As was the rest of her. She looked like the green girl from
Guardians of the Galaxy, though Madison’s fiery red hair was different. The sudden change in
complexion quickly lost her interest, however as she watched a tendril rise from her back. It had a
bulbous tip with a slit at its peak, eerily resembling a phallus.

Madison stared, horrified, as another joined it. More and more accompanied the first set, one
reaching around to nuzzle against her cheek. A sweet aroma made itself known at that point,
alongside a slick sensation on her skin. She leaned away from it and felt moisture run down her face,
almost like perspiration, yet it felt sticky and slimy on her flesh. What was happening?

The thought turned to voice as her lips parted, “What’s going o-hmph!”

She was completely cut off as a tentacle entered her mouth, driving forward and triggering her gag
reflex. Madison tried to retreat, but found her head braced by another. Her hands finally moved into
action, wrapping around the one in her mouth and trying to remove it. Another tendril seized her
wrists before she could make any headway, however.

Madison gave a muffled cry that immediately turned to a gag as the tendril pushed deeper. Her
wrists were pulled high above her head, as the other limbs explored her body. Their shapes bulged
out her clothes as they circled around from her back and converged on her front, dipping into her
navel, feeling her stomach, then moving to her breasts. They coiled about her large mounds. Several
broke away and slid lower until they found something far more interesting.

Madison moaned around her gag. These… things had done something to her. Something that made
her feel incredible. The massaging of her shoulders, undulating around her tits, even the sensation of
having her maw stuffed, were soothing now. Her wrists remained bound, yet she had no intention of
resisting any longer. She silently urged them, in fact.

At her unspoken encouragement, the tendrils finally dipped into growing heat. A thin tentacle
penetrated her orifice, spreading her slightly, before another joined it. Madison moaned eagerly
around her living gag. When she felt no more limbs enter her, she yanked her wrists free in
frustration. She watched, then, as her arms grew long and limber. Like the tentacles tormenting her,
only thicker.

She quickly put them to work and shoved into her lustful depths. A blissful cry rang through her
head. She had never been stretched like this before. Yet she needed more. Her arm tentacles grew
thicker as they reached her shoulders, perfect for what she wanted.

It didn’t take long in her lustful state to reach climax. Her pussy, stretched to its absolute limits
around her lithe arms, squirted for the first time in her life. The fluids weren’t like her usual juices,
however, possessing an amber hue and an intoxicating smell. More and more of her new honey-like
liquid spilled out and pooled on the floor.

The door opened as her orgasm waned. Madison turned to face the intruder and saw her mother. A
lustful smirk spread across Madison’s face.

“Hi, Mummy…”

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