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Absolutely, I’d be happy to help you create a presentation on COP28.

Here are some key points

and structure you might consider:
1. Introduction
 Briefly explain what COP28 is .
 Discuss the purpose and significance of the event .
2. Key Issues
 Highlight the main issues discussed at COP28 .
 Discuss the debate on whether to “phase out” or “phase down” fossil fuels .
3. Controversies
 Discuss the controversy surrounding the appointment of Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the head
of the state-run Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), as the president of COP281.
4. Outcomes
 Discuss the outcomes and agreements reached at the end of the conference .
 Discuss the implications of these outcomes for the future of climate change mitigation .
5. Conclusion
 Summarize the key points discussed in the presentation.
 Discuss the potential impact of COP28 on future climate change policies and actions.
Remember to keep your audience in mind and adjust the level of detail accordingly. For
instance, if your audience is not familiar with climate change issues, you might want to include
some background information. Also, consider using visuals to make your presentation more

engaging. Good luck with your presentation! 😊

Sure, here are four key points about COP28:

1. Conference of Parties (COP): COP28 is the 28th annual Conference of Parties, a part of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It’s a global
platform where nations come together to discuss and advance solutions to climate change.
2. Location and Time: The conference was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from
November 30 to December 12, 2023.
3. Key Themes: The conference focused on four main themes to address the causes and
impacts of climate change. It also hosted the first-ever Global Stocktake, a comprehensive
review of global progress in tackling climate change.
4. Significance: COP28 served as a critical checkpoint for assessing global progress in
climate action and determining necessary course corrections.

The main issues discussed at COP28 were:

1. Global Stocktake: This was the first-ever comprehensive assessment of how nearly 200
countries are progressing on climate action1. The Global Stocktake detailed 17 key
findings and related recommendations across four areas: climate change context;
mitigation; adaptation; and the implementation and financing of climate action 1.
2. Energy Transition: Discussions at COP28 focused on the rapid scaling up of renewable
energy, and how innovations like hydrogen fuels and carbon capture technologies can
help reduce emissions1.
3. Trade Day: The conference’s Trade Day explored the potential to reduce emissions
across the trade value chain and grow markets for climate-friendly products such as
electric vehicles and non-plastic packaging1.
4. Climate-Affected Mobility: The United Nations recognized how climate change impacts
mobility, including acknowledging forced displacement as a component of the Loss and
Damage Fund2.
5. Finance: Wealthy nations were expected to provide the finance necessary to make
adaptation possible in the countries that need it most, while helping them recover from
unavoidable losses and damage1.

1. Introduction
2. Key Issues
3. Controversies
4. Outcomes
5. Conclusion

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