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Title: Kids Spending Too Much Time on Smartphones: Good or Bad?

Nowadays, many kids are glued to their smartphones for hours every day. This happens because
phones have lots of fun things like games and social media that kids love. But is it good or bad?
Well, it’s mostly bad. When kids use phones too much, they don’t play outside or talk to real
friends as much. It can also make their eyes tired and affect their grades at school.

One reason kids use phones so much is because they see their friends doing it, and they want to
be like them. Sometimes, parents give kids phones to keep them busy, but they don’t realize how
much time kids spend on them.

Playing games and chatting online might seem fun, but it’s not good for kids in the long run.
They miss out on real-life experiences and don’t learn important skills like how to talk face-to-
face or solve problems without a screen.

For example, my little brother used to spend all day on his phone, and he stopped playing sports
and hanging out with friends. His grades also went down because he was too busy playing games
instead of doing homework.

In conclusion, while smartphones can be useful tools, kids spending too much time on them is a
bad thing. It’s better for kids to have a balance between screen time and other activities like
playing outside and spending time with family and friends. Parents should set limits on phone
use and encourage kids to explore the real world instead of the digital one.

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