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Medical education is perceived as being stressful, and a high level of stress may

have a negative effect on cognitive functioning and learning of students in a

medical school.💟

Suicide ideation and attempt are more highly prevalent among medical
students compared to the general population. Suicidal thought negatively
impacts the quality of life, physical, and mental well-being of the students
higher among males than females.
Different factors can play a role in the development of suicidal behavior. These
include depression, burnout, sleep disorders, a family history of mental
illnesses, previous psychiatric disorders, the number of years of study, gender,
substance use, poor social support, living alone, feeling neglected by parents,
having lost something valuable, the breaking of a steady love relationship and

poor physical health 💟

Medical students are exposed to multiple factors during their academic and
clinical study that have been shown to contribute to high levels of depression,
anxiety, and stress

A high prevalence of depression, anxiety, and burnout was seen among

medical students and residents. Most of them were stressed with academic-
related factors. A strong correlation between teaching and learning-related
stressors with depression and anxiety may be a call for an efficient and more
student-friendly curriculum.

High prevalence of depression, anxiety, and burnout were seen among medical
students and residents, with the predominant effect of high-grade academic-

related stressors💟

Medical students face a number of stressors, which affect their

academic performance and quality of life.
Stress and Its Effects on Medical Students: A Cross-sectional
Study at a College of Medicine in Saudi Arabia
Suicide ideation, attempt, and determinants among medical
students Northwest Ethiopia: an institution-based cross-sectional

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