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Idioms And Phrases

At the eleventh hour = अंतिम समय पर

At the very last moment.

Example : Vivek made the report at the

eleventh hour.
Back stairs gossip = नौकरो के बीच की गपशप
/ अनुतचि वािाालाप
Talks among servants/ unfair talks.

Example : Back stairs gossip usually involves

the employer’s love affairs.
Bad blood = शत्रुिा
Enmity/ bitter relations.

Example : There is bad blood between

Ukraine and Russia.
Bag and baggage = बोररयो-तबस्तर समेि
With all belongings.

Example : My tenant left, bag and baggage,

without paying the rent.
Baker’s dozen = संख्या में िेरह
Thirteen in number.

Example : Abhishek bought a baker’s

dozen of biscuits.
born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
= धनी पररवार में पैदा होना
To be born in a rich family.

Example : Akash Ambani was born

with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Be in the driving seat = सारी तिम्मेदारी का
भार उठाना
To Bear all responsibilities.

Example :
With the new CEO in the driver's seat, the co
mpany has turned profitable in just two years.
Bear the brunt of = पररणाम भुगिना
To bear the main part of something unpleasant.

Example : Black people continue

to bear the brunt of racial violence .
Beat about the bush = घुमा-तिरा कर बािे करना
To talk in a roundabout manner/ circumlocution.

Example : Instead of answering my

question, Riya began to beat about the
Beat black and blue = अत्यतधक तपटाई करना
To Beat mercilessly.

Example : The dog was beaten black and

blue by his master and left on the street to
Beat hollow = कािी आसानी एवं बुरी
िरह से परातिि करना
To defeat some one easily and convincingly.

Example : India beat Pakistan hollow in

the recent match.
Beck and call = आज्ञा में रहना
Ready to obey the orders instantly.

Example : Tushar expects his employees

to be at his beck and call round the clock.
Bed of roses = आनंद से भरपूर
Pleasant situation of comfort.

Example : Life is not a bed of roses.

Bed of thorns = दुुःख एवं िकलीि से भरपूर
A situation of extreme difficulty.

Example : For Vijay Mallaya, his aviation

business proved to be a bed of thorns.
Beggar description = अवणानीय
Difficult or impossible to describe or explain.

Example : The beauty of Kashmir

beggars description.

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