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Ben; Smart, handsome young witness, a student in higher institution, desperate to get rich. Runs
cleaning services with Bryan and Sam
Sandy; A young beautiful witness girl, likes the wild lifestyle, also desperate to get rich.
Sam; A young witness student doing fine academically and spiritually in higher institution, Good
looking, likes food. Does cleaning services, with his friends Ben and Bryan
Bryan; A young witness student doing fine academically and spiritually in higher institution,
Good looking, Does cleaning services with his friends Sam and Ben
Sharon; An intelligent young Christian sister in higher institution studies business admin and
management , friends with the sisters on campus ,youngest among of them all, owns a thrift
shop, invests in stocks and offers financial management services (shy and soft spoken)
Lisa; A quiet young Christian sister in higher institution, friends with the sisters on campus ,
runs dry cleaning services with Hannah and Nita
Hannah ; A jolly young Christian sister in higher institution, friends with the sisters on campus ,
runs dry cleaning services with Lisa and Nita
Anita (Nita); A Gently soft spoken young Christian sister in higher institution (rich kid), friends
with the sisters on campus, runs dry cleaning services with Hannah and Lisa
Don; Classy, rich fraudster, bossy but soft spoken.
Dev.; Dons companion, calm but devious
Kay-money (Kay); Dons companion, impatient, arrogant
Zakky (Zak) : Notorious gang leader , speaks in style
Stone; Zak‟s right hand man, always angry
Adamu :Zak‟s gateman
Musa: Ben‟s gateman

Voice only characters

Hannah‟s Dad (voice)

Bryan‟s Mom (voice)
Debby (voice)

Act one Scene one.

I heard, that you can tell the kind of person one is by the company he keeps, or, stated another way, “birds
of a feather flock together.” The wise King Solomon showed how our associates can exercise a powerful
influence upon us when he said: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is
having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.”

As the end draws near... The critical times bites harder...

(Puts hands in pocket as if to bring out money... Shows its empty)

And As a young students on campus, money was never enough.. We always needed more

Lisa (comes on stage, passing by. Pulls out phone)

(Background call, Hello Mommy I'm broke)

And more

Hannah (comes up stage, passing by. Pulls out phone)

(Hello Daddy I'm broke again…What happened? Practical)

And more.

Bryan (comes up stage, Tired, pulls out phone)

(Hello Mom please help me tell Dad, I'm so broke,

Mom: Kilode?

Text Books have chop my allowance)

(Mom : OK I'll send some money)


(Bryan looks at Sam, and both exchange stares of excitement)

(Ben walks in smiling with mop sticks and brooms

(Nita, Lisa and Hannah walks in with baskets of clothes)

(All waves at each other and leaves stage except the narrator)

... I and my friends got in some side hustle; we clean homes, Gardens... Our Christian sisters too were
hard working they ran laundry service, thrift shop. Some others were comfortable with allowance from
home... Others did part time jobs, lots more.
Although most of us met here in school, but it doesn't seem so to those who don't know our history.. We
are one big happy Family, we encourage one another, and this kept us going...

We felt safe among each other. But then... (Narrator sighs and walks off stage.)

Act two

(Sam waiting for others at morning worship)

(Ben and Bryan walk in)

Sam: Good Morning Bryan, Morning Ben

Bryan and Ben: Good morning Sam

Ben: I think we can start already

Sam: Brothers, please Let wait a minute for the girls

Bryan: sure, they'll be here soon

(Hannah, Lisa and Anita walk in)

The girls: Good morning!

Bryan: Good Morning: Hannah, Lisa, Anita

(Bryan stands to conduct)

Bryan: isn't it delightful to be among you wonderful family once again?

How was the field service on Saturday?

Sam: T'was awesome.

Ben: it was just there, nothing special. (Ben replies in a scornful manner) Hannah: well, it was refreshing
to me

Lisa: Ben hasn't just been himself lately, I noticed

Sam: I noticed that too

Nita: Ben, are you good?

(All focused on him)

Ben: What? Why y'all focused on me?, I'm good, just... Well.. I'm cool

Bryan: Ben, we are your brothers, is there anything going on?

Sam: are you hungry? I got some snacks

Lisa: Sam cut it, food doesn't solve all problems

Ben: I don't have a problem.. Guys just let me be.

Bryan: Brothers, we'll talk about that later, It's good to see you all once again.

Today is Monday April 2... The text is taken from the book of... Let's read it directly... (Voice fades)

(After morning worship)

Hannah: We are running late for lectures, see y'all later

Sam: Alright Sis' stay good

Bryan: Have a fun day

Lisa: Bye Ben, please return soon.

(Ben, Sam and Bryan talking)

Sam: Ben what's the matter, why are you so cold? This isn't you Bro.

Ben: I'm fine, for real..

Bryan: Ben look at me.. Now talk!

Ben: Bryan... (Pause.) All of these don‟t excite me anymore

Sam: all of what?

Ben: wake up 6am be here for morning worship... And all these

(Ben phone rings)

Ben: Hey Girl wassup?

Sam: (whispers) is it Sharon!?

Ben: Sam! Please... I'm on a call!

Debby : where are you?

Ben: I'm in school

Sam: (shouts) we just concluded morning worship

Ben: What in the world is wrong with you Sam??

Bryan: Calm down Ben

Sam: I'm sorry, I thought it was Sharon.

Ben: I don't know what to do with you. You are becoming a pain in my neck... You all are.

Bryan: now that's a wrong statement, how can you say that when we are trying to help you, that's not fair,
haven't we always been here for each other, what has come over you Bro.

Sam: please let's not let this happen.. How about we talk this out, on a table... Of food. Let's have
breakfast bills on me. Please Ben, Bryan.

Ben: I have someone to see.

Bryan: this early? If you leave, Ben, It will hurt a lot.

Sam: Ben, please just this.

(All leaves stage)

Act two scene two

(At the eatery. All seated)

(After an awkward silence)

Bryan: Ben so... Want to pour it out?

Sam: we are listening.

Ben: Famz, well, I'm sorry about how I've been acting.. But, I'm not happy about how you all turned
down Don's invitation to the house party coming up on Saturday. Don invited us for his party for God's
sake it's just a Pool Party, why do you tag him a bad associate already.

Sam and Bryan: Bad associate?

Ben: Yes! and that hurts me a lot. He's not a bad person, he's a cool guy, he's humble, and don‟t you see
humility in his approach and sincerity in his voice when he speaks?

He said he likes us, and... And... (Sigh)

Sam: and what?

Ben: In the business world, your circle really matters.

Sam: Well yes, but...

Ben: (bursts out in anger) but what?? I should build my circle around you, with you guys?

Eating some cheap snack, what do you know Sam; all you care about is food, cheap Akara and Pap.

Sam: Be nice Bro, this has been a nice and quick breakfast over the years, how come it's now disgusting?

Ben: you don't get it, we are young, we need to hustle and make some good living real quick, Isn't Don a
motivation? This is his third year in school he's gotten two new nice cars!

He works for God's sake.

Bryan: Ben, what's over you? We make some decent money from our temporary jobs

Ben: as Gardeners and janitors?!!! (Angrily)

Sam: we ain't done with school yet Ben, we have our life ahead of us and a whole lot of opportunities, we
are becoming quite good engineers, and we run professional courses too. weren't we offered jobs just last
month with a whole lot of benefits along with it after the last training we did, tell me if it wasn't that we're
still in school isn't that an encouraging one. And our Business is improving and growing every day, For
now let's just still support ourselves and keep making a humble living out of gardening.. It gives us time
for the ministry too.

Ben: are you sure you both are gonna make it far in life? You think like poor people. Everyone in the
school who moves with Don and the crew have a Pretty amazing life, Holidays are sweet for them, travels
and more, they don't even need to have their parents sponsor all of these. My parents are quite wealthy but
I don't think I can live on this monthly allowances anymore and clean up homes and garden for my school
mates...What did you do with your last holiday? A short course and pioneering right? (laughs)

Jehovah encourages us to work, haven't you read the book of proverbs, did you see how a lazy man is

Bryan: I think you are mixing things up, do you call us lazy?

Ben: whatever, we work hard, but, I don't think life is all about hard work anymore; it's all about smart

It‟s time to work smart. I want to be comfortable really fast. Look at it guys we'll even be able to serve
Jehovah better.

Sam: (in sad and disappointed tone) Ben, in summary what's yours anger?

Ben: (mumbles) we weren't meant to turn down Don's invitation to his house party.

You all keep talking about minding our associates, aren't these people humans?

Sam: But, We politely told him we'll be really busy, Ben, is there a better way we could have done it?

Ben: Maybe, just tell him, to hold on and we talk about it and since we all ain't cool, we could just send a
representative so we can build a tighter bond... I can represent you guys, I can go for us!

Sam: us?

Bryan: But a Quick Question, is such a party gonna be a nice one to attend and still go out to Preach
against wild parties?

Sam: Ben, have you thought about those who will be attending ?

Do you remember the last time Bro Phillips spoke to us?

Bryan: I can remember clearly, he said: “If, during or at the end of the time spent with others, we do not
feel spiritually built up and strengthened, encouraged to greater zeal and faithfulness toward Jehovah‟s
service, and appreciate the goodness and loving-kindness of Jehovah God toward us, then we have been
associating with the wrong kind of persons.”

Sam: Remember Jehovah‟s warning: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits."

Ben: Do you also remember the last picnic we went; at the beach Bro Phillips said “all work and no fun is
not good for one. Look at Don , he's our course mate, we see each other every day, everyone coming
around him are the big boys here in school, they know how to enjoy life, more to it, he said, he likes us
and would like to be friends, isn't this Jehovah making us good examples among our mates , gradually
elevating our status in school.. Hahaha think about it guys. Isn‟t this is an opportunity? See think about it!

We can get to make bigger deals, he introduces us to some other good soft businesses, then we could even
witness to him after a while. (Laughs mischievously)

Sam: We know you mean good Ben, but don't you think who we associate with matters a lot to our
spirituality, Don is a Good person, a pretty nice guy, we are his course mate, we talk when we have to, we
render our cleaning services to him, he‟s our client at least we have a relationship already which I feel is
good for now, anything deeper might not do us so much good.

Who are his friends and the circle you talk about here?

Ben: His friends?

Dev, K money, Hitler.. Well... you know these guys, see, they may appear Raz but they are soft inside,
believe me.

Sam: Ben, I talk to these guys casually when necessary, we keep it simple, but how do you handle the
smoke if you have to be around them all the time?

Ben: Stop this Bro! They smoke, I know, I'm not in support of that.. But weren't some of your Bible
students once smokers.. But they all good now. Come on guys see the better side of the picture.

Bryan: what was the relationship with my Bible students?

Ben: well it was Religious

Sam: was it up building?

Ben: Well, That's what you make it become

Bryan: what will be our relationship with these guys

Ben: it's gonna be strictly business.

Sam: and what's our relationship with Don and these guys presently?

Bryan: they are our clients, strictly business and little casual talks.

Sam: are we enemies?

Ben: Of course not! Guys you don't get it and it's all messed up how you think.

Let's make it upbuilding to the bag... Our account balance needs some super boost Bro!

I want to roll with these guys better; I'll prove to you that they can't have a bad influence on me... We've
been talking and I met a nice girl from the other department too who rolls with them. She's quite cool and
guess what she thinks big! Bro these friends know how to enjoy life, they know business.

Guys please quit being holy holy around and widen out.. The cheap people you talk too wouldn't help you
go far. You are even influencing the sisters.. Just let's enjoy life this once as we strive to build our
business circle too. We all look good, why do you think these guys admire us? Let's Not be dull guys..
Come on.. Okay if you don't have the courage or you are afraid of the "so called bad associations spoiling
your useful habits... I'll watch your back believe me."

Sam: Ben, you don't see this clearly, the dangers and harm that could come to Christian youths do not end
when the party or dancing ends.

In many instances it increases, because, instead of returning home, there is a desire for more excitement
and fun. This desire opens up many dangers and harmful situations.

Ben: Guys, forget about all of these we know who we are, we can't just fall to some cheap temptations,
we are witnesses Bro! Come on! It's all for business sake!

Bryan: Ben don't you think you are about taking a wrong step?

(Phone rings)

Ben: Hello Girl, oh.. I'll be with you shortly... You miss me? (Laughs) you don't have to, I'll come around
shortly, could you get the other business plan?

Perfect! ,
I got to go now guys call me up if you Make up your mind to be at the pool party. Widen out guys!

Act three

Ben: Hey! Don

Don: Hey what's up man! it's nice to see you.

Ben: I'm Doing well, Nice to see you too Bro.

Don: how are your friends?

Ben: They are doing well (pauses for a moment as if thinking)

Don, I'll be at your party on Saturday!

Don: (sounding Bossy) Wow finally! are you real on this one, don't joke around with me.

Ben: Yeah, ain't kidding Bro!

Don: I'm impressed. What about your Guys, will they be coming with you?

Ben: Err they have something really important to do on that day.

Don: Oh Damn, I really wanted you all to be there, mostly Bryan and Sam, those guys got substance

Ben: Well, it is what it is Bro!

Don: Can you...Just.. Let 'em know all they gonna miss, we gonna have strip dancers, all you want... You
know.. drinks.. so much to drink, smoke.. Guy, you will be on top of the world.

Ben: (with a disgusted look) Wait, did you just say Strip dancers and smoke?

Don: (laughs) Do you have a problem with that?

what's your kind of fun? Church? (laughs) Come on Ben, yea, I said it.. You are obviously above
eighteen.. I know you may be new to such, try this out once,it's rare fun! Real fun.. I can teach you all
how to enjoy life you know? Don't tell me you're scared? Are you the Mommy's Boy of your home?

Ben: Hey Bro! I'm old enough to make decisions, I ain't no Mommy Boy!

Don: (Laughs) I mean no offense, come on Ben , even some little boys party harder than we do you only
got this life to live Bro.

Ben: (scorn and laughs) really? Well, I got some other life in the future!

Don: (laughs)nice line.. now that's the vibe! Kings never die right?

Ben you know you are so cool... Do you care for a cigarette? (Calls out)

Kay! Dev, meet Ben, he'll be rolling with us!

Dev.: Holla Bro.

Kay: Damn you look good!

Ben: oh... Thanks.

Kay: What about the guys I do see you with?

Ben: what guys?

Kay: I really don't know their names, but I call you all "Fresh Princes" , I do drive pass you guys when
you are going to church, or l hear you call it meetings right?

(Ben smartly cuts in to divert the conversation)

Ben: whoa! Nice shoes Kay! Wow and your watch? Who designed it?

Kay: oh this... It's Jacob and Co.

Dev.: (proudly speaks as he smokes) It really costs a lot Bro..

Ben: Yea, I know, I'm a fan! Nice meeting you guys!

Kay and Dev.: Same here Bro (Shake hands and give a side hug)

Dev.: want a smoke? This gonna makes you feel real good.

Ben: No, thanks.

Dev.: You don't do? Are you shy or scared?... Come on man.. We don't roll with Wimps!

Ben: Shy...? (Laughs) Why? Understand this Dev, This is school premises, I got eyes on me you know,
(whispers) they watching me!

Kay and Dev.: Ohhhhh!

Dev.: (with a schemy look and devious smile) I love sneaky guys , keep it cool my man .. We'll catch up,
heard you'll be at the zone..

Ben: Sure.

Don: Will your friends be at evangelism or doing some cleaning somewhere on Saturday?

Ben: I don't really know, they'll be out somewhere doing something, it's just something important.

Don: (in a serious and devious tone) tell them... I'll pay, if they give it up... Make them come Bro... And
hey! You all hang out with some girls! I've seen them.. They advertise religious books on a stand with
you too.

Ben: (Laughs) they‟re my special friends I call them sisters.

Don: Man! They look good I'll be delighted if you can have them come with you .. I treat ladies well, it's
my party Ben. Make me happy Ben, I got nice deals, I want you guys in too.. You all so classy and that
got my attention. I need you guys in my team. I'll link you all up Bro,don't fail me, remember I'm Don, I
rock wherever I go. (slowly walks away)

Ben: (Lost in his smiles, as if in a trance, stood there staring and waving)

Act 4

Sandy: Hi Anita, what's good?

Nita: Hi, Sandy, I'm okay, you look gorgeous!

Sandy: Right? I know, heard that a lot today.

Nita: I didn't see you at the meeting on Sunday

Sandy: oh, I attended the neighboring congregation,

Nita: You mean Sharon's congregation?

Sandy: Oh.... Yes! That's right, Sharon's congregation!

Nita: Really? you must have missed each other at the meeting, cause she asked after you.

Sandy: Really? Does she have anything for me?

Nita: No, it's just been a while we all saw you.

Sandy: Yeah yeah, I've been busy, doing one biz or another, business outings and all.. You know. We just
have to make money to keep this glow!

(Sharon approaches)

Sharon: Sandy!

Sandy: (looking confused) oh oh..

Sharon: (hugs Sandy) I've missed you.

Nita: She was present at your congregation meetings on Sunday

Sharon: Really? No I didn't see her,

Sandy: oh my bad, don't mind me, we have so many neighboring congregations, it wasn't hers I attended.

Anita and Sharon: oh!

Sharon: You look good!

Sandy: You can say that again! (Turns around stylishly and adjust her hair as she speaks) of course I
have to look good! I'm a big girl you know, a classy chick!

Sharon: I want to be like you when I grow up o

Sandy: (laughs) don't worry sis, someday you'll get here, I work really hard to get the stares girl..

Nita: really?

Sandy: Yea, you think I just sit around and it happens.. Funny, I do a lot of jobs and outings, I need to
keep up with all trends.. I even need to change my phone, I heard iPhone 14 is out.. I need to upgrade.

Sharon: but you got this thirteen barely three months ago, and I remembered you were always skipping
meetings for some jobs to meet up with your saving then.

Nita: and I think you said, after you get this one you'll rest.

Sandy: hey come on girls! What's up? I'm in control of my life and time here, I do whatever I please..

Sharon: calm down sis, I didn't mean to meddle, but don't work yourself out so much to keep up with the
trend.. It never stops, you seem to be doing really well financially, I suggest you should reward yourself
with... . (Sandy cuts in)

Sandy: with whatever I want.. See, here's the reason I don't hang out with low class girls, just hear
yourselves out..

Sharon: low class, that's wrong, you don't classify people.

Sandy: look girls, the world is way bigger than kingdom hall and field service and some picnics and get
together we were brought up with and the simple life style talks

Sharon: what!?

Nita: Sandy?

Sandy: Hey girls, I go to meetings, I go out for field service more than you think, I have numerous
students online, I stay close to congregations who still does zoom for weekday meetings.. And I get on
with my daily hustle too.. You see. Win - win! Do you think you are better than me?

Nita: Oh, no one told me we are in a competition .

Sharon: No naa Sandy!

Nita: Stop this; you are taking this too far.

Sandy: Sharon, Nita.. A day in my World will brighten up your life, come let me show you how?

Nita: Sandy, you know I'm a really busy person, I try to balance up my spiritual activities, my business
and academics and still have to make out time to visit my friends in the congregation, we chill out at some
nice restaurants, have some ice cream, talk about nice places and stuffs. that's my fun!

Sandy: (laughs) well... It's easy for me.. I party, that's my kind of fun and I make money out of it.. If it's
not Making money, girl, It‟s not making sense...Sharon how's Friday's Eve let's ball?

Sharon: ermm, I, I...

Sandy: Stop doing holy holy Jor, you are a young girl.

Sharon: Ok... I'll give you a call..

Sandy: by the way Nita, That's a nice outfit, and your Phone is that a Pixel? Wow you are a big girl o.

Nita: Oh my cheap outfit, I got it from Sharon's online thrift store, she's my sure plug... She makes it easy
for me, instead of going to the market selecting, she does.

Nita: Oh, I got it from Sharon's online thrift store, she's my sure plug... She makes it easy for me, instead
of going to the market selecting from the bail, she does the selection, I do the dry cleaning.. and she
advertises online.Don't you view her whatsapp status and her Instagram page?

Sandy: wait, so you mean this is OK?

Sharon: Yea, I sell the best grades.. I make a lot of girls look amazing on campus with a descent amount
of money!

Sandy: You girls are doing fine o... But see, (smirks), I am too popular to go through all these stress
jare...they‟ll now say „fine girl doing hard work‟? Abeg abeg.

Nita: Yeah yeah.. We are used to it anyway. Jehovah blesses it too, so we don't mind.

Sandy: Girls, Let's party on Friday, I'll introduce you to some of my friends and…cool ways to make easy
cash too.

Nita: Well... I don't know... I'll let you know if I'm free.

Ben: Did I hear someone Say party! HI girls!

Sandy: Hi Ben!

Nita and Sharon: Hi Ben

Ben: Fill me in.. Who's partying.. Parties ain't bad are they?

Sandy: Bad? No na..

Nita: Parties are nice; it only depends on the kind of party in question.

Ben: (Laughs) how many have you been to?

Sandy: (laughs) look who's talking..

Sharon: what are you up to?

Ben: My friend's got a house party on Saturday Night. Guess what, It's all night long.. I'll be there, who's
coming with me?

Sandy: Wooahh! I can't miss such.. But... (Nita cuts in)

Nita: But wait Ben.. An all night house party, you'll be there, Are you for real?

Ben: Amazing isn't it?

Nita: Not really.

Sharon: Who's party is it.

Ben: Now that's the most Amazing part.! It's Don's.

Anita, Sandy, Sharon: (In surprise) Don??!

Ben: Yeah girls!

Nita: Are you guys that close?

Ben: Business is getting us even closer, we are good pals now you know (laughs), think about the
business opportunities that could come my way with these new friends I'm gonna make. Your circle really

Sharon: He leads an arrogant gang Ben, and I suspect they are dishonest people, fraudsters!

Ben: Far from it! He's my course mate, so we're cool, I know him so well...

Sandy: See I don't care, there‟s no way I'm missing this!

Ben: Right? You are on point Sandy! By the way you look hot!

Sandy: Thanks Baby boy!

Nita: Ben you changed..

Ben: How? You all keep saying this,

Nita: Would Bryan and Sam be present too?

Ben: Leave those two holy holy out of these please, they don't understand life, their vision is blurry, they
made Don feel bad, when they turned down his invitation like it's a curse.. I felt bad,.

The truth is they fail to see the business opportunity walking with Don and his crew offers. No one knows
how this guys make their money, but it's all soft work and businesses, can you imagine how it could help
us get really rich too if they tell us these secrets?

Nita: Hmmmm, but... (Ben cuts in)

Ben:… They even said being too close to Don and crew might influence them negatively.

They're tagging him a bad associate.

Sharon: what do you think?

Ben: They had their points, but I told them off.. I can't keep them in my circle I can't even work with them
anymore, they think small, all they think about is spirituality, and spirituality... Your service to Jehovah
That doesn't stop one from making friends and widening out..

Sandy: Tell them o, see, stop forming holy holy and live your life freely. You have free will, you really
are missing out.. make friends, hang out and let the money roll in Girls!

All You, Lisa and Hannah do is, Wedding parties, anniversary, Hang out with local congregation friends..
Picnics... Argg.. Come and have funnn Sharon!

Ben: Sandy you are the only one who gets my point.. Abeg educate your sisters

Nita: Ben, let me correct you guys on something, my service to Jehovah doesn't stop me from making
friends, or having good times but with whom you plan to be friends with out of the Christian family
matters, whoever we call our friends have a great influence on us.. Ben and Sam are my friends and they
influenced me in becoming a regular Pioneer.. They help me make spiritual progress. And about parties.. I
only engage in wholesome recreation.

Ben: You are just like them! It's of no use talking to you let me see how far this gets you guys before we
leave school.

Nita: Ben, I think you guys should seek advice from an elder they are all our good friends, Bro Philip has
always been here for us.

Sharon: I agree,

Sandy: (Laughs) Ben please leave these girls, come and give me the full details, I'm not missing this party
for anything in the world. Sharon, Good girl no dey pay!

Ben: Sandy, great minds think alike, come on. Let's have a drink (both leave the stage)

(Nita places her palm on her forehead)

Sharon: Sis Nita. Are you fine?

Nita: Lil' Sis.. I'm okay.


Sharon: She called us, Holy Holy.. That's sad.

Nita: Oh dear, it doesn't matter what she or anyone else calls us for trying to safeguard our relationship
with Jehovah Sharon, Don't let what anyone say discourage you.. You are doing fine Sharon and you are
not missing out on anything, trust me.

Sharon: Sighs, Ok big Sis.

Nita: let's have some Ice Cream?

Sharon: Okay Nita.

Act 5

Don: Hey Ben, can we see?

Ben: Sure, after classes today.

Don: No I won't be in school, I have work to do, money must be made Bro, can you come over to my

Ben: OK then. Is everything okay?

Don: Yeah yeah , I only need your assistance on some important Job , don't be scared, if You accept and
we do it well it's going to bring us a lot of money, so, don't decline I'm counting on you.

Ben: Cleaning Services?

Don: (laughs) that low life side hustle you do already, I don't talk small business. I'm talking about
multimillion deals, level up bro!

Ben: Errm okay, .. I'll be there (hangs up)

(Ben thinking as he paces around)

I'm about working with Don already? Just like that? Did he say Multimillion?? No, I don't think so.. He
didn't even ask if I have a special digital skill. Wow, could it just be Jehovah making everything easy?
But I'm concerned right now; my friends keep saying the same thing, that this company I now keep might

influence me badly. I'm all about the money, work and business side of it... But.. Could I be wrong? Nita,
Sam and Bryan were always right.

.... But could they be wrong this time, Could Bro Phillip also be wrong about the whole association thing?
I think I need to talk to him.

But ,a second thought, I think Sandy views things from my own perspective, she really understands me
when I make these points. She's also a Witness friend isn't she? she understands that we all have choices
to make. I will make this move, I hate to look weak.. They won't influence me. I May not have Sam and
Bryan here, or Lisa and Hannah...but, I'm matured enough to stand on my own, moreover I trust Sandy
could watch my back.. I'm doing this!

Act 6

(Sharon comes up stage on a call with Sandy)

Sharon: Hi Sandy.

Sandy: (excited) Hi Baby girl! What's good?

Sharon: I'm Okay, how are you too?

Sandy: I'm feeling Good, I had a wonderful day.

Sharon: yeah I noticed... I saw you, with two other girls early this evening.

Sandy: really, you saw me?

Sharon: Yes I did, wanted to say Hi but, I couldn't get any closer, I was shy..

Sandy: Awwwn

Sharon: By the way you looked really pretty..

Sandy: Thanks Baby girl I'm blushing right now.

Sharon:... Sandy?

Sandy: yeah girl?

Sharon: You looked pretty tonight though.. But I'd rather say Hot.. I mean sun hot.. Too hot to look at.

Sandy: oh (Laughs) it‟s Friday, remember I invited you, its girls night out, I went clubbing. So I had to
look hot. You seem uncomfortable about my look (laughs)

Sharon: not really, just that.. I felt a bit concerned, that you won't be free to move around, your dress was
so short, what will people think about you.. You'll attract all kind of lustful persons to yourself, besides
(speaks shyly in a low tone) it doesn't honor who we represent...

Sandy: (cuts it)... Girlfriend, Let me enlighten you , I don't really care about what people think of me, As
a young lady, Looking good is Okay, But looking hot?... it's Big Business and for the club or a night out?
Hot brings in all the riches Baby!

So I wasn't too hot to look at...Babe I need all that attention wherever I go...

Sharon: .. Sandy, I don't get your points, don't you think you are gradually ignoring Jehovah's standards.

Don't you feel like we need to do some study about this? Or let's talk to the elders about your challenges?

They can help you understand some things better.. Don't you think?

Sandy: I'm fine.. Please leave the elders out of this.. They have been talking to me, I think I'm even bored
of them asking how I'm doing and encouraging me with verses all those things.. I'm not a kid anymore . I
know what I want.

Sharon: Sandy, please don't get tired of this conversation

Sandy: trust me girl I'm not.

Sharon: Do you remember that decisions we make matters?

Sandy: Oh yeah

Sharon: And wrong decisions can bring us pains and suffering over time? Please check your steps, your
choice of friends, fun and methods of making money.. Are you making the right decisions? Do your
decisions please Jehovah and represent you as one of his witnesses?

Sandy: hmmmm you really blew my mind,... Sharon, I'm aware of all these things. I appreciate your
concern.. As I said I know what I want and I'm almost there.. I'll stop clubbing soon. I promise.

Sharon: OK Sandy please don't leave Jehovah. I need to sleep now, see you on Sunday..

Sandy: Thanks baby girl, I love you, have a goodnight.

(ends call)

(Sandy emotionally soliloquizing)

Sandy: Oh what she said is true... I have gone too far away from Jehovah, I don't even remember these
things anymore, I've even been lying to my parents that I'm doing fine. But then, I'm already one of the
big girls on campus, I just can't back out like that!

If I do,Then Tricia would look down on me.. She'll get all the trending stuffs and even dress hotter than I
do, get more followers and likes on the social media then those upcoming girls would now have the guts
to show off in my front? Thinking about it I feel sick already arrrrg!

What would my girls say and my followers on ig ? They wouldn't even want to be around me anymore.. I
really need to get the new iPhone and change my wardrobe.. I just hope Tricia doesn't get a ride before I
do. Cause that won't be funny o. I need to step up... Spiritual things can come later jare, God knows I have
to hustle.. Jehovah service is not ending tomorrow.. Meetings will always be there.. Field service too.. I
would graduate next year.. I will just relocate and start a new life.. In a new environment and a new
congregation, Sandy you are smart! (Giggles in excitement) Haha! I'm so smart.

(Phone rings)

Who could it be again?

Oh Rejoice there must be a nice gist!

Sandy: Hello Rejoice

Rejoice: Girl you won't believe what I just saw!! Tricia just got gifted a brand new Benz as a birthday

Sandy: (screams) what!!! You must be kidding right now ain't you?

Rejoice : Swears! I'm not!... It's so oooo... God when!! I'm so happy right now and emotional, the car is

Sandy: Ok Good night! (Hangs up angrily) Arrrrrrggg! I'm losing this! I must get something better.. I
don't care what It costs..

(Crying) why am I so poor, I can't even afford a car. God why?

I can't fade out like this.. Tricia got a car.. Who knows who will be the next.. Then I'll be the only one
using Uber? no way!! I need ….

(Walks out of the stage)

Act 7

(Don, Kay, Dev and Ben talking )

Don: Ben, to prove this Deal is gonna be a sweet one, you see that Lexus over there, I'm selling it to you
after the deal you like it?

Ben: I love it!

Don: here's the key, you could drive it all around its all yours ... You gonna have more than enough to pay
for it and get a nice house too if you want after this deal Bro!

Ben: Hmmm, this just got interesting.

Don: so here's all the information you'll be getting from the white woman.. You don't need to hide your
face.. Make her trust you... Then we'll do the bank things afterwards

Ben: not a tough task

Don: .. And you can move in with us, so we can introduce you to other interesting stuffs that would make
the job easier. It's now your home too Bro.

Ben: errm just like that?

Kay: Welcome home Ben

Dev.: welcome Ben

(talk out of the stage).. Music plays.


Narrator: 10 months Later

(Sam and Bryan walking.)

Ben: Hey Pedestrians!

Sam: Ben!

Bryan: It's been ages, good to see you!

Ben: Oh yeah, I've been working...

Sam: Your car looks good!

Ben: (laughs) which one of the cars are you talking about?

Sam: The one you drove in

Ben: Oh that's just one of them,

Bryan: Do you sell cars now?

Ben: No, you know I've always loved cars? How has trekking around been dear gardeners?

Bryan: Fun as it was when we all go out together.

Ben: Fun for you guys not me; I never wanted a hard life. I‟m a soft boy for God's sake and only soft
things shall come my way.

Bryan: I'm happy you are doing fine Ben, hope you hear from home.

Ben: Yeah they hear from me. See guys, just tell me why do you choose the hard life, you are suffering

Sam: how? We are not suffering come on man, „cause we don't have a car?

Bryan: You seem so proud in speech Ben you really changed, not for good.

Ben: (laughs in mockery) well, the mad man can't tell he's Mad.

Bryan: Ben, we may not have all the loud Luxury the world promotes but that doesn't mean we're
suffering we get sufficient money to care for our needs and even save money a lot of money goes into our
savings and we are investing!

Sam: we are comfortable. Besides, we don't need so much right now, we are still in school, after school
other plans will follow.

Ben: investing in what? Detergent and liquid soup for house cleaning I guess (laughs) you guys ain't great
thinkers and that's why I decided to take you off my circle... You got small minds.

Bryan: Ben we have to meet the girls soon, we want to assist Sis Daniel's with Some preparations.. See
you some other time.

Sam: Thanks for your support.

Ben: Oh Losers! You are walking out on me

(Talking all alone) these guys, I kind of admire them, why do I call them losers, am I truly winning? I
don't even pray anymore.. Well, I'll repair that later... (Laughs)

(Zakky in hood approaches violently)

Zak: Hey! Who do you think you are, you and your little boy gang showing off on campus and the clubs
around. You are asking to die, you this small boy, you are the most annoying, loudest of them all. You no
know your mate?

Ben: Who be this one?

(Zakky slaps Ben)

Ben: Why did you ... (Zakky Throws Ben on the floor)

Zak: No dey speak English with me.. You even dare go near my girlfriend!

(Two of Zak guys come in to join in the assault)

(Don, Kay and Dev come to Ben's rescue.)

(Zakky flees on their arrival... We go catch all of you.)

Don: (Don assists Ben up) are you hurt? Man up abeg!

Ben: (in pain) arrgg!

Kay:Zakky came inside the campus, I thought he graduated already.

Dev.: Let's get out of here guys.

Act 9

(Speaking angrily to sandy)

Zak: You good for nothing, I got you a car, and you still go playing around with some cheap boys. You
embarrass me!

Sandy: Baby I am not playing around I can't lie to you.

Zak: Shut your mouth, how dare you lie to me when I have prove

Sandy: What prove? Are you kidding?

Zak: I've got my eyes on you for over a month.

(Calls out Adamu twice)

Adamu : (speaking in Aboki accent) Oga!

Zak: Tell me where you have been seeing her?

Adamu : OK oga... Oga Madam dey go one small boy house Walai

Sandy: Shut your mouth, what small Boy?

Adamu: Oga madam no tell me make I shut up, this no be play o, Oga Madam no Wayo Wayo, Oga talk
say make I follow see where I (you) dey go, Every day I (you) go school I (you) go still go see small boy,
small boy na my friend Oga. And My friend Musa talk say you and Oga I go dey talk, talk talk, before

Oga madam go come house. You be Oga madam for here, you be Oga madam for Musa side. Musa Oga
name na Ven (Ben). Na wetin happen be that Oga.

Zakky: what's your explanation to this?

Sandy: I never knew it was Ben you had in mind Jor, Ben is my Brother.

Zak: (yells in anger) Your Brother?! Who do you think you are lying to, a kid?

Sandy: (crying) you won't understand, he's not my Blood brother but, I mean he's my brother at where I

Zak: (laughs) Zakky, you have been fooled, I used to be the mighty Zak, of the most fearsome gang on
campus and in the streets but here I stand being mocked by a girl. What do you think you are? over four
months since I met you at the club. I‟ve known all about you and one thing I was sure about is that you
are never a religious person, so what are you saying? Get out of my sight!

(Zak calls out): Stone!

Stone: Yes boss

Zak: get this Deceptive Prostitute out of my Front.

Sandy: What did you just call me? You must be out of your senses!

(Zak and stone in shock)

Stone: My Boss? (Raises his hands to slap her)

Zak: Stop! Leave her be.

Sandy: Oh you wanted to slap me? Be glad you never did.

Stone: Boss!

Zak: Sandy, the church girl. I think this audacity you have right now is divine.. I won't do anything to you,
but I promise you with all I got, you'll regret it.

Sandy: I'm not a church girl for your information I'm a... I'm... I'm a Jw.

Zak: you are what?

Stone: That's more lies, you are far from being Jw.

Zak: what does she mean?

Stone: She says she worship with the kingdom hall people.

Zak: Kingdom hall people, Oh those my Former Gardeners church?

Stone: Yes Zak those soft guys.

Zak: (laughs) How you lie amuses me. Let Me give you a hint on how to be a better liar, Go to the mirror
and take a good look at yourself before you tell some lies girl... You beauty is a waste.

Sandy: Animals

Stone: You heard that, an ant standing up to My number one. Arrrg.. Let me finish this rude thing Zak!

Sandy: (Hiss and walk out.)

Stone: Zakky this is rubbish.

Zak: Stone, let‟s have a drink.

(Adamu at the Corner all the while, with hands on head making funny surprise gestures at Sandy's

Adamu: Oga she dey go, make I open gate?

(Runs after Sandy)

Act 10

(Ben, Don, Dev. and Kay, having a conversation)

Ben: You didn't tell me a gang fight has been on for years! So we just started a potential bloody fight

Kay: Who the heck is we, you did!

Dev.: Ben, now you are fully with us, life isn't safe you have to protect yourself, take this; (pulls out a
small gun wrapped with a handkerchief) handle it with care. You wouldn't wait until you get killed. Zak
won't leave you just like that watch your back.

Ben: A Gun??!
Kay: Stop shouting, Fool!

Don: Ben we hate to say this but you are on your own right now,

Ben: But you guys said you have my back

Don: From a distance Bro, until this is clear. We've done the best for you, protect yourself.

Ben: Guys this isn't love, you call yourself my friends..

Kay: The street is strict, No love in the street Bro... Let's go guys !

(All left, leaving Ben behind)

(Ben all alone)

Oh God, I have a very bad feeling about how things are turning.. What a life, who can I call? I left my
friends. Sandy caused all of these.. I told her this guy she's dating isn't someone to be with, he's violent..
Now look.

(Picks up his phone to call Sandy)

Hello Sandy

(Sandy on the phone crying) Ben, something bad is happening

Ben: yea, I know. Zak assaulted me; I know it must be bad over there too... Sandy I warned you at the

Sandy: Ben, I'm pregnant!

Ben: What the heck!!

Sandy: Zack insisted that I can't keep it, his physician forced some injections on me to terminate it and he
threw me out of the house, took my car and all he got me ... And he insulted me Ben.. (Begins sobbing)

Ben: what? That's criminal, I'll make sure he pays for this__I'm sorry, this must be hard on you. How are
you feeling?

Sandy: I don't know, I can't even think straight, I need a shoulder to cry on, I left all my friends I'm just all
alone, I just want to leave this house for a while

Ben: humph (sigh) , Sadly I feel the same way too... You could spend some days in my place.. I'm on my

Act 11

(Bryan Sam and Hannah talking)

Bryan: We signed more interesting contracts, the new company said we would be in charge of the lawns,
cleaning the environment, and the laundry services too, we'll renew the contract each year.

Hannah: So we have to employ more workers, this is fantastic.

(Nita, Lisa and Sharon walk in)

All: Hi guys

Bryan: Hi Lisa, hi Nita.

Sam: Sharon it's good to see you!

Sharon: same here Sam

Bryan: please take your sits ladies, Hope it wasn't stressful getting here.

Sam: (after exchanging pleasantries) it's good to see every one of us here today__ we are here for some
big announcements.

Bryan: we are expanding!

Lisa: Wow!

Sharon: Congrats guys!

Nita: isn't this amazing, the cleaner boys of yesterday (laughs)

Sam: well it's a good thing we all showed up every day, consistency brought us this far, you girls never
slacked on your laundry business too; you made us look clean all the time. Well, our new client also
requested for laundry services for the company. And guess who came to mind?

Bryan: The girls!

Sam: surprise! So, we called Hannah up, she said its Good we also decided to discuss it with you guys
and do the necessary formal proceedings.

Lisa: I'm speechless right now!

Nita: thanks so much Sam thanks Bryan.

Hannah: We got new responsibilities dear girls!

Sam: Our dear Account manager and financial adviser so what's the big news you said you got for us?

Sharon: Hmmm, Bro Sam… So... Let me start from the beginning, for over 10 months you all have been
pumping in money into your savings so, 70% of your total business savings with me was invested in
stocks as we agreed , Big Sis Hannah, Lisa and Nita, same thing with the Laundry Business Savings too..
Lisa: Okay?

Sharon: 50% of the money was invested in this AI industry. And 20% in the flying car company stocks.
Over the past 6 months they have performed really well with my compounding and Dollar Cost
Averaging strategy, as you put in more money into savings they are being invested.

Sam: interesting, How well are we talking about?

Sharon: 3000% Return on investment for the AI and 2456% ROI for flying car company.

(All together in shock and surprise): What!!?

Sharon: yea... Yeah!

Bryan: 6 months ago we had N660, 000 in savings and that was when last we cared about how much, we
have just been saving almost all profits we get from cleaning afterwards.

Sam: if I'm right we should have a little above a million naira in savings after then. 70% was invested.
But you just said 3000% profit in one of the stocks?

Sharon: sure!

Bryan: And Lisa, Hannah, Nita you guys had more money in savings with her..

Sharon: Guys you all have been made!

Lisa: Somebody pinch me!

Nita: no you pinch me first... This is a dream.

Hannah: I don't think it is... The wall clock is ticking... Clocks don't work in dreams.

Hannah goes to hug Sharon: thanks for the good work little Sis.

(Bryan and Sam Dancing)

(all in merry mood as voice fades)

Act 12

(Ben and Sandy walk in)

Ben: (in a tired voice) welcome home... How are you feeling?

Sandy: Sad

Ben: (sigh) I can understand. Does your body feel okay?

Sandy: Yea, I guess I am fine.

Ben: Okay

(Awkward silence for some seconds)

Sandy: Ben, I think I was truly happy before I went wild__But I never knew__ I had true friends who
cared (crying) I thought Lisa, Hannah and Nita were not smart and I thought they had a boring life __
Even young Sharon I almost misled her, I told her she's too young to start with a boring life Now who's
happier__ I went to all the places, all the clubs, Wore all sexy dresses but it only brought me closer to
lustful people who pretended to care__ My friends on the other hand only had me to boost their social
status.. What was this competition all about? Now look how devastated I am.

Ben: (sigh) I thought we were smart... Now who's the Big fool?

Sandy: You are Ben, why didn't you discourage me?! Sam and Bryan tried to make you stay with them;
you went on with your stupid pride and pulled me along.

Ben: What do you mean I'm the foolish one? Am I the one who dragged you to Don's party? The night
you got drunk and fell in the pool, everything about your life changed that night! Am I the cause? You are
the more foolish one here! You didn't even remember that you are a girl, a young lady; you didn't
remember that women have to be of the highest moral standard to be respected... You were proud of your
dirty life style.

Sandy: oh says the holy one, The party changed my life and you? You went on smoking cannabis puffing
out smoke like a faulty engine.. And coughing like you'll die the next minute.. Look at you, you were
more handsome when you were still a witness, but see what smoke has done to your face.. You are now
so black!

Ben: cut the crap Sandy, we messed our lives up already. (Slowly sits down) Now I'm being chased by
your boyfriend, and I've been rolling around with cultists all the while, I never knew.

Sandy: what? And that murderer isn't my boyfriend.

(Ben Phone rings)

Ben: Hello Dev., what's up man?

Dev.: (speaking in pain) Ben, Run, Don and Kay have been shot dead, in the car, my arm is broken..

Ben: Dev.!

Dev.: Bro run away, Zakky is coming for you. I'm helpless at the back sit... Take the gun with you,
avenge us it's... It's (coughing) loade...lo...loaded!

Ben: Haaaa! Gbege!! (in confusion)

Sandy: what happened?

Ben: Jehovah!!

Sandy: talk to me Ben what happened?

(Ben tries to keep cool, walks then calm Sandy to sit down)

Ben: Sandy please be calm, we are in this together don't be scared

Sandy: (becomes calm instantly) Okay (goes back to sit)

Ben: Sandy?

Sandy: What's it (with a sad tone)

Ben: Did you know that the organization and the congregation is a big part of every witness life?

Sandy: hmmm, thinking about it, that's true, your true friends, family, your Joy, practically your whole
life revolves around it. I am always welcome there.

Ben: I wish I could share a happy moment with brothers and sisters in the congregation once again, I
remember how we do preach those streets next to school, we were all happy with the little we had, the joy
was unadulterated, the love was real.. (pauses, smiles softly as he slowly sits on the floor then ask sandy)
what's the happiest moments you've ever had being a witness ?

Sandy: hmmm Ben, I'm so emotional right now, and I feel funny too.. My home congregation,
conventions, I miss my Mom and Dad, we all pioneered together... My siblings, those jolly kids, I miss
those two rascals.. I just want to.. (Softly groans in pain) Uhmm! (Pain shows in her facial expression as
she slowly tries to adjust herself on the sit)

Ben: are you okay Sandy?

Sandy: Yeah, yes I am.. I just want to... (Softly groans in pain) Uhmmmmm..

Ben: Sandy! What's wrong?

Sandy: Nothing much, just give me some seconds I need to catch my breath, I‟m feeling weak.. and funny
too in my tummy(Softly groans in pain) uhmmmmm

Ben: sorry dear

Sandy: thanks.. I never even appreciated our campus meet up, that was my joy when I was new in school,
you , sam , brayn you were all so sweet and small then (laughs softly but still in pains).

Ben : (laughs softly) memories , after all these passes , lets correct things ..

Sandy :yea , at least even go to meeting tomorrow ,I really want to , and campus meet up next
Friday..(softly groans in pain) uhmmmmm

Ben : yea and …(sigh) apologise to our friends ,then see the elders, we need help. Are you sure you are

Sandy : I don‟t know , I‟m feeling dizzy and weak ,my tummy too, I really should have gone to the
hospital before coming down here.
Ben : that‟s true , that injection , no one knows all it could do .

Sandy: Bennnnnnn my tummy! My Tummy, uhmmmm.. now It hurts badly! Arrg!

Ben: Oh God what is this, I don't understand what's going on.

Sandy: Arrrrrg! Help me get up , oh Jehovah , what is this painnnn? Arrrrrrrrrg!! (shouts in pain)

(He tries to help her get up as she struggles in pain)

Ben: okay.. How are you feeling..

Sandy: Arrggg put me down Ben... Ben, please put me down, Arrg (sobbing)

Ben: Are you better now?

Sandy: I feel so weak and tired.. That injection... Oh... Ben that injection. Ben that injection... (Her voice
gets lower) I'm really weak and tired I want to sleep oh what is this ….uhmmmmm

Ben: no, no Sandy don't sleep, no stay with Me, stay! Sandy stay.

Sandy: I'm trying... (Voice gets weaker) I just.... want... I just Want to be a... a witness again..... Ben...
Tell... Tell.. My... Mo..o..m (mom)

(Sandy dies)

Ben: Sandy, Sandy! Sandy don't sleep now! Wait... Musaaaa! Sandy! (Looks and screams in shock) you
have been bleeding! (Ben crying) and your eyes are opened... (Touches her neck for pulse)

Ha No pulse.. Musaaaa!

(Gunshot is heard at the background)

Oh Damn! Zak is here! This is the end... What a life (Ben pulls out his gun slowly , pulls out his phone
also and types as he slowly walks out leaving Sandy behind)

(After few seconds a louder gun shot is heard)

Musa : (Musa Runs in) : Oga! .. Oga!

(Shouting as he approaches the stage)! Wahala Oga! Plenty man I dey Gate, Plenty man I dey gate Oga..
This one na shege Walai (shouts as he sees Sandy on the floor)

Small Oga madam!! Oga don kill am Walai... (Runs out towards Bens path leaving the stage)

(Runs back in through where he exited from,) Oga don kill hinself too o! Who go pay me Salary.. This
one na serious wahala (runs out through his first entry point)

Act 13

(Sam, Bryan and the girls all together)

Ben: So we have to learn how to say Good morning in Arab!

Sam: (laughing)

Lisa: Yes na! Or do you want to say Ekaro in Dubai as you preach

Hannah: It's just one month vacation; I think we'll also find people who speak English.

Sharon: That's true

Nita: I'll have a Dubai Return visit yaay!

(All laughs)

Hannah: A message from Ben ooo, this is interesting..

Lisa: Wow at last! What does it say!

Sam: a message here too.

Nita: Here too

Bryan: I think it's a broadcast message

Nita: Oh no!

Sam: Ben has lost his mind!

Hannah: Nooooo! Sandy!

Sharon: What is it?

Lisa: Oh Jehovah (crying) throws her phone on the floor.

What's all these??!

Bryan:What do we do now?

Nita: Let's go to Bro Phillip

(They all run out except Sharon)

(Sharon confused)

Sharon: Lisa you dropped your phone... Opps! (Picks up the phone) What's the scary news?

(she stares at the screen to read)

Ben’s voice reads: I have never been this afraid since the day I was born, I'm numb and I'm shivering in
this cold of fear... Sandy is dead and lies in a pool of her own blood in my sitting room, she was pregnant
for a guy who forcefully injected her what seems to be overdose of an abortifacient which killed her...

The Guys I called friends and left you all for have been shot dead by the same guy, Zakky, I never knew I
have been hanging around with wild gangs, Sandy dated the boss of the rival gang and he mistook our
friendship for cheating__ I ruined everything ..I can't forgive myself for this.

All I ever wanted was these quick riches, and I got it, but the cruel tale of all I did for the riches? I'll tell
you a bit, I assisted Don and gang in defrauding many innocent white people pretending to be friends,
making them trust me then I trick them and take all their money_ One of them died of a massive heart
attack when her account was emptied, I wanted to stop but I was respected and honored for all my
successful scams, none of these heartless guys felt the pain I felt for these victims. I did this for the fame,
the admiration, the loud luxury, you‟ve heard it, do I deserve a life after these cruel deeds?

if I had one life time opportunity to sell all of these wealth to gain back my innocence, my friendship
with you guys and the truth I rejected, if I could turn back the hands of time, I'll treasure every moment,
every single advice you gave me, I would never miss any of our gatherings, I‟ll value the relationship I
had with God's own people.. But here I am, I chose the company and friendship of those who thinks the
way we lived was boring and unfulfilling.

Dear, Bryan, Sam, Lisa, Hannah and Nita

I'm sorry for emotional pains I'll leave behind, you did your best to warn me, you guys were doing fine, I
was just greedy and foolishly admired the wrong people who I thought were successful when I wasn't sure
of their source of income. You never gave up on me and Sandy when our faith became weak. Instead,
you tried to build us up showing genuine interest all the time along with the elders. You guys confirmed
your love for me. Your warm and gentle tone all the time Sam, Bryan, right now I know it was meant to
be up-building... I wish I listened.

Kay gave me a gun to protect myself; I never knew it was for this moment, I'm pulling the trigger against
my head, this isn‟t right but I think it‟s the best thing to do right now. Either ways I‟ll get killed. I have to
end it all.

Farewell guys.

Sharon :( Shouts and cry) No! Ben, this isn't right (crying) why do you have to do this? (Leaves stage)

(Music plays.)

Act 13

Narrator speaking (nonappearance)

That day, we lost Ben and Sandy, it was Sad.

Over a thousand people on campus, over a thousand characters, over a thousand opportunities for
friendship, make the best choice.

Your friends__ directly influence your thinking, your thoughts in turn, influences your decisions.

May we always remember "Jehovah's blessings is reserved for his dear friends, there's nobody who gives
to Jehovah who will ever come up short".

(Cuts_ music stops)


You didn‟t ask about our vacation to Dubai..

Wellll, We still went o, a week after the funeral …it was fuuuuuun!!!

The End


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