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The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

3. The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as leaders

Candidates should study:

• the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs
• their policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• their approaches to leading the community
• their main achievements
• the main difficulties they encountered
• their significance as examples of leadership
• the importance of their rules as models for government today
• their importance as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with other states.
(Note that the lives and activities of the Caliphs during the Prophet’s lifetime are included in the
Syllabus in Paper 1.)
Candidates should know the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs, and should explore the
significance of these events for the early and later history of Islam. They should also understand
the importance of their rules as examples for later times.

In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.

Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)

(June 632 A.D – August 634 A.D)

In spite of his severe illness, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) did not appoint anyone as his successor.
Therefore, soon after his final services, Ansaar and Muhajirin gathered in the house of Hazrat
Sa’ad Bin Ubaidah (R.A) called Thaqeefah Bani Sa’ada and argued about the appointment of
an Ameer on urgent basis. The Ansaar wanted that the caliph should be chosen from amongst
themselves while Muhajireen demanded that the leader of the community should be from amongst
themselves. This created a conflicted situation.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A) tried to convince Ansar by saying, “O Ansar! You were the
first to uphold Islam, don’t be the first also to sow the seeds of dissention in it” Seeing no
response, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (R.A) left the meeting place and reported this drastic situation to
Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A). When the three reached the venue of the meeting,
Hazrat Abu Bakr heard Hazrat Khabab bin Munzar (R.A) suggesting two Ameer one from Ansar
and one from Muhajirin.

On hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) suggested Hazrat Umar (R.A) or Hazrat Abu Ubaidah
(R.A) but Hazrat Umar (R.A) hold the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) and told the assembly that
since Muhammad (S.A.W) himself had appointed Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) as the Imam to lead daily
prayers during his final illness. Hence no one has the right to lead the community after the
Prophet’s (S.A.W) demise except Abu Bakr (R.A). On seeing this, people from all sides rushed to


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

pledge their loyalty to Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A). Next day, a general oath of allegiance was taken in
Masjid-e-Nabvi and he was elected as the first caliph with mutual consultation in June 632 AD.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) addressed to the community and said, “O people! I have been selected
as your Trustee, although I am not better than anyone of you. If I am right, Obey me. If I am
misguided set me the right. I ask you to obey me as long as I obey Allah and his messenger.
If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you are free to disobey me.”

Main Events
Expedition to Syria;
On assuming the office of Khilafat, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) decided to send Hazrat Usamah bin
Zaid (R.A) on an army expedition against Syrian with 3000 soldiers. This expedition was prepared
and decided by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). However, on his death, they preferred to participate in
his funeral services. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) considered sending this expedition as his first
task he was suggested to postpone it in view of the prevailing circumstances but he went against
all such suggestions and said “Who am I to withhold the army that the Holy Prophet had
ordered to proceed? Come what may, let Madina stand or fall; the Khilafat live or perish,
the command of the Prophet shall be carried out.” He then, sent this expedition in June 632
AD. The army was able to crush the rebellion of Banu Quz’a and other tribes on the frontier of
Syria and returned after forty days without a single causality and with a large amount of booty.

Refusal to pay Zakat and Abu Bakr’s role;

In the absence of Muslims army in Madinah, a delegation from newly converted tribes including
Banu Abbas, Banu Sulaim, Banu Murra, Banu Ghatafan, Banu Dubyan and Banu Asad and
Banu Hanifa visited the caliph and forced him to grant them relaxation in the payment of Zakat.
These tribes accepted Islam after the conquest of Makkah. They had not fully implemented the
teaching of Islam in their daily lives and regarded Islam as personal matter. They offered
allegiance to the new ruler in case if he waves off Zakat but Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) strictly turned
down their demand although he was suggested to deal them diplomatically. He said to his
companions, “I swear by Allah I will fight alone, if others do not support me against
everybody whosoever refuses a single she goat kid due on him in Zakat”

While addressing the delegation, he said, “If with reference to Zakat you withhold even as
much as a string to tie a camel, as the caliph it will be my duty to fight for it. Thus, the
delegation returned but soon one night they attacked Madinah and gain some initial success.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) himself rallied the Muslims against them and after some resistance,
defeated them at Dul – Qissa. They retreated to Abraq. Meanwhile, the Muslims army returned
from Syria, so Hazrat Abu Bakr proceeded to Abraq. These tribes were routed in their land. Some
of them agreed to pay Zakat while others joined the false prophets or became apostate.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

False prophets and apostasy wars:

Right after Prophet’s demise many people turned against Islam and became apostate. They
launched an apostasy campaign under the leadership of false prophets

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) had to stop this apostasy movement as many newly converts to Islam
were joining them. They were new to Islam and had not fully understood its teachings. They joined
false prophets as they thought that these prophets succeeded Muhammad’s (S.A.W)
prophethood. Moreover, these false prophets were also manipulating the teachings of Islam and
thus, convincing their followers to join them. Hazrat Abu Bakr turned towards these people and
apostate tribes along with false prophets. He was able to crush their power after a long military
operation of one year in the War of Apostasy or Rida Wars. He divided his army into 11 troops
each under the command of a brave commander and dispatched them to different tribes with the
options to Islam again or ready to fight. Many of these tribes submitted to Islam again while others
retaliated. The apostasy movement was mainly led by the false prophets namely Aswad Anasi,
Tulaiha bin Khawailad, Sajjah bint Haritha and Musailma bin Habib.

Abhal Bin Ka’ab, commonly known as Aswad Anasi was a black magician, soothsayer of
Ansi tribe in Yemen. He was an ugly man who used to cover his face and was also called as
“veiled prophet”. He invaded Najran and Yemen. He killed Shahr, the ruler of Yemen and
forcefully married his widow to become the ruler of Yemen. He himself was killed by Feroze
Dahlami during Prophet’s life. Later, his army stood up in open revolt against Islam and prepared
to attack Madina under the command of his main disciple, Qais bin Abd Yaghooth. Hazrat Abu
Bakr (R.A) sent an army against them and they were defeated by the Muslims under the command
of Feroze Dahlami.

Tulaiha Bin Khawailad was a strong warrior and a rich chief of Bani Asad tribe. He visited
Madina and embraced Islam during Prophet’s life but later became apostate. He has about 4000
supporters and many tribes also joined him. Hence, he rose in open revolt against Islam. Hazrat
Abu Bakr (R.A) sent Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) who met Tulaiha’s force at Buzakha and
after a fierce battle, Tulaiha’s army was defeated and many apostate tribes accepted Islam again.
Tulaiha himself, escaped to Syria where later, he accepted Islam wholeheartedly. He
participated in the battles of Al-Qadsiya, Jalula and Nihawand during Hazrat Umar’s rule.

Sajja Bint Haritha was a Christian nun of Bani Tamim tribe. She had about 4000 supporters.
She declared herself to be a female prophet. She was a religious figure to her followers. After
defeating Tulaiha Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) was advancing to Bani Tamim tribe but
meanwhile Sajja was called by Musailma, another false prophet of Bani Hanifa tribe in Yamamah.
When Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed reached at Butaha, the area of Banu Tamim tribe they
surrendered after the death of its chief Malik. However, Sajja joined Musailma and married
him. When her marriage was publicized, she lost her righteous fame and had life threats by her
own followers. Hence, one night, she quietly left for Iraq where she later on accepted Islam and
spent an isolated life.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Musailma- the liar and The Battle of Yamama;

The Battle of Yamama was fought in December 632 as part of the Ridda Wars in the region of Al-
Yamama between the forces of Abu Bakr and Musailma, a self-proclaimed prophet.

Musalima was the most dangerous of all these self-proclaimed prophets. He belonged to Bani
Hanifa tribe of Yamamah. He visited the Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina and accepted Islam during
his life but on the way to his land, he rejected the faith and wrote the Prophet to divide Arabia and
decide the boundary of his rule as he is also a prophet. The Prophet (SAW) called him “a liar.”
He became powerful after the Prophet’s demise. He attracted many new Muslims and tribes by
offering them relaxation in the payment of Zakat. He reduced the number prayers, relaxed the
payment of Zakat and allowed many vices like drinking, gambling and adultery for his followers.
He also wrote poetry and declared that these verses were revealed to him. He also had prepared
an army of about 40,000 including Sajja’s followers. Thus, he was a threat to Islam. Therefore
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) sent Hazrat Shurabil Bin Hasnah (R.A) and Hazrat Ikramah (R.A) to
attack Musailma at Yamamah simultaneously from both sides. However, Musailma’s army
forced both the Muslims armies to set back. Then, Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (R.A) with his army
joined the Muslims force at Yamamah. He rallied 13000 Muslim Army in the plain of Aqraba but
the Muslim forces had to retreat initially. The next day, Khalid Bin Waleed made Muslaima’s forces
to fight the Muslims in front while, he, with one thousand strong militants, attacked in the middle
where Musalima was camped. Thus, Musalima retreated and was forced to take shelter in a
nearby fortified garden. Later, the Muslims broke into the garden as Hazrat Barra bin Malik
jumped into the garden from its fence and opened the door for the Muslims army. A fierce battle
started and the garden filled with blood and dead bodies. However, the Muslims were able to
defeat Muslaima’s army after a great struggle. Muslaima himself was killed by Wahshi bin Harb
in this historic battle in Dec 632 AD.

Compilation of Al-Qur’an;
Many Huffaz were martyred in the battle of Yamama against Musailama. It was a great lost for
the new Islamic community. Therefore, Hazrat Umar (R.A) suggested the caliph to compile Holy
Qur’an in a book form. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) was reluctant and he said, “How dare I
do something which Allah’s apostle did not do?”

But later, he was convinced after consulting the Council of Advisers and appointed Hazrat Za’id
Bin Thabit (R.A) with a commission of about 25 companions to collect and compile the scriptures
of Holy Qur’an. Hazrat Za’id (R.A) was also hesitant to shoulder this great duty as he said, “To
shift a mountain from one place to another place would not have been difficult for me than
to accomplish this task.” However, he obeyed the caliph and compiled the scriptures of Divine
revelation with utmost care. He collected all the scriptures and arranged them. He confirmed
each verse by reciting himself and get it recited by the committee members to confirm its exact
place. He also called two witnesses who had seen the Prophet approving that script. He noted
down all the verses on sheets called “Suhuf” and then, handed over the compiled book to the
caliph who placed it in Masjid-e-Nabvi for further verification. The volume remained with
Hazrat Umar (R.A) after the death of the first caliph and on his death bed, Hazrat Umar (R.A)


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

placed this volume under the custody of Hazrat Hafsa (R.A). Hence, the volume was known as
The Volume of Hafsa or Mus’haf ul Hafsa. It was the first official copy of Holy Qur’an.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) also started campaigns against Persian and Byzantine empires. During
his Khilafat, Muslim army under the command of Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (R.A) conquered Persian
areas of Hira, Daumatal – Jandal and Firaz one after the other. The Muslim forces were engaged
in fighting and defending the frontier of Muslim state when Hazrat Abu Bakr fell ill and passed
away in Madina in August 634 AD. He nominated Hazrat Umar (R.A) as his successor. He was
buried beside the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Masjid-e-Nabvi.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) laid foundation of a true democratic state as mentioned in his inaugural
speech, “O people! I have been selected as your Trustee, although I am not better than
anyone of you. If I am right, Obey me. If I am misguided set me the right. I ask you to obey
me as long as I obey Allah and his messenger. If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you
are free to disobey me.”

He followed the true teachings of Quran and Hadith in ruling over the Islamic state.

He set up Majlis-e-Shura and used to consult it before decision making. Thus, he followed the
system of mutual consultation and would follow the decision of majority e.g. Compilation of

He divided Arabia into provinces and appointed governors who were responsible for both military
and administrative affairs.

He appointed all the officials on the basis of merit and not on the basis of family, caste or tribal

He set up Bait-ul-Maal and had a strict check of accounting the public money.

He himself acted as the Chief Justice and decided conflicting and criminal matters.

Saviour of Islam;
Why was Abu Bakr called “the Saviour of Islam?”

Hazrat Abu Bakr is rightly called the Saviour of Islam as he safeguarded Islam from many threats
and preserved its true form till the Day of Judgement. He became the caliph at the most crucial
time in the history of Islam when Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) had departed from the world and
many new challenges were faced by the new Islamic state. The strong winds of anti-Islamic
movement started blowing. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) turned its direction and supressed apostasy
movement within a year. He also crushed the power of false-prophets who were trying to start
new religions by corrupting the teachings of Islam. He kept the Muslim community united when
there were many conflicting issues on which Iblis could lead them to disunity. His timely action to
start military expeditions against the Persian and Syrian forces enabled the Islamic state to grow
and prosper in future. He also compiled the Holy Qur’an in a book form. Thus, he not only


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

preserved the true teachings of Islam but also defended the Islamic state from internal and
external threats which earned him the title “The Saviour of Islam.”

Military Campaigns against Persia and Byzantine Empire during the

Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)

Reasons of fighting against Persia

• Constant attacks on Muslims populated areas

• Hazrat Abu Bakr appointed patrolling force
• The Persian army attacked Muslims patrolling force
• There were constant skirmishes on the frontier
• Hazrat Abu Bakr sent Khalid Bin Waleed to tackle the situation

Wars against Persia

1. Battle of Chains (May 633 C.E) fought at Hafir

Upon reaching on the frontier Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed led 18000 Muslims against 40000 Persian
force commanded by Hurmuz.

The Persian army had linked themselves in chain to show unity and bravery. Hence, the battle is
known as the Battle of Chains.

Khalid bin Waleed offered three usual terms Islam, Jizya or war to Hurmuz who opted to fight.

A fierce battle ensued in which Muslims were able to kill Hurmuz. His death demoralized Persian
force who tried to flee but their chains proved to be their death traps. Many thousands of
Persians were killed and others were taken as war captives.

2. Conquest of Mazar, Walajah, Ullies

After their victory in the battle of Chains at Hafir, the Muslims army advanced and easily
conquered Mazar, Walaja, Ullies the neighbouring cities of Persian Iraq in small skirmishes within
two months and finally reached at Hirah in June 633 C.E.

3. Conquest of Hirah (June 633 C.E)

Hirah was the provincial capital of Persian Iraq. Seeing the Muslims force, the governor of Hirah
fled and its inhabitants were not ready to fight. They surrendered and Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed
signed a peace treaty with them.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

According to the treaty, they were guaranteed complete religious freedom, protection of life,
honour and property against the usual term of paying Jizya

4. Battle of Anbaar (July 633 C.E)

Then, the Muslims army marched towards a neighbouring city Anbaar which was an important
trade centre of Persian and a trade link between Syria, Arabia and Persia.

Anbaar was a well-protected walled city with a moat around it and was an important
cantonment. The Muslims were unable to enter the city so they raised a siege of Anbaar.

Later, the Muslims were able to enter the city from a narrow creek where the wall was not
joined. Seeing the Muslims in the city the Persian army initially fought but soon surrendered on
the condition that they would be allowed to vacate the city with their families.

Khalid bin Waleed accepted their demand and the Persian army abandoned the city with their

5. Conquest of Ein-at- Tamr, Dauma-tul-Jandal and Firaz

The Muslims army then advanced and reached at Ein at Tamr, an important city for the production
of dates and conquered it easily without much retaliation along with Daumat-ul-Jandal and Firaz
after small skirmishes.

Campaigns against Byzantine Empire

Reasons of fighting against Syrian

• The hostile behaviour of Syrian towards Muslims.

• Murder of Muslims preachers and ambassadors.
• Participation in Apostasy movement.
• Syrian tribes broke their agreements signed with the Muslims
• Syrian stopped trading with Arabs and thus, threatened their survival

Upon knowing these conditions, Hazrat Abu Bakr arranged about 27000 force and sent it under
the command of experienced commanders towards different areas. He sent

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah to Hims,

Shurahbeel bin Hasan to Jordan,

Amr bi Al Aas to Palestine and

Yazid bin Sufyan to Damascus.

Hazrat Abu Bakr also ordered Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed to join Muslims forces in Syria.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Wars against Byzantine

1. Battle of Basra (Feb,634 C.E)

While marching towards Syria with 9000 army, Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed faced Syrian force at
Basra under the command of Romanus, the governor of Basra. This was the first encounter of
the Muslims with Syrian force.
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed offered three usual terms Islam, Jizya or war. Romanus- the Christian
governor of Basra embraced Islam and his army took shelter in the city.
At night, Romanus led the Muslims army to enter the city, Basra from an underground secret
passage. Seeing the Muslims army in the city the Syrian army retaliated but soon surrendered
after analysing the difficult situation.

2. Battle of Ajnadian (634 C.E)

On hearing the treachery of Romanus and defeat of Syrian at Basra, Heraclius arranged 250,000
force and sent it to Syria under the command of his brother Theodorus.
Upon knowing this Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed called all the Muslims forces and arranged 40,000
Both the armies met at Ajnadien. Three usual terms Islam, Jizya or War were gives to
Theodorus. He arrogantly opted to fight. Hence, a fierce battle broke out in which the Muslims
managed to kill Theodorus. With his death his army fled leaving behind many thousands’ dead
bodies and heavy booty.
This was an important victory of Muslims which paved the way to further conquest in Syria

3. Siege of Damascus (Aug 634 C.E)

With their victory at Ajnadien, the Muslims army under the command of Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas
advanced and raised a siege of Damascus-the capital of Syria.

Later Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed joined him but two days after his arrival in Damascus, Hazrat Abu
Bakr passed away in Madinah in August 634 A.D, 13 A.H


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Caliphate of Hazrat Umar (R.A) 634 A.D-644 A.D

On his death bed, Abu Bakr consulted senior members of Majlis-e-Shura and then named
Hazrat Umar as his successors. Some companions had reservation about his strict nature. To
which Hazrat Abu Bakr replied,
“His strictness was there because of my softness; when the weight of Khilafat is upon his
shoulders, he will no longer remain strict. If I will be asked by Allah as to whom I appointed
my successor, I will say that I have appointed the best among your men.”
So after Hazrat Abu Bakr’s funeral, Hazrat Umar (R.A) took oath of allegiance and addressed the
“O people! You have some rights on me which you can always claim. One of your rights is
that if anyone of you comes to me with a claim, he should leave satisfied. Another of your
rights is that you can demand that I take nothing unjustly from the revenue of the state.
You can also demand that I fortify your frontiers and do not put you in danger. It is also
your right that if you go to the battle, I should look after your families as a father in your
absence. O people! Remain conscious of Allah; forgive me my faults and help me in
my task….”
After assuming the post of the caliph, Hazrat Umar was known as Ameer-ul-Momineen (The
Commander of Faithful). His caliphate lasted for 10 years and six months 13 A.H-23 A.H


During his ten years rule that lasted from 634-644 A.D, Hazrat Umar (R.A) set remarkable
examples for his successors. He was known as the Commander of Faithful- Ameer-ul-
Monineen. He remained as a model for administrators and rulers to come.
He conquered the mighty Byzantine and Persian Empire after a long series of decisive
battles. Thus, the state expanded to 2.25 millions square miles.
The Muslim Empire had grown tremendously in size and therefore it was inevitable
(unavoidable) to divide it further into a greater number of provinces. He divided the state into
11 provinces and these provinces were further divided into districts and town.
Each province was placed under an efficient governor called Wali, and each district was
placed under an Amil. He imposed restrictions on these officials like they were not allowed to
appoint door-keeper, ride Turkish horse, or buy land in areas under their control.
Each governor was assisted by a number of officers e.g. the Treasury Officer, the Revenue
Collector, the Vigilance Officer.
These officers had to report to Makkah on occasion of the Hajj, where the caliph could hear
complaints against them and make decisions.
These officers also had to keep a record of their assets and property. On their retirement,
their accounts would be checked to see if they had been corrupt or not.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

He established a Majlis-e-Shoora, consisting of both the Ansar and the Muhajirin. It included
prominent Companions of Muhammad (PBUH) and he always consulted this body before
making any important decision.
He also established the Majlis-e-Aam, consisting of the Muhajirin, Ansar and representatives
of various tribes. This body was called into session on special occasions.
All officials were appointed in consultation with Majlis-e-Shoora.
Hazrat Umar framed the first written constitution of the State on the basis of democracy
and the teachings of Qur’an and Ahadith of Prophet (S.A.W).
He set up District courts to decide judicial matters and appointed Qazi- judge. These Qazis
were entrusted with judicial duties and were completely independent of Wali.
He was the first one to establish the Departments of Military, Education, Jails and Police
(shurta). etc
Soldiers were well looked after, but were not allowed to buy lands in the conquered territories
or live with the inhabitants; they could only live in cantonments.
He also established the department of Dewan- Revenue Collection Department that was
responsible for collection of all types of revenue, from the center as well as from the provinces.
He built check posts on the frontiers to control imports and exports. He also imposed import
and exports duties.
New taxes like Ushr (1/10th of the income of big lands) and Zakat on ownership of horses,
were imposed.
A new system of distribution of money from the Bait-ul-Maal was established. He had strict
check on Bait-ul-Maal and regulated its working
He introduced agricultural reforms. In conquered territories, farmers were allowed to retain
their lands against a share in its production. He himself patrolled the streets of Madina at night
to look for people who needed help.
He introduced the Muslims Hijri calendar, old-age pension system and census of the
He paid special attention on women education and set up special learning centres for them in
He improved infrastructure of the state. He constructed mosques, canals, rest houses
(inns), water spots, wells and long pavements as roads . Umar founded some new cities
like Basrah and Kufa in Iraq and Fustat and Jizah in Egypt.
Unfortunately, he was killed by Feroze Abu Lu’Lu, a Persian slave of Hazrat Mughera Bin
Shu’aba. He was leading Fajr prayer on 25 th Zilhajj 23 A.H in Masjid-e-Nabvi when Feroze
stabbed with a poisonous dagger. He survived for few days and met his lord on 1 st Muharram
24 A.H. He was buried beside the Prophet (S.A.W)
Thus, his Golden Period was ended but on his death bed, he nominated Six of the remaining
Ten Blessed Companions to decide his Successor from among themselves.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Expansion of Islamic empire under the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (R.A)

On assuming the post of khilafat, Hazrat Umar (R.A) continued the expansion of Islamic state.
During his reign, the mighty Persian and Byzantine empires were brought under Islamic rules.
Persian recaptured Hira and its inhabitants turned against the treaty signed with the former caliph.
Therefore, Hazrat Umar (RA) dispatched Muslims army of 5000 under the command of Hazrat
Abu Ubaid Bin Ziyad Thaqfi. He was supported by Mathanna Shaibani. The Muslims under
their command defeated the Persian in the battle of Namraq in October 634 A.D.

On knowing this; the Persian high command sent an army of 40000 under Bahman. The two
armies met at Marwa on the eastern bank of river Euphrates. Muslims were forced to cross the
river. They connected boats to prepare a bridge hence the battle is known as the battle of
Bridge(Jasr). However, due to the disadvantage of crossing the river the Muslims were defeated
only 4000 survived. Muslims commander Abu Ubaid Thaqfi (R.A) was also martyred.

About 5000 Muslims responded under Mathanna Shaibani in 635 A.D. near Buwayab on the
western bank of the river Euphrates. The Persian army of 12000 was led by Mehran Hamdani.
This time the Muslims overcame the Persian and defeated them by killing their commander. With
his death the Persian army hardly managed to retreat and Southern Iraq came under Muslims

After their defeat at Buwaib, the Persian emperor sent a large army of 120,000 under Rustum
who was expert in Arabian way of fighting. Hazrat Umar was informed about this situation and he
sent Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A) with 20,000 reinforcement. He also directed him to
encamp at Al-Qadsiya. (a town on the bank of river Euphrates). On reaching Al-Qadsiya the
Muslims were about 30000.

Before the battle, a delegation of 14 elderly Muslims were sent to king Yazdgard. The three
usual terms Islam, Jizya or war were offered to the king who insulted the envoy. The envoy
returned and the battle started but Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A) directed from his sick bed.
After a fierce battle of three days, the Persian were defeated and Rustum was killed when he
was trying to cross the river. With their victory at Al-Qadsiya, the Muslim forces advanced and
captured the nearest cities including Mada’in, the capital of Persia while the king Yazdgard fled
to Nihawand where in the next battle at Nihawand in 642 A.D. he was again defeated and then
fled to Asfahaan. Later he was killed in the period of Hazrat Uthman. With his death Persia
became the part of Muslim empire.

Muslims also had to fight against the Byzantine Empire on the western borders because of their
hostilities. The Muslim army laid a siege to Damascus during the last days of Hazrat Abu Bakr
(R.A). However, Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid organized the siege and captured Damascus in 635
A.D. in the same year the Muslims forces advanced to Jordan and conquered it after a battle at

When the reports on the fall of Damascus and Jordan were given to Heraclius, he dispatched a
force of 2,60,000 against 40,000 Muslims. The Muslims were initially commanded by Hazrat
Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) but he was then replaced by Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A)


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

who offered three usual terms Islam, Jizya or war to Heraclius. He tried to bribe the Muslim
commander but upon his refusal started battle. After a fierce battle of seven days, the Muslim
army uprooted the enemy and thus, conquered the whole of Syria.

Meanwhile, Hazrat Amr Bin Al-Aas (R.A) laid a siege of Jerusalem and later Hazrat Khalid Bin
Waleed (R.A) joined him. Seeing the reinforcement, the Christian leader Patriarch Sophranius
offered to surrender on the condition that the caliph himself should come to Jerusalem. Hazrat
Umar (R.A) was informed and he reached Jerusalem using his own personal horse and with his
personal slave whom he shared his horse turn by turn. Upon reaching Jerusalem, he signed a
peace treaty with its inhabitants. Muslims army then, advanced under Hazrat Amr Bin Al-Aas
(R.A) and captured Egypt in 639 A.D. Hazrat Umar (R.A) then, stopped further advancement and
paid attention on the reforms and consolidation.

Main Battles during Hazrat Umar’s period

Battle of Jasr/ Battle of the Bridge/ Battle of Marwa (November, 634 AD)

The battle of Bridge was the first significant battle against Persian during the reign of Hazrat
After their defeat at Namaraq in October 634 A.D, the Persian High command sent an army
of 40000 under Bahman.
The two armies met at Marwa, a town at the junction of two rivers, River Tigris and River
Euphrates. Both armies camped while River Euphrates was laying between them.
The Persian commander challenged Hazrat Abu Ubaid to cross the river again or allow him
to come to the Arab side.
Acting rashly and against his advisors’ warnings, Hazrat Abu Ubaid ordered the Muslim army
to build a bridge of boats and cross the river.
On the opposite side, the Muslims found themselves in an alarming situation. They had to
face uneven ground with narrow bank of the river and a junction of both rivers at their back.
Moreover, Persian war elephants became wild after being injured and panic created among
the Muslims rows.
The Arabs and their animals had never seen elephants before so they were terrified by these
gigantic beasts. These elephants routed the Muslim cavalry. Hazrat Abu Ubaida ordered the
cavalry to dismount and fight on foot.
Although the Muslims fought bravely and brought down many elephants but they were
trampled by elephants in large number.
Hazrat Abu Ubaida himself was trampled by one of the elephants. His brother succeeded him,
but one by one, the Muslim commanders were martyred. After the martyrdom of Muslims
commander, someone cut the rope of bridge so that the Muslim army would not think to
retreat. Many soldiers jumped into the river to retreat but drowned in the River.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

It was at this moment Hazrat Mathanna commanded the Muslims and ordered to reconnect
the boat for a bridge r. He and a small detachment held back the Persians while the survivors
crossed over to the Arab side.
Out of the original Muslim force of about 9000 men, 4000 survived.
Though the Muslims responded in the next battle, Battle of Buwayb but could not compensate
the causalities of this battle.

Battle of Qadsiya;
The battle of Al-Qadsiya was the main battle fought by the Muslims against Persian in 636 A.D.
The last Sassanid king Yazdgard rose against the Muslims to recapture the territories lost in the
battle of Buwayb. He sent 120,000 men with war elephants under Rustum who was an expert
Hazrat Umar was informed about this situation and he sent Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
with 20,000 reinforcement. He also directed him to encamp at Al-Qadsiya. (a town on the bank of
river Euphrates). On reaching Al-Qadsiya the Muslims were about 30000.

The standoff lasted for three months with skirmishes only during this time there were desertions
and defections from the Persian side and about half of their army left.

Finally a delegation of 14 senior companions was sent to the emperor with three options: accept
Islam; pay jizya or wage war, he arrogantly opted the third option.
Hazrat Sa’ad fell ill and he directed the operations from the sick bed.
A fierce battle started which lasted for 3 days. On the 3rd day, seeing his army was routed, the
Persian commander, Rustum was trying to swim to safety when he was killed by the Muslims.

The Muslims chased them to Babal where they sought refuge and then after a two month
campaign Muslims captured Mada’in the Persian capital. The emperor and his family and nobles

Two thirds of the Persian army was killed while the Muslims lost a fifth of their men. This was a
decisive battle in the history of Islam, it shattered the strength of the Persian Empire and many
people of the conquered areas accepted Islam. Following this victory the whole territory between
the Euphrates and the Tigris came under the Muslims.

Battle of Yarmuk 636 A.D

When the reports of the fall of Damascus, and defeat at Fihl and Hims were given to Heraclius,
he was determined to defend Palestine for Christian rule. He issued orders to mobilize troops
from all corners of his empire and it is believed that the Roman emperor sent an army of 260,000
men against the Muslims.
Upon knowing this, Khalid ibn al-Walid began to group his forces along the River Yarmuk. He
prepared about 40,000 amry. Both armies met at Yarmuk.
But before the battle Hazrat Umar (R.A) dismissed Khalid Bin Waleed and appointed Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah Bin Jarrah to command the Muslims.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Negotiations between the two armies started. The Romans tried to convince the Muslims and
even offered a large amount of money if they left Syria and returned to Arabia. Heraclius even
offered the Muslims to set their rule in the conquered territories and stopped further advancement.
All such offers were turned down and the three usual options Islam, jizya or war were given to
them. They opted to fight and a fierce battle started.

The war strategies of the Muslim commanders paid off and the battle lasted 6 days. By the
afternoon of the 6th day only one third of the Byzantine army remained, the rest had either been
killed or had fled.
The Muslim lost 3000 men and many were grievously wounded. The battle of Yarmuk was a
great victory for the Muslims. The power of Byzantine was completely crushed and Syria fell in
the hands of the Muslims.

Conquest of Jerusalem;
After the Battle of Yarmouk, Muslim forces spread out in all directions in Jordan and captured
key areas to pave the way to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was a sacred city for the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. It was strongly
fortified and was protected on all sides by deep valleys.
The Muslims laid siege to Jerusalem in the severe winter. Hazrat Amr bin Aas, the Muslim
commander, wrote to Hazrat Abu Ubaydah for reinforcements.
When the reinforcements arrived, the citizens of the city lost heart and offered to surrender if
the Caliph himself would come and receive the keys of the city. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah wrote to
Hazrat Umar.
Hazrat Umar appointed Hazrat Ali as his deputy and himself left for Jerusalem with a slave
Aslam, whom he shared his personal camel turn by turn as the camel could not carry two
people at the same time..
When he entered the city his slave was riding the camel while the caliph was holding the rope.
Seeing this, the patriarch with the name, Sophranius said, “Verily Islam has excelled
over all other religions.”
Then, they surrendered. Hazrat Umar signed a peace treaty with the citizens of Jerusalem
that guaranteed security of life, safety of churches and other religious buildings,
protection of life, honour and property etc. The citizens were required to pay Jizya.
Those who wouldn’t do so were asked to leave the city.
Hazrat Umar wanted to offer thanksgiving prayer, he was led to a church but he declined to
pray in the church because he feared that he would set an example for Muslims to convert
churches to mosques. He was then led to the house of Prophet Dawood where he offered
Hazrat Umar requested Hazrat Bilal to recite Azan in Masjid-e-Al-Aqsa. He obeyed the caliph
but he could not complete azan and fell fainted while reciting Prophet’s name.
Staying in Jerusalem for a few days, he reorganized the administration and built the Mosque
of Hazrat Umar.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan (R.A) 644A.D-656A.D


On his death bed, Hazrat Umar (R.A) nominated six companions including Hazrat Ali (R.A), Hazrat
Uthman (R.A), Hazrat Talha (R.A), Hazrat Zubair (R.A), Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (R.A) and
Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A) to hold consultation among themselves for the election of the
next caliph. He also appointed Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar as the witness and ordered them to
decide his successor within three days, failing to which these nominations with be cancelled and
the Muslim community would be allowed to elect anyone else through Majlis-e-Shura. Hazrat
Talha was not present in Madinah while Hazrat Abdur Rehman (R.A) was not willing to shoulder
this responsibility. Therefore, he was asked to choose the caliph out of the remaining four
nominees. He consulted each one of them individually in the presence of Hazrat Abdullah Bin

Hazrat Uthman (R.A) named Hazrat Ali (R.A)

Hazrat Ali (R.A) named Hazrat Uthman (R.A)

Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A) named Hazrat Uthman (R.A).

Hazrat Zubair (R.A) named Hazrat Uthman (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A)

He then, said to Hazrat Ali, “I ask you by Allah to promise that if I select you as the ruler you
will do justice, and if I select Uthman as a ruler, you will listen to him and obey him.” Hazrat
Ali agreed. Hazrat Abdur Reman then, said the same to Hazrat Uthman, he too agreed. Hazrat
Abdur Rehman also consulted some other companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and finally
declared Hazrat Uthman (R.A) as the 3 rd Caliph. Hazrat Abdur Rehman (R.A) was the first one
to take Bayyat and he was followed by Hazrat Ali (R.A). Thus Hazrat Uthman (R.A) became
Khalifa on 4th Muharram in 644 A.D.

Main Achievements and Services;

Expansion of Islamic Empire:

On assuming the post of Khilafat, Hazrat Uthman (R.A) continued the policies of Hazrat Umar
(R.A) and expanded Islamic empire. He started working with the same administration that was
appointed by Hazrat Umar and did not chage any official. However, there were revolts in some of
the newly conquered areas. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) organized the military campaigns and tackled
the situation skillfully. He removed these uprisings and conquered some of the new areas
including North African countries. Barqa, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus were
conquered in the west while Seestan, Kharasan, Fars, Sarkhs and Khawarzim were conquered
in the east.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Compilation of Quran during his reign:

Due to the expansion of Islamic empire, the Quran began to be recited in different dialects in
newly conquered areas like Kufa Basra Armenia. Therefore, in 651 A.D. he ordered to make
copies of the Holy Quran from Mashaf ul Hafsa in the dialect of Quraish. He, then, sent these
copies to all the provincial governors with teachers to teach the people how to recite the Holy
Quran in its exact accent. He also issued an order to burn the unofficial volumes of the Holy Quran
so that the differences of the Quranic revelation could be removed. For this service, he was known
as Jami-ul-Quran.

He made the first naval force of Islamic state in Syria. It comprised on a fleet of 500 boats to meet
any attack from seaside.

He expanded Masjid-e-Nabvi in Madina as its space was insufficient for the pilgrims and

He relaxed strict laws imposed by Hazrat Umar and empowered governors but under strict check.
Like soldiers and officials were allowed to buy land in conquered territories.

The cantonments were extended and more barracks were constructed for the soldiers.

He appointed new financial administrators to look after tax revenue.

He set up provincial Bait-ul-Maal. Each under the headship of the governor.

With the growing population in Makkah and Madina, he instituted the office of salaried inspectors
of the markets.

Purpose built markets were constructed in main cities and the rent was used to feed the poor.

He improved infrastructure of the state, constructed many mosques, restrooms, water spots, and

Many canals were dug in Iraq, Egypt and Persia to improve irrigation system for agricultural

He purchased land and made pastures for the state animals.

He increased salaries of officials by 25%.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Military Campaigns and Expansion of Islamic State during the caliphate of Hazrat

Soon after the assassination of Hazrat Umar, there were revolts in some of the newly conquered
areas on the frontier as they thought that it’s a good opportunity to recover their lost
independence. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) organized the military campaigns and tackled the situation
skillfully. He removed these uprisings and conquered some of the new areas as well.

On eastern side, there were countless local rebellions in Persia. So Muslim armies in Kufa and
Basra supressed such rebellions between 644-649 A.D. Armenia, Azerbaijan and Caucasus
repossessed their dominions. They fought off the determined counter attacks of the Muslim forces
destroying at least two of their armies. After a great struggle of five years Muslims re-established
their authority in Persian Empire. By 650 A.D, the Muslims armies occupied Hirat, Merv, Balkh
and Kabul. During 652 A.D, Yazdegard, the last Persian emperor was murdered and the Muslims
rule was fully established in whole Persia.

On Northern side, Byzantine Empire started to fight against Muslims. In the first year of Hazrat
Uthman’s caliphate, Egypt also flared up in revolt. They were supported by the Byzantine
Empire which dispatched a fleet of 300 ships into Alexandria’s harbour. The Greek speaking
inhabitants of the city supported them and killed about 1000 soldiers of Muslim garrison at night.
Seeing this, Hazrat Uthman terminated Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas and replaced him with his
cousin Hazrat Abdullah bin Saad who could not control the situation. So Hazrat Uthman
reinstated Hazrat Amr Bin Al-Aas who supressed the rebellion and once again was able to enter
Alexandria as a conqueror in 646 A.D. But after the victory, Hazrat Abdullah Bin Saad was once
again appointed as the governor by the caliph. He hardly established his moral authority over the
Muslim army.

In 647 A.D, Hazrat Uthman ordered to start military campaigns in North Africa. The Muslims
army under the command of Abdullah Bin Saad managed to defeat the Byzantine governor of
Tunisia and conquered it. Later the Muslims also conquered Algeria, Barqa, Morocco, Libya
and other North African countries. With these victories, Abdullah gain some glory and his
reputation amongst the soldiers improved. The African campaigns raised the need for an Arab
navy. With the approval by the caliph, Hazrat Muawiya prepared a large fleet of 500 ships in
the dockyards of Egypt and Syria. This navy became operational in 649 A.D and the first joint
naval attack by the governor of Syria and Egypt proved to be a success and resulted in the
conquest of Cyprus and Crete in 649 A.D. Thus, the Arab navy not only able to conquered new
lands but also made the defence of Islamic state strong from sea side.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Charges against him:

Hazrat Uthman (R.A) was a lenient person who had relaxed some of the strict laws imposed by
Hazrat Umar (R.A) e.g. He allowed the soldiers to buy land in the conquered territories and
distributed the wealth among the provincial governors for the welfare tasks. The first six years of
his rule were spent peacefully but during the last few years of his khilafat, there were revolts and
conspiracies. These conspirators were mainly the new converts and the Jews who had embraced
Islam apparently. They were waiting for an opportunity to disunite the Muslims to overcome them.
Their leader Abdullah bin Saba was a Jew of Yemen who outwardly embraced Islam and
propagated against Islam by raising supporters in Kufa, Basra, Egypt and Damascus where the
people were new to Islam. They raised three allegations against the caliph.

➢ Hazrat Uthman (R.A) did not participate in the Battle of Badr.

➢ He fled from the battlefield of Uhad.
➢ He ordered to destroy the volumes of the Holy Quran.
These charges proved insignificant and Hazrat Uthman (R.A) expelled these conspirators from
Kufa and Basra. They went to Egypt and continued their activities there.

Changing of Provincial Governors:

To remove these conspirators Hazrat Uthman (R.A) also dismissed the governor of Kufa, Hazrat
Saad bin Abi Waqas because he was unable to control the situation. Therefore, he appointed his
half-brother, Walid bin Uqba. He also changed the governor of Basra Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari at
the demand of the people of Basra and appointed Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir. These governors
were highly efficient and capable.

Rebellion in Madina:

In the later years, the conspirators became stronger and there was an uprising in Iraq, Kufa and
Egypt. During the annual pilgrimage 655 A.D, the delegates from armies of Kufa, Basra and Fustat
held a separate meeting and planned to march upon Madina some three months before the next
Hajj and to force him to change his unpopular relatives from key posts or step down from the post
of caliph. They fulfilled their plans and finally in 35 A.H / 656 A.D, troops from all these provinces
advanced on Madinah to take their complaints directly to the caliph and encamped outside
Madinah. The arrival of armed forces in the city of Prophet shocked the inhabitants. They sent
their deputations to Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubayr. Initially, these companions
refused to negotiate them as they had entered Madina with their arms. When the deadlock
intensified, these conspirators raised many allegations against the caliph.

➢ Hazrat Uthman (R.A) appointed his inefficient relatives as officials in high posts.
➢ He empowered governors and had no check on them.
➢ He was blamed for being too lenient to the officials without check on them.
➢ He was accused of favouring his own relatives while distributing booty as his cousin
Marwan bin Hakam was given 1/5th of the war booty.
➢ He was accused to make financial corruption in Bait-ul-Maal as his uncle Hakam Bin Aas
was given 100,000 Dirhams from Bait-ul-Maal.
➢ He was alleged to make unreasonable expenditure from state treasury.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

➢ He lost the Prophet’s ring. The ring fell in the Arees well in Madina when he was directing
a team of workers who were deepening the well.
➢ He burnt the fake copies and unofficially prepared volumes of the Holy Quran.
➢ He used state pastures for his animals and thus, proved dishonest to the public.

Hazrat Uthman (R.A) gave a convincing reply to each of the charges in the presence of Holy
Prophet’s companions and they were satisfied. Hazrat Ali (R.A) tried to argue them and was
succeeded. They were ready to go back if Hazrat Uthman (R.A) would change the governor of
Egypt and appoint Hazrat Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr (R.A) at his place. Hazrat Ali (R.A) advised
Hazrat Uthman (R.A) to accept their demand. Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) also suggested to dismiss
Abdullah Bin Saad and reinstate Hazrat Amr Bin Al-Aas. However, the rebels insisted Hazrat
Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr (R.A) to be appointed. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) reluctantly agreed and
issued the appointment letter of Hazrat Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr (R.A).

The rebels went back but returned Madinah after four days with a fake proof against Hazrat
Uthman (R.A). It was a letter to the governor of Egypt with caliph’s order to arrest the ringleaders
and kill them on their arrival to Egypt. The letter was found with an African slave who was travelling
to Egypt. The rebels from Egypt pursued the slave and found the letter with the caliph’s new seal
on it.

Hazrat Uthman (R.A) swore that he had not written such letter. Hazrat Ali (R.A) once again tried
to arbitrate but the rebels forced the caliph to step down and abdicate in favour of Hazrat Ali (R.A).
Hazrat Uthman (R.A) turned down their demand as he realised that this was time when Prophet’s
prediction about his martyrdom will come true. The rebels besieged him in his house for about 50
days. He refused to call the army to fight his fellow Muslims and shed their blood in this holy land.
Hazrat Ali sent his son Hassan while Hazrat Talha sent his son Muhammad Bin Talha to guard
Hazrat Uthman. Many other companions were defending Hazrat Uthman’s house in Madina.

When the rebels received a news that an elite force was advancing Madina which was sent by
the governor of Syria, they first attacked Hazrat Uthman’s house which was bravely defended by
Hazrat Hassan and Hazrat Muhammad Bin Talha who were wounded too. However, Hazrat
Uthman instructed all the defenders to stop resisting the rebels as he alone was their target. After
which some of the rebels jumped in his house and killed him while he was reciting verse 137-138
of Surah Al-Baqarah from the Holy Quran on Friday 18th Zilhajj 35. A.H / 656 A.D. His blood
fell on the vesres of Al-Qur’an which reads, “…Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He
is the All-Hearing, the All Knowing”. His wife Hazrat Naila tried to rescue her husband but was
pushed away and her fingers were cut off. Hazrat uthman (R.A) was buried in Jannat-ut- Baqi.
The Prophet (S.A.W) predicted his martyrdom as Abdullah bin Umar reported, “Allah’s
messenger mentioned a civil commotion and said of Hazrat Utham (R.A), ‘This one will be
wrongfully killed in it,’”

His caliphate lasted for 12 years. His martyrdom created problems for the next caliph.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Main Events of the Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (R.A) 656A.D-661A.D

Election as Caliph:

After the brutal murder of Hazrat Uthman (R.A) in 656 A.D, there was no caliph in the Islamic
empire. However, Hazrat Ali was recognized as the caliph by the Muslim community but he denied
to get the office which created a confusion. The rebels wanted that the new caliph should be
chosen before they left for their homelands. So the Egyptians favoured Hazrat Ali (R.A), the
Kufans favoured Hazrat Zubair (R.A) while the people of Basra favoured Hazrat Talha (R.A)
but none from them accepted the offer. The rebels, thereupon, gave an ultimatum that unless the
caliph was chosen within next day; there could be a civil war and bloodshed in the holy city,
Madina. In order to resolve this issue, all the Muslims assembled in Masjid-e-Nabvi and convinced
Hazrat Ali (R.A) to accept Khilafat. Therefore, on the request of the people of Madinah, Hazrat Ali
(R.A) agreed and became the 4 th caliph in Zilhajj 35 A.H, 656 A.D.

His policies and Early Opposition:

On assuming the post of Khilafat, Hazrat Ali (R.A) wanted to punish the assassinators of Hazrat
Uthman (R.A) on priority base but he had no evidence. Therefore, Hazrat Ali (R.A) quickly took
some steps to maintain peace in the Islamic empire first. He changed the provincial governors of
Kufa, Basra, Syria and Egypt even against the suggestion of his advisers.

The governor of Kufa Walid Bin Uqba (R.A) was changed with Ammara Bin Shahab (R.A).

The governor of Basra Abdullah Bin Amir (R.A) was replaced with Usman Bin Hanif (R.A).

The governor of Egypt Abdullah Bin Saad (R.A) was replaced with Sa’ad Bin Ubaidah (R.A).

The governor of Syria Muawiya (R.A) was replaced with Suhail Bin Hanif (R.A).

Hazrat Muawiya refused to accept caliph’s order rather, he challenged his authority so Hazrat Ali
had to face resistance. This led to the formation of different political groups amongst the Muslims.
Hazrat Ali also distributed the wealth of state treasury among the public but his lack of action
against Hazrat Uthman’s assassinators provoked strong reactions against his policies and many
Muhajirin started shifting to Makkah as they never wanted to become the part of any dispute that
could result in bloodshed in Madina. Thus, an atmosphere of unrest prevailed among the Muslims
in the entire state. The rebels and the hypocrites exploited this situation and provoked people
against Hazrat Ali. Upon realizing the situation was worsening day by day, many great
companions started shifting to Makkah and thus, the delay to punish the killers of Hazrat Uthman
later resulted in chaos and Civil wars amongst the Muslims.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Battle of Jamal (Camel):

The Battle of camel was the first civil fight between the supporters of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Ayesha
at Basra in October 656 A.D

After being dissatisfied by the policies of Hazrat Ali, some of the great companions of the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) also turned against Hazrat Ali (R.A) and thought that Hazrat Ali (R.A) was siding
the rebels as they were amongst his supporters. Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair were among
those who turned against his policies and raised supporters to pressurize Hazrat Ali for the
immediate punishment of Hazrat Uthman’s assassinators. They persuaded Hazrat Ayesha (R.A)
to accompany them. She was returning from Makkah after performing Hajj. With a few hundred
supporters, they went to Iraq where they managed to gather about 15000 supporters at Basra.
Upon knowing this situation, Hazrat Ali sent his son Hazrat Hassan to Kufa. When he arrived in
Kufa, about 7000 inhabitants joined him.

Meanwhile, Hazrat Ali (R.A) was ready to march to Syria and cope the situation in Syria where
Muawiya had demanded the revenge of Hazrat Uthman’s murder. When Hazrat Ali (R.A) came
to know about the drastic situation at Basra, he marched towards Basra where he had about
10000 supporters. Negotiations began to control the situation. Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair
met Hazrat Ali and agreed to avoid bloodshed.

Hazrat Ali also met Hazrat Ayehsa (R.A), conveyed his point of view and was able to assure
Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) that he really wanted to punish the killers of Hazrat Uthman (R.A) but the
delay was due to the none availability of evidence. She was convinced and both sides agreed to
sign a peace treaty. Thus, the fear of a fierce battle was suspended. But the rebels attacked both
the sides during the night. They burnt their tents and a civil fight started in which about 10,000
Muslims were martyred from both the sides including Hazrat Talha (R.A) and Hazrat Zubair (R.A).
Hazrat Ali (R.A) ordered to stop the battle when he saw the camel of Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) was
wounded and the people raised a circle around her and they might kill her. After the battle Hazrat
Ali (R.A) sent her to Madina with her brother Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr (R.A). She never
participated in the political affairs of the state. This battle was named the Battle of camel. After
this battle Kufa Hazrat Ali shifted to Kufa and it became the capital of Islamic empire.

Battle of Siffin:

The Battle of Siffin was the deadliest civil war fought between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Muawiya.
When Hazrat Muawiya (R.A) came to know about the Battle of Camel, he got support of about
60,000 people from Syria by showing them the blood stained shirt of Hazrat Uthman and the
finger of his wife Hazrat Nyla in the mosque of Damascus. On knowing this Hazrat Ali (R.A)
marched towards Syria with about 90,000 supporters cum militants. Both met at Siffin, the
frontier of Syria in May 657 A.D. Hazrat Ali (R.A) didn’t want that the Muslims should fight each
other. Therefore, negotiations began through correspondence and lasted for about three months
from Dul-Qa’adah to Safar. Hazrat Muawiya (R.A) agreed to accept Hazrat Ali’s authority as the


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

caliph but he demanded the prompt punishment of Hazrat Uthman’s (R.A) assassinators that was
difficult for Hazrat Ali (R.A) due to the non-availability of evidence. Hence, the negotiation failed.

Hazrat Ali asked Mu’awiyah to resolve their differences by single combat, but this dangerous offer
was turned down by Mu’awiyah and the fierce fight broke out in July 657A.D, 37 A.H. After a
fierce battle of three days, Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) army began to gain ground. Therefore, Muawiya
(R.A) ordered the soldiers of front troops to tie the Quranic verses on their lances. They cried out,
“Let the word of Allah decide between us and you. Who will defend the border towns of
Syria if we are slain and who will protect the people of Iraq after you are gone? Let the
book of Allah judge between you and us.” Seeing this Hazrat Ali (R.A) ordered to cease the
war. The battle came to an end in favour of Hazrta Ali (R.A) but it was indecisive.


After the battle arbitration was set to decide the matter. Abu Musa Ash’ari (R.A) was appointed
from Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) side while Amr Bin Al Aas (R.A) was selected from Muawiya’s side. They
had to give their decision till January 658.A.D.

Kharjities and The Battle of Nahrawan:

Hazrat Ali (R.A) left for Kufa after setting arbitration when on the way to Kufa, a group of about
12,000 people violently disagreed with the decision to accept arbitration and forced him to attack
again. They thought that the Quran clearly describes the way to treat the rebels in sura 49:9 but
Hazrat Ali (R.A) refused to do so as he could not go against his words and he did not want more
bloodshed of the Muslims. He reminded them what the Prophet said at Ghadir-e-Khum about him,
“For whom I am Patron, Ali is also a patron.” But these people deserted him and came to be
known as Khawarij or Kharjities means the separatists. This was the first sect of Islam. They
believed that they are the true believers and they had the right to kill unbelievers. They said, “No
judgement but Allah’s.” They considered Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar as the lawful
caliphs. Initially, Kharjities were not violent but after the decision of arbitration, they declared the
caliph to be responsible for the bloodshed of the Muslims in civil wars.

Upon knowing the decision of arbitration, they were deeply upset because it was not a unanimous
decision as both arbitrators could not agree on same verdict. Hence, these Kharjities started
sending raiding parties into different sides and thus, they started fighting anyone who disagree
with their position. So Hazrat Ali decided to supress their violence. He called his army in May 658
A.D fought against them at Nahrawan. Hazrat Ali‘s army being ten times in number was able to
crush and kill almost all the four thosands Kharjities except few dozen of them who managed to
flee from the battlefield. Among those who died in the battle of Nahrawan, many were the
participants of the Battle of Camel and the Battle of Siffin. When later, Hazrat Ali called his army
to attack Syria again, the army did not respond to his call. Hence, Hazrat Ali agreed to sign a
peace treaty with Hazrat Muawiya.


The Period of Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Decision of Arbitration:

The decision of the arbitration was announced publicly at Dumat-ul- Jandal in February 658A.D,
it was not agree upon decision as Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari decided to denounce both Hazrat Ali
and Hazrat Muawiya from their respective posts while Hazrat Amr Bin Al-A’s declared to retain
Hazrat Muawiya on his post. Thus, the decision was not mutually agreed. Hence, it was not
accepted by Hazrat Ali (R.A) as it seemed single sided.

Fall of Egypt and the Peace Treaty:

Therefore, they started preparation for another civil war but troops of Hazrat Ali’s army disobeyed
and deserted him. Hazrat Muawiya (R.A) took advantage of this situation and with the help of
Hazrat Amr Bin Al Aas (R.A) gain control of Egypt. Seeing the situation becoming more dreadful,
Hazrat Ali (R.A) signed a peace treaty with Hazrat Muawiya (R.A) in January 660 A.D. and
allowed him to establish his rule over Syria and Egypt while the rest of the State under his own


The peace agreement made the remaining Khrjities angrier and they planned to murder Hazrat
Ali, Hazrat Amr Bin Al-A’s and Hazrat Muawiya. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was attacked in 661 A.D. on 18 th
Ramazan by Abdur Rehman Ibne Muljim, a Kharji who wanted revenge for the killing at
Nahrawan. He passed away on 21st Ramazan 40 A.H. without nominating any one as his
successor. He is buried in Najf.


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