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Workbook – Page 22

Exercise B: Complete the conversations.

1. A: Would it be Ok IF I called back this evening?


2. A: Do you MIND IF I sit here?

B: No, not AT ALL

3. Would you MIND IF I turned a fan on?


4. A: MAY / COULD / CAN I IF I take this seat?

B: SORRY, but that’s my friend’s seat.

Exercise C: Read each situation. Use the verb in parentheses to ask permission.

1. You are on an airplane. You want to have the vegetarian meal. Ask the flight attendant
for one. (Have)
A: Please, May I have the vegetarian meal?

2. You are waiting for an important call, but phones aren’t allowed in class. Ask
permission. (Check)
Would it be Ok IF I Checked after class?

3. You are in a meeting listening to a presentation. You have a question. Ask the
presenter. (Ask)
Could I ask for a question?

4. You are at a café. You want to if they have any caffeine-free drinks. (tell, have)
CAN You tell me if you have caffeine-free drinks?

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