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Written in English

University of Tolima IDEAD.

Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
Group 2

Santiago Meneses Orejuela

Mateo Marroquín Riobo
Nicol Gamba

Delivery of Collaborative work:

The CIPAS must give the tutor a writing in English in which the grammatical tenses seen in class

are used and the daily activities of a person who is involved in the business world are referenced.

The daily activities of a person in the business world can vary greatly depending on their

position, the industry in which they work and the size of the company. However, we can identify

some common activities that most people in the business world do on a daily basis:

1. Check emails and messages: The first thing that many professionals do when they arrive at the

office is to check their email and messages to be up to date with the latest news, tasks and

communications from their colleagues, clients and superiors.

2. Meetings: Meetings are an important part of business life, since they allow teams to discuss

projects, make decisions and solve problems. People in the business world can have several

meetings a day, both internal and with clients or partners.

3. Manage projects: Most professionals have to manage one or more projects at a time. This

involves tasks such as planning work, delegating responsibilities, monitoring progress and

solving problems.

4. Serving customers: Professionals who work directly with customers can devote an important

part of their day to meeting their needs. This can include answering questions, solving problems,

providing technical support or making sales.

5. Develop new ideas: In the business world, it is important to be creative and innovative.

Professionals can spend time thinking about new ideas for products, services or marketing



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