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Title: The Embrace of Empathy

In the heart of a bustling city, there lived a man named Jack. Jack was a successful businessman, admired by
many for his sharp wit and unwavering determination. However, behind his confident facade lay a deep sense of
loneliness. One chilly evening, as Jack hurried home from work, he noticed a frail figure huddled in a corner of the street.
It was an elderly woman, her clothes tattered, and her eyes filled with despair. Jack paused, his heart heavy with empathy.
Approaching the woman, he offered her his coat and a warm cup of tea. The woman's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she
accepted his kindness. They sat together on the sidewalk, sharing stories of their lives. Through their conversation, Jack
learned that the woman's name was Mary, and she had fallen on hard times after losing her job and her home. Her
loneliness mirrored his own, and Jack couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for her plight. As the night grew darker,
Jack escorted Mary to a nearby shelter, ensuring she had a safe place to spend the night. He bid her farewell with a
heartfelt smile, promising to check in on her soon.

In the days that followed, Jack found himself haunted by Mary's story. Despite his busy schedule, he made time to
volunteer at the shelter, offering support to those in need. With each act of kindness, Jack's heart grew lighter, and his
sense of fulfillment deepened. One afternoon, as Jack sat with a group of shelter residents, sharing a meal and laughter, he
realized something profound. In reaching out to others, he had found a sense of purpose that had long eluded him. By
opening his heart to empathy, he had discovered the true meaning of connection. From that day forward, Jack made it his
mission to spread love and compassion wherever he went. He became an advocate for the homeless, using his influence to
raise awareness and support for their cause. The tale of Jack and Mary teaches us that empathy is a powerful force that has
the ability to bridge the gap between strangers. By opening our hearts to the feelings of others, we can cultivate a sense of
compassion that enriches not only our own lives but the lives of those around us.


1. Have you ever helped someone who needed it? How did it make you feel?

2. Jack was a successful businessman, but he felt lonely. Why do you think he felt this way?

3. When Jack met Mary, he decided to help her. What did he do to help her?

4. How do you think Jack felt after helping Mary?

5. Do you know what empathy means? Can you think of a time when you showed empathy to someone?

6. Why do you think it's important to understand how others feel?

7. After Jack helped Mary, he decided to keep helping others. Why do you think he made this choice?

8. How can we show empathy to our friends and family?

9. How do you think Mary felt after Jack helped her?

10. If you saw someone who needed help like Mary did, what could you do to help them?


OBJECTIVE: The learner activates prior knowledge to spark their interest and motivate them to read.
MATERIALS: Dictionary, Reflection notebook

Have the students search the meaning of the following words on a dictionary.
1. Frail
2. Plight
3. Haunted
4. Advocated
5. Compassion
6. Resilience
7. Reflect
8. Remedy
9. Fulfillment
10. Embrace

Have the students make their own sentence using the words above.

Have the students read the story “the embrace of empathy”

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