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Someone I admire, LeBron James

Pol Pèrez

The person I admire the most is the basketball legend LeBron James. He has been one of
the greatest NBA players of all time.

He is mostly known because of his physique, he measures 2.06m and weights 113kg, even
though he’s also very appreciated for his impact in basketball history. In addition, he’s also
recognized for his way of being off the field. LeBron is a very friendly and confident person.

He’s been playing in the NBA for 20 years, he was selected in the number one pick in the
draft of 2003. Nowadays, he is 38 years old and he’s still playing basketball in the NBA. He
plays in “Los Ángeles Lakers”, where he has achieved one championship on 2020, also, he
could make it two times on “ Miami Heat” and one time on “Cleveland Cavaliers”.

Recently, LeBron has becomed as the top scorer of all times. For all these reasons, I admire
him very much as a person and as a professional player. (166)

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